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Subject: Crim Prof 312 Character Formation with Leadership, Decision

Making, Management and Administration

1. Title of the Module
Chapter II. Organizational Leadership
2. Introduction
3. Learning Outcome

The students are expected to:

 Fully understand and discuss the concept of leadership.
 Correctly identify the factors of leadership.
 Explain exactly the theories of leadership
 Enumerate and demonstrate the leadership principles
 Outline accurately the process of great leadership
 Enumerate the six points of leadership power
 Report comprehensively the leadership traits, styles and their pros and cons
 Understands and lecture the ethics of leadership
 Discuss correctly on how to become an ethical leader
 Enumerate the three major elements of ethical leadership
 Describe perfectly the impacts of ethical leadership
 Illustrate and explain correctly the 4-v model of ethical leadership
 Lecture on the values formation in leadership and the reasons why the values
matter to leaders.

4. Learning Content
Leadership is the practice of driving people to achieve goals. This play an
important role in success and efficiency of subordinates. Leaders do this by
providing many means of shaping the actions of subordinates. It’s a process
whereby an individual influences others and guides the organization in a
manner that makes it more cohesive and coherent.
While leadership is learned, a leader’s skills and knowledge can be
influenced by his or her attributes or traits, such as beliefs, values, ethics, and
character. Knowledge and skills contribute directly to the process of leadership,
while the other attributes give the leader certain characteristics that make him
or her unique. A leader might have learned the skills in counseling others, but
her traits will often play a great role in determining how he counsels.
(U.S. ARMY, 1983)
1. Leader
An individual appointed as a leader must understand himself honestly,
what he knows and what he can do. Take note that it is the followers that
decide whether the leader is successful, not the leader or anyone else. If they
don’t trust their leader, or lack confidence, they’ll be uninspired. To be
successful you have to persuade your followers that you are worthy of being
followed, not yourself or your superiors.
Different people expect different leadership styles. A newly-employed
deserves more supervision than an accomplished subordinate does. An
individual without motivation needs a different approach than one with a high
motivation level. You have to know your people, as a leader. The basic starting
point is to have a clear understanding of human nature such as needs,
feelings, and motivation. You have to come to learn the be, know, and do
qualities of your people.
3. Communication
Being a leader, you lead by bidirectional communication. A great deal of
that is nonverbal. For example, when you “set an example”, that shows your
people you wouldn’t want to do. What and how you interact either strengthens
or destroys your relationship with your followers.
4. Situation
Every situation is different. Everything you do in one situation isn’t
automatically going to work in another. You have to use your discretion to
determine the best course of action and the style of leadership needed for each
situation. You may need to face a subordinate for inappropriate behavior, for
example, but if the confrontation is too late or too early, too harsh or too mild,
then the outcomes may provide ineffective.

1. Trait Theory
Some personality traits may lead people naturally into leadership
2. Great Events Theory
A crisis or important event can cause a person to rise to the
occasion, putting forth extra ordinary qualities of leadership in an
ordinary person.
3. Transnational or Process Leadership Theory
Today, it is the widely accepted theory. People can opt for
leadership. People can learn the ability to take leadership.


A leader sets the company or organization a specific vision, motivates
employees, guides workers through the cycle of work, and creates morale. They’re
made good leaders, not born. You will become a successful leader if you have the will
and the willpower. Good leaders grow through a cycle of self-study, education,
training, and experience that never ends. (Jago, 1982)
There are many things you have to be learn and do to inspire your workers or
subordinates into higher levels of teamwork. These also do not come easily but are
gained through research and study. Good leaders work and study constantly to
develop their leadership skills; they do not rely on their past achievements.
Although your role as a manager or supervisor gives you the authority to
accomplish certain tasks and objectives within the organization (Assigned Leadership)
this power does not make you a leader, it is simply makes you a boss. Leadership
differs in that it makes the followers want to achieve high goals (Emerging Leadership),
rather than simply ordering people around (Rowe, 2007). Thus, by your position, you
get Assigned Leadership and you display Emergent Leadership by influencing people
to do great things.
People want feedback from those leaders they respect and who have a good
sense of direction. They must be ethical in order to gain respect. This provides a sense
of direction by conveying a clear vision of the future. When people decide to value you
as a leader, they don’t think of your qualities, but rather watch what you’re doing so
they can assess who you really are. They use this insight to say if you are an upright
and trustworthy leader or a self-serving individual who exploits power to look good
and get promoted.
(Lamb, McKee, 2004)

1. Trust and Confidence

2. Effective Communication


1. Know Yourself and Seek Self-Improvement

2. Be Technically and Tactically Proficient
3. Seek Responsibility and Take Responsibility for your Actions
4. Make Sound and Timely Decisions
5. Set the Example
6. Know Your People and Look Out for their Welfare
7. Keep Your Subordinate Informed
8. Develop a Sense of Responsibility in Your Subordinates
9. Ensure that Tasks are Understood, Supervised, and Accomplished
10. Train as a Team
11. Employ your Command in Accordance with its Capabilities


Supervision maintains an understanding of the situation, and ensures proper
implementation of plans and policies (U.S. Army Handbook, 1973). This involves giving
guidance and reviewing the performance of a job.
There is small supervisory unit. There is over-supervision (micro-management)
on one side of the band; and under supervision on the other side.
Over-supervision stifles initiative creates initiative creates resentment and
decreases morale and motivation. Under-supervision leads to miscommunication lack
of coordination and the subordinate’s impression that the leader is not concerned
with. Nonetheless, all workers will benefit from proper monitoring by seniors with
more knowledge and experience, who usually appear to more critically view the
Evaluating is part of supervising. It is defined as evaluating the value, quality or
significance of people, ideas, or things. This involves looking at the ways people
accomplish a task. This means receiving feedback and understanding the feedback
and understanding the feedback on how well everything is being done. People require
feedback to be able to judge their performance. Without it, they may continue to
perform tasks poorly, or stop taking steps that make their job perfect.
Use the checklist to list the activities to be completed. When it comes to
recalling the list of items, almost every one of us has bad memory. List tasks by
“A” – priorities must be done today
“B” – priorities must be done by tomorrow and
“C” – priorities need to be followed up within a week
Through following on them double check the important things. Strange things
can happen if you don’t know them. Paperwork gets lost, plans get changed, and
people forget. If you have checks and double checks system, you will find errors, have
time to correct them, and mitigate any damage.
It might seem like a waste of your time and energy following through, but in the
long run this pays off. You’ll be spending less time and efforts correcting long-standing
efforts and omissions.

