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Part 2

● Do you agree with the results of your MAI? Why or why not?

I strongly agree with the results of my MAI for I feel that the results
represent me. I am a student who knows my strong and weak points when it
comes to learning and I see that the results definitely align to them. The results
made it become more clear to me which areas or what knowledge or strategies I
need to improve.

● Make a list of your "Top 5 Tips/Secrets for Studying" based on your

personal experiences/preferences.

1. I actively recall what I have learned.

2. I modify my approach to a task when I find it difficult to
3. I seek other people’s help to question me about what I have
4. I write down important topics, notes, and their relation to each
5. I like to study at my own convenience and pace.

● Does your MAI result consistent with your personal Top 5 Tips/Secrets for
Studying? Give an example based on experience.

My MAI result is consistent with my personal tips or secrets for studying.

For example, my result in the planning part is poor and it is mainly because of my
fifth tip which is studying at my own convenience and pace. Planning is a concept
that doesn’t really work for me when studying because I don’t usually follow
through with my plans on when or how to study. I do not like to force myself to
study when I’m unmotivated or if there are inconveniences because in the end
I’m still unproductive and I just get more tired. I like to study when it is convenient
for me and I do it at my own pace for with that I can focus and comprehend a lot
more and also become more productive.

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