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Part 1: Debit Card Challenge


1. Investments and businesses.

2. I will allot an ample amount of money for our education.

3. Support charities for animals, children, elderlies, and the environment.

4. Houses;

5. Clothes;

6. Cars;

7. Plane tickets to travel to places I want to visit;

8. Tickets to my idols’ shows and concerts;

9. Merchandises of my favorite artists;

10. Production of projects such as series, songs and movies starring my

favorite artists.

1. How do you feel as you do the debit card challenge?

I felt excited, and at the same time, overwhelmed because I realized that there
are so many things that I want to have and do if I am financially free. I realized
that the things that I put in the list are what I want to achieve in the future or the
things that I aim for.

2. Which among the items in your list you like the most? Why?

The items that I like the most in the list are the first three and the last item. I like
the first two items because I believe that having that would take a lot of weight on
the burdens my family carries. For the third item, what makes me happy or
fulfilled the most is being able to help the children, elderlies, animals, and
environment for they are close to my heart. Lastly, I chose the tenth item
because aside from making me most happy, it’s something that I’ve always
wanted to do.
3. If ever you were given the chance in real life to have one among the list,
which one would you choose? Why?

If ever I were given the chance to have one in real life, it would be the first item
which is money for investments and businesses. I believe that having and
succeeding in these would lead to financial stability, and that is something that
we are in dire need of. Also, being financially stable and free would also lead to
having most of the items in the list.

4. Does your choice differ from what you answer in question number 2? Why
or why not?

No, it does not differ from my answer in number two. I believe this is because my
needs and wants in life are aligned. I like to think that this is also my priority in life
because that would help me and my family so much.

5. Let your classmate read your list and ask him/her to give you a quick
impression of yourself based on the list you showed him/her.

Based on the list I sent her, my classmate gave me this impression: You're the
type of person who loves to save money and spends it with worthy things.

6. Does the quick impression of your classmate have some truth about who
you are? Explain further.

I believe the quick impression my classmate gave me has some truth about who I
am. I am truly the type of person who spends money on things that are useful to
either me or my family. I also like to spend it on things that last for a long time
and I prioritize our needs more than my wants.

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