1. Be Passionate
2. Involve subordinates in the decision making process
3. Know what your organization is about


Training – is a structured lesson designed to give people the knowledge and skills to
perform a task.
Coaching – is a process designed to help the employee develop more expertise and
resolve obstacles to improving job performance.

a. Testing to assess levels of knowledge, capacity and trust.

b. Defines targets that can be routinely calculated. This helps differentiate
these into step-by-step actions.
c. Clarify course, goals and responsibility. To promote accountability,
include the individual or team in the decision-making process.
d. Encourage peer coaching by reminding them that everyone has a stake
in each other’s success.
e. Coaching is more than telling people how to do something, it involves
giving guidance, building skills, generating obstacles, removing barriers
to success, building better systems, learning through discovery.
f. Cope with emotional challenges by helping them improve, analyzing and
pointing out ways they hold back, encouraging them when they become
frustrated, and so on.
g. Give feedback by pointing and suggesting solutions, rather than actively
criticizing errors.

As a leader you must view coaching from two different viewpoints:

1. Coaching to lead others, and
2. Being coached to achieve self-improvement

Conditions of Learning

a. The Person Must Be Motivated to Learn

b. Involved Your Subordinates In The Process


Power refers to the ability a person has to control another action such as that
he or she behaves according to his or her wishes. Such power is a capacity or potential
as it means a potential that does not need to be realized in order to be effective. That
is, there may be a power but it doesn’t need to be used to be successful.
The strength of leadership is much more than the use of force. Leadership
encourages others to genuinely WANT to attain a goal, while dominance drives others
to attain target. A superior police officer, for example has certain powers over enlisted
personnel, but that power does not need to be used to be successful. The mere
knowledge that an enlisted person has of the power of an officer has come control over
him or her.
Below are French, Raven’s (1959), Six Points of Leader Power. These power
points will help you assess the impact you and others have on achieving full
negotiating skills.

1. Coercive Power
2. Reward Power
3. Legitimate Power
4. Expert power
5. Referent Power
6. Informational Power


A cyclone has the power to cause heavily damage to crops, houses and even cities. It
could pack a wind of 125-280 km/h enough to create a widespread destruction. It is
said that the cyclone derives its power from its calm center.

“He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he who rules his spirit, than he
who captures a city”
Proverbs 16:32

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”
John C. Maxwell
“The supreme quality of leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no
matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office”
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34 President of United States

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”
John Quincy Adams


“A good leader takes little more than his share of the blame and little less than his share of the credit”
Arnold H. Glasow


“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”
Steve Jobs



This strategy is strongly disciplinary, and is often called a leadership style of “telling”.
The leader gives instructions to the members of his team and then uses various
incentives and punishments to either appreciate or punish what they do in response.
Leaders give praise for a job well done or for a group member to perform a
department-wide mission hated because they missed a deadline.
If you often use the threat of having to stay late when you need to inspire your
team and you are continually brainstorming clever ways to acknowledge solid work,
you might be a transactional leader.

With this style of leadership, by empowering their workers to change, leaders are
trying to enhance or transform the individual or group into which they lead. Such
leaders are working at making changes and finding new ways to get things done. And
as a result, by their ideas or insights into how something should be improved or
adjusted for their own work, they encourage and motivate others. Under
transformational leaders, people have plenty of flexibility, as well as plenty of
breathing space to innovate and think outside the box.
When you look at every single existing process with a discerning eye and a
strong sense that it might be better, you could be a transformational leader. You also
encourage other people to get out of their comfort zones and of reach their own
boundaries. You will burst with pride whenever you see a member of a team achieve
something previously thought impossible.

“Leaders are the ones who are willing to give up something of their own for us. Their
time, their energy, their money, maybe even the food off their plate. When it matters,
leaders choose to eat last”
Simon Sinek
Servant leaders work with this traditional motto: “Serve first and lead”. Instead
of thinking about how to inspire people to follow their lead, they channel most of their
energies into seeking ways to help others.
They make other people’s needs a priority over their own. Besides being natural
leaders, those who follow the paradigm of servant leadership don’t try to hold a white-
knuckle grip of their own rank or strength. Instead, they focus on the advancement
and growth of the people who follow them.
You might be a chief servant if you’re known to say, “What can I do to help?” So
you attach great importance to avoiding roadblocks so helping others get things done.
When you are asked you never think twice about helping out, because you know that
when you return, your own to – do list will still be there.

You could also hear thus style of leadership referred to as “participatory
leadership”. Members manage organizations and programs as well, a democracy.
Even though these leaders on the organizational hierarchy are statistically higher,
they prioritize working together and actively engaging their colleagues in the decision-
making process. Democratic leaders respect other people’s ideas and feedback, and
encourage discussion of those inputs. We don’t carry on orders from above, but take a
much more inclusive approach to doing things.
If you think the best meetings are the ones where everyone has a fair chance to weigh
in, you might be a democratic leader. You could not remember the last time you made
an important decision without at least one other person getting input.

On the contrary to democratic leadership there is autocratic leadership. You
might think of that as an alternative to “my way or the highway”. Autocratic
leaders see themselves as having absolute power and making decisions on their
subordinates’ behalf. They decide not just what needs to be done, but how to
accomplish certain tasks too.
You may be an autocratic leader if you think that group meetings and
brainstorming just slow things down, so it’s easier if you make important decisions on
your own and if you hate them when workers challenge your decisions. That’s final
when you’ve said something.

To put it another way, bureaucratic leadership goes “by the book”. With this style
of leadership, there is a specified collection of boxes to check to be a true leader.
Bureaucratic officials, for example, possess hierarchical authority. A power comes
from a formal position or title rather than from the unique characteristics they hold.
They also have a set list of duties, as well as clear rules and procedures for how they
will handle and make decisions for others. They just have to follow the path set out for
You may be a bureaucratic leader if you often find yourself questioning how
your predecessor has treated those situations that you want to make sure you follow
the agreed protocol. You also seek assurance that whenever you are charged with
something different, you are doing things right.

This is a French word that translate to “leave it be” which sums up this hands-off
leadership approach accurately. Micromanagement is just the opposite. Laissez-faire
leaders have the tools and services required to do so. But then they step back and let
their team members make decisions, solve problems and get their work done without
having to worry about their every move being obsessively watched by the leader.
You could be a laissez-faire if in project status update meetings you hardly do
any of the conversations. Alternatively, members of your team are the ones who will
you in where things are. You’re really only focused on two key points in most events
and projects: the beginning and the end.

