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Activity Report and Conclusions

How many messages did you send?

In the first part of the activity I only sent 3 messages, but in the second one I sent 5 messages.
From how many did you receive an answer?
In the first part, I received 2 answer and in the second part, I received 4 messages
Minimum elapse time to receive an answer?
The fastest answer I received was in 47 seconds
Maximum elapse for receive and answer?
4 minutes and 38 seconds
What part of the activity was difficult to understand?
For me, the hardest concept to understand was how a server works when has too much information
What part of the activity was easy to understand but difficult to implement?
Be the router was difficult, we had to think about if the message is for my customers or not
What rol do you think is more difficult?
The server
What concepts did you learn with this activity?
How the server and the router works

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