Charismatic leaders have charismatic personalities, and a great deal of
determination to achieve their goals. Such leaders use eloquent communication and
persuasion to unite a team around a cause, instead of promoting actions by strict
instructions. You will spell out their dream clearly and get other people excited about
the same target.
You should be a charismatic leader if you’re known to give outstanding styles of
presentations of “rally the troops”

“An ethical leader is someone who lives and dies for integrity. Doing the right thing, even when it hurts,
is the ethical leader’s mantra”
Heather R. Younger
Founder of Customer Fanatix
Ethics is about the types of values and morals that a person or a community
finds acceptable or necessary. In addition, ethics is concerned with the morality and
actions of individuals. They look to leaders when it comes to ethics to lead on ethics
and take responsibility for both good and bad results.
Ethically leading leaders are role models, promoting the value of ethical
standards, keeping their people accountable for those principles, and crucially-
designing environments in which others work and live. As mentioned below, it has
been shown that ethical leadership produces a variety of positive results and reduces
the risk of many negative results. Thus, leadership can be the most effective tool in an
ethical system deigned to support ethical behavior. Ethical leadership is leadership
motivated by respect for ethical beliefs and values, and other people’s integrity and
rights (Watts, 2008). It is therefore related to values such as honesty, sincerity, care,
beauty and fairness (Brown, M. et al, 2005).

a. Define and Align Your Values

Consider the morals you were raised with:
 “Treat others how you want to be treated”
 “Always say “thank you,”
 “Help those who are struggling,” etc.
But as you evolve, and as society progresses, traditions alter, often causing
changing values. Ask yourself what matters to you as a person, and then align that
with your leadership goals. It is not only reflects your honesty in describing your
beliefs, it also inspires the colleagues to do the same, building a shared vision for all

b. Champion the Importance of Ethics

An ethical leader’s job is to focus on the overall significance of ethics, including ethical
standards and other ethical issues, and how those factors that influence society. As an
ethical leader, educating peers about ethics is crucial, particularly in cases where they
face an ethical issue at work.

c. Hire People with Similar Values

Although your views need not be identical to those of your workers, you should be
able to establish common ground with them. This often starts with the hiring process
and is sustained through a declaration of vision.

d. Promote Open Communication

Each subordinates’ is different although they share similarities. Be open with every
decision you make, and seek input from your team. It makes you become a better
leader and helps you feel more comfortable in expressing your thoughts or concerns
with your subordinates. Collecting input from your team will help you improve as a
leader and will push the organization forward.
Good ethical practitioners tend to be good communicators. Individuals interact
differently. Some may feel comfortable speaking in public, irrespective of staff or
circumstance, while others may refuse to talk with a leader due to fear, anxiety or
simply not knowing how to express what they are trying to say. They could speak
better via email, rather than in person.
Communicating with each member of the team is an ethical leaders task but
also allowing for open conversation, as some people may have questions and concerns
that need to be answered. /creating camaraderie with your team is vital to the leaders.
Relationships of quality appear to be founded upon honesty, justice, dignity,
transparency, compassion and respect.

e. Beware of Bias
As people, many of us have antiquated or mistaken convictions, subconscious or
otherwise. Every leader wants to admit to their shortcomings but failure to practice
self-awareness will lead to detrimental effects. Everyone has prejudice, but you haven’t
been called on for the longest time, because you’ve never really been tested. Leaders
need to look at themselves and be honest in fact having prejudices that can impinge
on the feeling of ease at work of another person. For you to build and maintain better
relationships with your subordinates, be an open-minded leader.

f. Lead by Example
Leading by example is a noble attribute of a leader. The best way to ensure an ethical
organization is to lead by example. It is important to remember as an ethical leader,
that actions always speak louder than words. People are more likely to judge others,
rather than what they say, based on how they behave. Ethical leaders may begin to
earn the respect of their peers by practicing and demonstrating the use of ethical,
truthful, and unselfish conduct to subordinates.

g. Find Your Role Models

In history, there are many leaders, doing a little study of strong, powerful leaders and
trying to identify what they are doing well. Then incorporate it into their own style of

h. Care for Yourself so you are able to Care for Others

As the saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. The cornerstone for strong
leadership id to have a calm and competent disposition. This can be done by ensuring
that you, as a person, are focused on fulfilling your own needs such as sleep, nutrition
and a true relationship with loved ones.
Ethical leaders will help to build a healthy atmosphere through constructive
partnership at three levels: the individual, the team and the organization at large.
Nurturing connections at each of these levels will result in the following outcomes and

1. The Well-Being of the Individual

A string ethical leader has an important responsibility for maintaining a positive
working environment. Ethical leaders leading by example should persuade others to
do likewise. People are generally influenced by the things occurring around them.
Good contact between colleagues can help to influence deficiency and attitude in the

2. The Energy of the Team

Ethical leadership can also include behavior control and co-operation within a
team. In the workplace, morale is usually stronger when people get along with each
other. When colleagues work as a team, this can help build relationships in the
workplace and improve the group’s overall performance. Strong leaders usually lead by

3. The Health of the Organization

The Value of maintaining a positive mindset in the workplace has much to do with
improving the organizations overall health. When people are able to show respect for
each other and value the view of others this can help to create a productive work
climate. There can be ethical organization when people’s group work together in an
atmosphere of mutual respect, where they can develop individually, build friendships
and contribute to the overall objectives.
The 4-V model aims to reconcile internal beliefs and values for the common
good with external behaviors and actions.
The four V’s stand for:

1. Values
2. Vision
3. Voice, and
4. Virtue
These characteristics help to build a strong ethical leader. In the end, an ethical
leader’s main goal is to create a world in which the future is positive, inclusive and
allows all individuals to pursue and fulfill their needs and fulfill their maximum
Values is not a subject that has been talked about so often but one that plays an
important role in acts and performance. Because, values are personal and not always
clearly defined, they remain an essential but under discussed and undervalued part of
who you are as an individual and as a leader.
Everyone has values, and when clearly understood and established, they become
much more important. To get the most out of what happens, the best initial step
would be to identify your values and write down those that are most important to you.


1. Values Guide your Decisions

You have a lot of decisions to make as a dictator, those that only affect you and
those that impact many others. Once you start with your principles, choices, big or
small, can be taken faster, simpler and with greater confidence, go your choices
against your merit scheme. It’s the best place to start.

2. Values strengthen your Ability to Influence

If you associate with your beliefs, you are communicating with your passion.
People are drawn to when you speak with passion, they are more likely to hear your
message and you will be more successful in persuading and in influencing. As a leader
it should be self-evident why this is vital to your values.

3. Values Create Clarity

When you’re happier your life is simpler in so many ways. Clarity helps you
concentrate, make yourself more successful and much more. One of the fastest ways
in your life to achieve clarity is to be clear about your beliefs first. If you work from
this point of departure all other clarification advantages will follow.

4. Values Reduce Stress

The majority of the people I know want less tension in their lives. It’s doubly
important as a leader because your tension is infectious-it infects those around you.
It’s easier to communicate when the choices are smoother and you’re clearer about
issues that you’ll have less tension. In the past you may not have been talking values
in this way; but, it is absolutely true that living from your values is a great way to
reduce stress.

5. Values Guide your Actions

Knowing and understanding your beliefs, is one thing, behave according to them is
another matter. This reality has an effect on all the ideas that have been shared so fa.,
because all the advantages are achieved when you recognized and then act upon your
beliefs. Of those advantages, this is the most practical. Your beliefs are what drive
your actions.
While it helps to define who you are, having clear beliefs can be so much more
useful on a daily basis. It allows you to be so much more useful on a daily basis. It
allows you to be a more successful, efficient and confident leader by being clear on
your values.

5. Teaching and Learning Activities

Activity # 1. Answer the following questions in essay form:

1. Discuss comprehensively the concept of leadership.

2. Identify the factors of leadership and briefly discuss each factor.
3. Identify and differentiate the different theories of leadership.
4. Make a brief discussion of the following leadership principles:
a. Know yourself and seek self-improvement
b. Be technically and tactically proficient
c. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions
d. Make sound and timely decisions
e. Set the example
f. Develop a sense of responsibility in your subordinates
g. Ensure that task are understood, supervised and accomplished
h. Train as a team
i. Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities
5. Create a scenario on the six points of leadership power
a. coercive power
b. reward power
c. legitimate power
d. expert power
e. referent power
f. informational power
6. What do you think will be the possible impacts and outcomes of
unethical conduct of leader?
7. Give at least three of the best things you can do to become an ethical
8. Enumerate the three major elements of ethical leadership and briefly
discuss each.
9. Illustrate and explain correctly the 4-v model of ethical leadership.
10. Explain the reasons why values matter to leaders.
6. Recommended learning materials and resources for supplementary
7. Flexible Teaching Learning Modality (FTLM) adopted
Online (synchronous)
//Facebook page, google classroom, messenger, and moodle.
Remote (asynchronous)
//module, exercises
8. Assessment Task
Quiz, recitation, and preliminary examination
9. References (at least 3 references preferably copyrighted within the last
5 years, alphabetically arranged)
Bagozzi, R, Wong N., Abe S. Bergami M. (2000). “Cultural and
Situational Contingencies and the Theory of Reasoned Action: Application to
Fast Food Restaurant Consumption” (PDF).
Journal of Consumer Psychology. 9 (2): 97106
Balasubramanian, P. (2011). Cross-Cultural Decision Making: Impact of
Values and Beliefs on Decision Choices. CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-4398-4646-9.
Brockman, E., William, A. (December 2016). “Tacit knowledge and
strategic decision making” Group & Organization Management. 27 (4): 436-455
Bart, C., & Baetz, M. (1998) The relationship between mission
statements and firm performance: An exploratory study journal of Management
Studies, 35, 823-853.
Bart C., Bontis, N., & Taggar, S. (2001). A model of the impact of mission
statements on firm performance. Management Decision, 39 (1), 19-35
Learning Objectives:
After reading this chapter, you will be able to:
1. Comprehensively define what management is.
2. Discuss precisely the different concepts of management.
 Management as a discipline
 Management as an art
 Management as a group
 Management as a profession
3. Described accurately the manager and their different levels, their functions and skills.
4. Enumerate and demonstrate perfectly the qualities of a manager.
5. Recognize the modern challenges for managers.
6. Acquire the ability of developing mission and vision statements.
7. Appreciate the importance of creating vision and mission statements.
8. Developed knowledge and skill in behavioral management.
9. Know and apply the behavior management techniques.
10. Understand comprehensively employee behavior and motivation.
11. Recognized broadly the values formation in management.
Management is a set of principle relating to the roles of planning, coordinating, directing
and regulating and the implementation of those principles in the efficient and effective use of
physical, financial, human and information capital to achieve organizational objectives.
TO DIRECT OR TO BE CHARGE OF. While management, eto yung pamamahala, kung
tutuusin wala naman po silang pinag kaiba. The Need of management is needed in order to
coordinate the activities of a business or an institution and make sure all employees are
working together toward the accomplishment of the organizational goals. So napaka
importante po ng management, because of this nakakamit natin yung inaasam asam natin
which is success. Some of you ginagawa niyo na rin yan, kasi you are able to manage your
time in learning and some other activities. So nakaka pag aral kayo ng maayos and at the
same time nag eenjoy pa kayo sa daily living niyo wherein nai a’apply niyo yung
management as a student.
Definitions of Management
Management thinkers have defined management in their own ways:
A set of activities directed at the efficient and effective utilization of resources in the
pursuit of one or more goals. Van Feet and Peterson
For them, management is the action of making practical and effective use of resources
to achieve goals.
Working with human, financial and physical resources to achieve organizational
objectives by performing the planning, organizing, leading and controlling functions.
Megginson, Mosley and Pietri DITO NAMAN, THEY NEED PHYSICAL AND
Management is a problem solving process of effectively achieving organizational
objectives through the efficient use of scarce resources in a changing environment. Kreitner
Management is an art of what knowing to do, when to do and see that it is done in the
best and cheapest way. F.W. Taylor MANAGING IS AN ART BECAUSE IT
Management is an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally
organized groups. It is an art of creating an environment in which people can perform and
can cooperate towards attainment of group goals. Harold Koontz

Other Views on the Definition and Scope of Management

“Managing is forecasting and preparing, arranging, directing, managing and regulating”
says Henri Fayol. Fredmund Malik describes management as “transforming capital into value.”
KAYA AY TRIPLE. It is described by Ghislain Deslandes as “a weak force, under pressure to
achieve results and endowed with the threefold power of constraint, imitation and imagination,
operating at subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental level.”
Management as a Process
Management as a process began with the sole purpose of attaining an objective. Further,
it is specifically done in order to:
The purposes are:
1. Rise client’s satisfaction with the services the company provides.
2. Develop personnel experience, abilities and capacity, or
3. Accomplish a particular goal/s.
Management as a mechanism often includes interrelated processes by which management
within an entity manages and controls the organization’s resources to achieve desired outcomes.
This requires not only managing and using financial resources alone, but also human resources,
as they are also important to an organization in order to achieve its stated objectives.
Managers need to build a comfortable working atmosphere that promotes healthy employee
relations within the company. They will make sure that the human resources work in harmony to
achieve the goal of the organization. Having full oversight of an organization’s affairs, managers
need to follow due process to set goals and come up with plans for achieving outcomes. Both
phases of planning and execution include due processes which the manager must strictly adhere
Management: The Never Ending Process
Task management is the practice of recording personnel’s day-to-day accomplishments in
an order in which they are done. It is a key to an organization’s course and maximize its work
efficiency. It relies on the philosophy that knowledge from higher levels of management
influences any activity that takes place in the company in a personal or group workers
organization, therefore it is essential to proper recording process and cannot take place without
controlling the activities.
Managing tasks will help the workers organize their daily work. The activity
management system helps the managers and their subordinates to evaluate or verify their results.
This promotes workplace accountability as job tasks are accurately monitored, and subordinate-
deserved notifications are given according to the employees daily-observed progress. Tracking
the work of the employee and the amount of time spent helps identify where improvements are
Elements of the Ideal Activity Management Level
Monitoring this recorded information on a regular basis is essential to assure the
completion and accuracy of the record.
1. The activity (which are brief description of what you do)
2. Type of activity (whether it is meeting, an email, phone or others)
3. Name of the task
4. Title of project
5. Name or category of the project
6. The time length of the activity
7. Date of the task
Importance of Activity Management
1. It gives both the employer and the employees, information on the performance of the
personnel involved.
2. It helps to organize and emphasize the importance or relevance of the task at hand.
3. It also helps to avoid miscommunications and mistakes of task repetition in the
Different Concepts of Management
Management as a Discipline
Management is also a discipline because it includes learning the procedures and values
required to perform official administrative duties, as well as demonstrating the code of
conduct that managers must obey when performing their duties. Management is also being
taught, as with other research or discipline courses, at numerous institutes and universities
around the world.
Individuals may secure jobs as managers after they have earned a diploma certificate or
higher degree. Managers have also opportunities to increase their expertise and competence
by obtaining a higher degree or management certification.
Management as an Art
Management is also known to be an art, because both share similar characteristics. Art is
a structured body of knowledge that requires imagination and expertise. An artist often needs
constant practice in order to become faultless or achieve a degree of perfection which is
considered acceptable.
Art is taught and put to use. The apprenticeship cycles come before application. There are
vast amounts of resources available to learn and develop knowledge about art in the industry,
which includes study materials, and books to help artist gain better understanding and deliver
quality production. The same holds true for management. By learning, theoretical knowledge
is gained. In other words, managers will learn about the operation and concepts of
management that are presented in the study material.
While studying art, one can learn and gain theoretical knowledge but it does not end there.
To yield results, the knowledge gained has to be implemented effectively. And as a result,
each artist is required to possess personal skills and imagination so he or she can make good
use of the knowledge gained. Even if two or more artist learn the same thing, their ingenuity
and talents will decide how well they end up using the acquired knowledge.
The same is through of management. Learning the values and philosophies of
management is not enough. One requires the skills and imagination required to make use of
the information learned to produce positive results. As with art, two or more managers can
learn the same thing, but because of their skill and creativity the result generated could be
In order to achieve perfection every artist needs constant practice. The artist will not
progress without regular training, either. The artist should focus on the practical after
studying their theoretical dimension in order to achieve perfection. A trained manager will
not go far without a managerial position being exercised on obtained. In theory, certain
established management principles need to be put into practice. The manager is creatively
oriented and can identify areas he or she needs to develop and work on accordingly.
Education is therefore an integral part of art and management. Management is therefore an
art, because both have the same characteristics.
Management as a Group
In any way, the concept of management suggest that it is a group. In general,
administrative functions are not performed by one person alone. For most cases, as
companies expand. Many specific managerial roles are generated so that the organization can
meet its desired objectives.
Management as an operation carried out by a group of people saddled with their
responsibility of keeping the company going and achieving a specific goal. In other words, a
community compose of people with specific knowledge of the organization or managerial
roles will work together to manage a business.
Today, when we suggest that XYZ Company’s management is doing well. We are
implicitly referring to a specific group of people that makes up the management team. They
are the decision-makers and people’s first team to get the boot when things go wrong. Let’s
take an example of using police force. The chief is the manager. However, do not forget that
the community of managers is comprised of other team leaders, not just one person.
In business, management involves the top-level managers who are the company’s
decision makers. Any decision they make is binding on other managers and employees at
lower levels. These include the president, chief executive, board of directors, general
managers and etc.
Management as a Science
Management is also a science, because everything used to classify a field as science is
involved. Science, for example, establishes the relation of cause and effect between variables.
It also takes into consideration, the values that bind the variables concerned. Scientific
concepts are thus formulated using the standards scientific methods that involve testing. And
the method involves testing and checking via series of tests.
One of the features which indicate the science and management are the same as the
universal acceptance of scientific principles. In other words, scientific laws are the same in
every case and in every part of the world. On the other hand, management has its
fundamental principles that are universally accepted and implemented in every situation or
enterprise. An example of the is the Unity of Command Principle.
Another attribute suggesting that science and management are the same is the manager
who obtains scientific principles. It has to move through other scientific research and analysis
before a theory is generally accepted. But the same method also includes the principles of
management. Scientific analysis and evaluation are carried out before organizational
principles are achieved, and this could also include specific observations derived from a large
number of managers or experiments.
The relationship between cause and effect is a further trait that distinguishes management
and science as one. The relation between cause and effect is vitally important in scientific
principles. Heating the metal, for example, can cause it to expand. The cause is the heat
applied while the effect is the one felt by the expansion. The same happens in administration.
For example, it has been proven that there will be ineffectiveness in organizations where
there is no compromise between authority and accountability.
Management as a Profession
Management is also an occupation has it has characteristics that allow it to be so. A
profession is called a career in which one acquires knowledge and undergoes training series
to fit perfectly into that role.
A career has a limited entry which is also true in management. Although anyone can
assume a managerial role in a corporation and there is no law prohibiting that, many
companies now prefer for such positions individuals with Master’s degree.
The Manager
A manager is a person in the organization who directs the activities of others. They
perform their work at different levels and they are called by different names:
1. The First Line Managers
They are usually called the supervisors or in a manufacturing they may called foremen.
2. The Middle Level Mangers
These comprise all management levels between the organizations supervisory level and
top level. Such managers may be called functional managers, heads of plants, and managers
of projects.
3. The Top Managers
They are the ones responsible for making organizational decisions and setting policies and
strategies which affect all aspects of the organization. Such individuals may be named vice-
president, managing director, chief executive officer or board chairman etc.
Managerial Functions
1. Planning – this is necessary to set goals and to develop strategies for organizing
2. Organization – it assists in deciding the tasks to be performed, how to do them, how to
organize the tasks and where to make decisions.
3. Staffing – this is important for employing different types of people and performing
different activities such as training, growth, evaluation, compensation, welfare etc.
4. Directing – this requires that subordinates be given instructions and motivated to achieve
their goals.
5. Controlling – this is monitoring practices to ensure that the workers perform the tasks as
scheduled, and to correct any major deviations.
Managerial Skills
Managing position requires proper skills to perform various jobs. He cannot be an
efficient manager if he lacks the knowledge and skills to do the job because it will be the
foundations for his workers to be corrected and driven.
Three Essential Skills or Competencies of the Manager, Robert L. Katz
1. Technical
2. Human and
3. Conceptual
Technical Skills
Managers must be able to work with the resources, equipment, strategies, procedures or
the technical skills. First line executives as well as many middle managers have been active in
the activities of the organizations technical aspect. Even when a manger moves higher in
hierarchy, the need for technical skills is less, but still technical skill helps in making decisions.
Human Skills
Managers must have the ability to work well with other people both individually and in a
group. Managers need these skills at all levels but top managers need them the most. The
manager has interpersonal skills because he gets the best out of the people that work with him.
We are able to communicate, empower, lead and inspire confidence and enthusiasm.
Conceptual Skills
Managers need to be able to integrate and organized the different activities. Managers
must be able to integrate and organize the different activities. Managers must be able to think of
abstract ideas and to contextualize them. We need to be able to see the organization as a whole
and the relationships between its different sub-units, and to see how the organization fits into its
wider context. Conceptual competencies are important in decision making. Since all managers
have to make decisions, these skills are necessary for all managers but they become more
important as they from the hierarchy of the organization.
Qualities of a Manager
Since the manager makes decisions for each type of activity and his decisions affect an
organizations work, he should have the following attributes to do his job properly:
1. Educational competence
A manager has to have adequate and outstanding preparation. Besides other educational
qualifications they are required to have management education and training. Education not only
widens the intellectual scope of executives but also helps to understand and interpret things
properly. Business environment awareness is also essential to tackle the various problems that
the company can encounter.
2. Intellectual quality
Managers should have a higher level of intelligence relative to others, because they have
more roles in the organization than the other men. Intelligence can assist a manager in evaluating
the organization’s present and future organizational possibilities. He must be able to predict the
things in advance and take the necessary decision in due course.
3. Leadership ability
A manager has to be able to direct and motivate people working within the business. He shall
subordinate himself to leadership. The subordinate’s skill’s, abilities and potentials should be
retained and properly used to achieve organizational goals. If a manager has the leadership
qualities then for the good of the organization, he will inspire workers to improve their
performance and function to their full capacity.
4. Training
A manager must develop organizational competencies. As described in the preceding
issue, these skills consist of technical skills, human skills and logical abilities. These
competencies must be gained by schooling, training, practice and etc. such skills are important
for all executive levels.
5. Technical knowledge and skills
A manager should have technical knowledge of the organization’s job and other task. He will
be better placed to assess and direct if he has knowledge of those things himself.
6. Mental maturity
To deal with different circumstances a manager should have mental maturity he is supposed
to be polite, good listener and quick respond to situations. He has to take several uncomfortable
decisions that could have an adverse effect on the job if not taken properly. When dealing with
subordinates he will remain calm. All of these attributes come with maturity of mind.
7. Positive attitude
Positive attitude is to manager’s asset. A manager has to deal with a lot of people from both
inside and outside the company. He should be sensitive and optimistic to different suggestions
and make rational choices. He should not pre-judge issues and should not take sides. He will try
and develop good relationships with different people dealing with him. He would consider their
issues and attempt to reach out a helping hand.
8. Self confidence
Every manager should have faith himself. He has to take a lot of decisions every day; he
should thoroughly evaluate things before making decisions. If he makes decisions, then he
should stick to them and try to put them into practice. A manager lacking confidence in himself
will always be uncertain about his decisions. This kind of mentality creates more problems than
just solving them.
9. Foresight
A manager has to make a decision not just for the present but also for the future. The
technology, marketing, consumer behavior, financial set-up and etc. are rapidly changing. The
economic policy shifts with repercussion in the future. A manager should foresee what will
happen in the future and plan the organization for the circumstances to face. The level of
foresight will help you make the right choices and face the challenges to come in the right
perspective. If the problem aren’t properly evaluated, then the organization can face adverse
Role of Manager in an Organization
The role of manager is very critical within an organization. An organization’s success
will depend on the manager’s ability in using the resources to achieve organizational objectives.
He is an integral leader in the organization’s role of achieving goals and targets. Technology and
working methods are rapidly changing and therefore the manager should be professional enough
to deal with the changes.
The word management positions apply to different managerial activity categories. In his
research, Henry Mintzberg discovered that the prevalent view was that managers were critical
thinkers who evaluated information carefully and systematically before making decisions.
Mintzberg found that a large number of diverse, unpatterned, and short-duration tasks were
engaged in by managers. Reflective was given little time because managers faced constant
interruptions. He offered a categorization scheme to describe what managers are doing on the
job, based on actual managers.
Different highly interrelated roles of the Managers
1. Interpersonal Roles
A manager has to perform the following duties:
a. Receives visitors from outside, or preside over employees’ social function.
b. Sign an organizations manager some legal documents
c. Function as a chief when he is needed to carry out subordinate effectivity
d. Not only to inspire the workforce but also to recruit, fire e and discipline employees.
e. Pay outside organizations for the collection of information relating to companies.

2. Informational Roles
All managers are required to perform informational roles:
a. To collect information outside the one’s own organizations and institutions.
b. Perform the disseminators positions as they deliver information to the organization’s
c. Acts as a spokesman when he represents outsiders to the organizations.

3. Decisional Roles
According to Mintzberg, a manager performs four decisional roles.
a. He initiates and supervises new projects to improve the performance of the organization.
b. As a conflict controller, administrators take corrective actions to fix previously unknown
c. Acts as resource allocation when allocating and controlling human, physical and
monetary resource allocations.
d. When debating and bargaining with other parties, he works as a negotiator.
Important Roles of a Manager
As a Leader
a. Defining various people’s activities and goals within the organization.
b. Helps at the work-group to create the right type of atmosphere and homogeneity.
c. The group actions and performance led by him are influenced.
As Coordinator
a. Bring together various resources, both physical and human, for the achievement of
organizational objectives.
b. Mobilizes different resources, brings intelligent understanding and goodwill among the
employers to complete work at the organization.
c. With the aid of effective communication, better plan events and programs will happen.
As a Delegator of Authority
a. Assign duties to the subordinates that he trusted, and delegate the authority necessary. If
they do any work independently the subordinate’s may gain confidence and be prepared
for higher responsibilities.
b. Encourage employees to take up appropriate work according to their skills and
knowledge and train for the next line of executives.
c. Create proper communication system so that subordinates are able to get regular guidance
and response for the activities taken up by them.
As a Decision Maker
After addressing various aspect of the problem, taking decisions for different activities,
evaluating them, designing possible alternatives and choosing the correct one.
Take note:
A decision which is made at the right time will yield good results. In its decisions a
manager must create consistency, firmness and conviction. A manager who constantly changes
his decisions will leave his subordinates in doubt. The subordinates will be directed by a
decision-making capacity and the ability to take correct decisions at the appropriate time.
As a Human Relation Practitioner
a. Address workplace issues with staff
b. Tries to get the best out of the workers, and efforts are made to boost the organizations
c. Encourage employees to engage in decision making process.
As a Spokesman of the Organization
a. Acts as the organization’s spokesman.
b. He works with outsiders and provides them with the required information that they need.
c. Maintaining good relationships with all stakeholders including shareholders, employees,
customers, vendors, government and etc.
d. Helps to create a strong organization’s reputation not only among clients but also among
A manager should have an understanding of the principles of public understanding and the
advantages of keeping the public informed while performing the role of a spokesman.
Modern Challenges for Managers
At different times every company has to cope with the external environment that prevails.
This world poses a series of external obstacles which are hard to control. These factors will
impact significantly on how well a manager performs.
Organizations needs to respond to environmental changes with speed and efficiency to
ensure survival.
Below are some of the key challenges which have an impact on the job of managing:
1. Challenges on Information Technology
Information technology is undergoing transition. Computers, the internet, intranets,
telecommunications and an endless number of software applications are available to get things
done better.
a. Managers are expected to use technology to carry out their work and produce desired
results. The IT selection must be made by having the end user in mind and the work to be
b. Managers need to know how to communicate with IT experts to evaluate the most
appropriate solutions for the job to be done, and then consider the best way to implement
c. Managers need to determine the best way to network the infrastructure of an entity, and
also decide which network information will be accessible to whom and what kinds of
protection are needed to protect the network.
Efficient managers ensure workers are aligned when the technology is chosen and
introduced. Information technology will only be applied effectively if the workers are equipped
to use it properly.
Using this technology has enhanced employee performance at work. Managers trained in IT
will have a bright future. Some may begin to work for more than one organization without
having to leave their home office. Managers must remain aware of the opportunities and
challenges that the unabated technology transition poses to the organizations.
a. Challenges on Globalization
The digital revolution took the whole world back together. Use of satellites to communicate
information has rapidly improved things. The main component of industry, culture and economic
globalization is the opportunity and freedom to communicate with practically anyone, anywhere
and everywhere.
A manager must formulate his plans by keeping the world economy in perspective. He has to
get the company ready to face the new competition. As consumer choices broaden, managers
need to find ways to beat foreign competition for price and quality. The movement towards
globalization is unlikely to change in the future; the best thing is to face it. New executives
should be prepared professionally to meet future global competition.
Developing Mission and Vision Statements
Creating the vision and mission statements of an organization are the first two steps in the
process of planning action. Developing a statement of vision and mission is crucial for
community initiatives to be successful. Such statements clarify the goals of your community in a
concise way, help the organization concentrate on what is really important and provide a
framework for further advancement of other elements of your strategic plan.
Roles Played by Mission and Vision
Mission and Vision statements play three critical roles:
1. Communicate the organization’s intent to stakeholders
2. Inform the development of strategy and
3. Establish the tangible priorities and goals by which to measure the success of the strategy
of the company.
What is a Vision Statement?
Their vision is their dream. It’s what your company considers to be the ideal conditions
for your community; that is, how things would look if you absolutely, beautifully addressed the
issue that is important to you. It could be a world without war, or a society where all men,
regardless of gender or racial background, are treated as equals.
Whatever the dream of your company is, one or more vision statements, which are short
phrases or sentences that express the aspirations of your society for the future, may well
communicate it. In creating a manifesto or statement of purpose, your organization clarifies the
values and guiding principles, first for yourself and then for the greater community.
Characteristics of Vision statement should be:
a. Understood and shared by members of the organization.
b. Broad enough to include a diverse variety of local perspectives.
c. Inspiring and uplifting to everyone involved in group’s effort.
d. Easy to communicate – they are general short enough.
What is a Mission Statement?
The next step in the action planning process is in practical terms to the dream of the
ground organization. It is here that a mission statement comes in to grow. The mission statement
of an organization explains what the organization will do, and why it will do that.
Mission statements are similar to claims about vision, in that they also look at the big
picture. They are more practical however, and they are certainly more “action-oriented” than
statements of dream. The statement of vision of an organization will inspire people to dream;
your statement of purpose should motivate them to take action.
General Guidelines in Creating Mission Statements
a. Concise – while not as brief as statements of vision, mission statements in one sentence
also usually get their point across.
b. Outcome-oriented – statements on task describe the basic results to which the
organization is operating.
c. Inclusive – although declarations of mission make statements about the key goals of your
community, it is very important that they do so very broadly. Good mission statements
are not restrictive in the community’s policies or industries that may get involved in the
Example: “promoting care and caring at the end of life through coalitions and advocacy”
Roles of the Mission Statement
Leaders should emphasize the current statement of mission to employees which clarifies
the organization’s objective and key, measurable goals.
A mission statement is meant for the organization’s staff and members. Strategic plans
can involve changing the organizations mission and statement to present a new direction. It will
help workers and the public opt into the change by emphasizing the advantages of the transition
and reducing the gaps.
Role of the Vision Statement
Like statement of mission, statement of vision helps to define the intent of the
organization. Statements of vision provide guidance for organizational action and help inspire.
Strategic plans may include a promotional campaign that may include the statement of vision to
encourage stakeholders to partner with the organization as well.
A vision statement is a vision of the future with hope and a positive outlook. It describes
the company’s inspirational, long-term plan for what they will be able to do, who they will help,
and how the company will then be perceived. For now, it’s often out of reach, but not so far out
of reach as to be unattainable. The vision statements gives everyone description of what they’re
working on.
Purposes of Strategic Planning
Strategic planning likely to have successes and failures. Leaders should celebrate the
little successes in achieving objectives that ate part of the statement of mission and vision. The
mission statement will help to measure whether the strategic plan is aligned with the Agency’s
overall objectives. The vision statement helps inspire workers. Workers who feel invested in
organizational change are more likely to stay motivated and have higher levels of productivity.
Importance of Creating a Vision and Mission Statements
1. These statements can help your organization focus on what’s really important. Although
your organization knows what you’re trying to do to improve your community, it’s easy
to lose sight of this when dealing with day-to-day organizational difficulties. Your vision
and mission statements remind the members of what is important.
2. Vision and Mission statements offer a snapshot of what the group is and what it aims to
do to other people and organizations. If statement of vision and purpose is readily
accessible, people know about the organization without having to dig hard for the details.
Instead, those with common interest should take the time to learn more. The flexibility is
very useful when hiring other individuals and organizations to support the initiative.
3. Statements of vision and mission concentrate the members of their shared goal. Not only
can the statements themselves act as a daily reminder of the organizations value, the
method of creating them encourages people to see the organization as “theirs”. Creating
these statements builds trust as participants can more fully believe in something if they
have a hand in creating it.
Advantages of having a Clear Vision Statement
a. Bring people into work together
b. To offer hope for a better future
c. Empowering members of the group to achieve their goals through constructive and
successful action
d. Turn your broad sight vision into more practical, action-oriented language
e. Describe your priorities clearly and concisely to the stakeholders
f. Improving the image of your organization as being skilled and knowledgeable
How to create Vision and Mission Statements?
The organization now has the tools to create the specific messages, providing a clear
understanding of the vision and mission messages. Unless your community has already formed
statements of vision and mission, consider them in the light of the criteria.
If you feel that your current statements could be changed, you can easily change them
using the following method.
1. Learn what is Important to People in your Organization and the Community
As the first step in the development of your action plan is to establish your vision and
mission statements, it is especially important that these first steps are well-in community
principles and values. Being aware of the important issues within your community is vital to the
creation of a large, successful and lasting group of action. And one of the first step that you will
take when creating your organization’s vision and purpose is to identify the problems that matter
most to people in your group.
Different ways in gathering this Information
a. Conducting public forums with members of the community
It is to collect suggestions, feelings, and views on the way they want the culture to be
changed. The discussions and complaints are registered during public forums. The transcripts of
what’s said will provide the basis for the preparation subsequently.
b. Holding focus group discussion with the people
This would be done for those involved in solving the problems, including civic members, those
most impacted by the problems, corporations, religious leaders, teachers, etc. discussions in
focus groups are similar to public hearings but are smaller and more personal. They are usually
made up of small groups of people of similar backgrounds, so that they can feel confident
communicating freely about what concerns them.
Obtaining interviews with people in leadership and service positions
This involves individuals as local officials, school leaders, workers at hospitals and social
service providers on what issues or needs they expect to occur in the neighborhood. Many
individuals will also have both facts and memories to back up their viewpoints.
2. Decide What to Ask
No matter if you are talking to one person or a crowd, your purpose is the same – to learn
what matters in your community.
List of Questions you might use to Focus your Discussion with Community Members
These questions may be used for individual interviews, focus groups, public forums, or in
any other way you choose to gather information.
a. What is your vision/dream for our community?
b. Why do you want to see change?
c. What kind of group or organization will we be creating?
d. What do you see as the big issues or problems in the society or organization?
e. How do you see the main strengths and assets of the group or organization?
f. How do you think this company or project will be striving for?
g. Why will they fix these issue?
h. How would you like to see success?
While collecting feedback from the group, the facilitator should encourage everyone to
express their most idealistic, optimistic and constructive ideas. Encourage others to be interested,
and note that you are attempting to articulate a vision of better society or organization.
3. Decide on the general focus of your organization
After the organization’s leaders have learned what the group has to say, it’s time to determine
the organization or initiative’s overall emphasis.
a. What subject matters most to your organization and to your community?
b. Where is your company going to operate?
c. Does your organization only start in one school, in one neighborhood, or in your town?
d. Should the emphasis of your initiative be wider at local, regional, or even international
Those are questions with no simple answers. Your organization will need to understand
group lessons learned, and determine the best course for your organization receives grant money
or big funding from a given entity, the grant maker can determine what your group’s overall
objective should be.
Develop your Vision and Mission
Developing clear vision and mission statements are two of the most critical activities that
your organization can tackle, as such statements influence almost everything else you do.
When you and the team understand more clearly what the community is trying to do and
why, you are in a prime position to create proposals that will catch the ideas. When you look at
possible claims, try to keep them broad and enduring.
Wide-ranging vision and mission statements allow for a sense of continuity with the past,
values and specific aims of a community. In addition, statements of vision and mission built up
to last should drive efforts today and tomorrow.
Writing Mission Statements
The method of writing the statement of purpose for your organization is close to creating
your statement of vision. The same method of brainstorming will help you build the possibilities
for your mission statement for your work as opposed to vision statements.
Guide questions in creating Mission Statement
1. Could this explain what your company is going to do, and why is it going to?
2. Is it concise (one sentence)?
3. Was it outcome oriented?
4. Is it reflective of the organization’s priorities and people who might get involved?
After the organization’s leaders have formed vision and mission statements, the next step will
be to know what other group members think of them before you actually use the statements. You
may talk to the same community leaders or the members of the focus group you initially talked
Finally, it is important to note that while the production of the statements is a big step worth
celebrating for your organization, there is more work to be done. You will then determine
whether to use such claims. Otherwise, all the hard work you do will lead to nothing.
1. Think of the organization that you are in now.
2. Assume that you are the manager or head of the organization and that you need to have
the Vision and Mission statement for that organization to be recognized and or
3. In a separate paper, compose a Vision and Mission Statement considering the ideas
presented in the preceding topics.
Ways Organization May Choose to Spread its Vision and Mission Statements
1. Attach it to your letterhead or to your stationary
2. Use them on Site
3. Giving away with them T-shirts or bookmarks or other little gifts
4. Use these while giving interviews
5. Show it on your reports cover
Behavioral Management
Behavioral management is a behavioral intervention approach that is oriented towards
keeping order. This is a class of therapeutic strategies for altering behavior by modifying one or
more aspects of the environment and person. Behavioral management derived from Albert
Bandura’s theory of social learning, which affirms that observable behavior emerges from an
interaction between the person and the environment.
Behavior mngt is similar to behavior modification and less extensive than behavior
therapy. Unlike behavior modification, which focuses on changing behavior, behavior
management focuses on maintaining positive habits and behaviors and reducing negative
one. So hindi po siya ganon kalala, hindi siya gaya ni behavior modification na you will
totally change your behavior, kapag ka ganon na, theres something wrong with you
especially on your behavior. Dito kay behavioral management, dapat good vibes lang ang
i’entertain natin or be optimistic always and never allow negativities and bad vibes to ruin
your peace of mind.
The factors that are modified are those that are thought to contribute most significantly to
the development or continuation of habits that are troublesome in the atmosphere for the person
him/herself or for other people. Environmental improvements are also being made to improve
healthy habits deemed beneficial or adaptive.
Past experiences precede behavior in time, and can result in actions or decrease the
likelihood of behavior occurring. Behavioral events that accompany behavior in time (i.e.
consequent events) that also increase or decrease the probability that will continue once occurs,
or that it will occur again in the future.
Behavior Management Techniques
1. Antecedent Strategies – which are used in an attempt to discourage or provoke a
behavior before a behavior occurs. So this is proactive or preventive strategy, this is
done to reduce the occurrence of problem behavior. So bago pa man may
mangyaring hindi maganda, na a’addressan na kaagad nila ito bago pa lumaki o
2. Consequent Strategies – which are used when a behavior happens in an attempt to
discourage a behavior from continuing and repeating, or to reinforce a behavior. This is
the opposite of antecedent strategies, why? Because this consequent strategies are
techniques that can be use after the behavior/problems occurs to decrease the
reinforcement and provide alternative behavior which is acceptable and morally
Understand Employee Behavior and Motivation
Behavior Management Theory
The theory of behavioral management was developed in response to the need to account
for the actions and motivation of the employees. The changed moved management from an
emphasis of production (classical leadership theory) to a style of leadership based on the human
need of the workers for work-related fulfillment and good working conditions. It is based on the
premise that managers can better consider the human dimension for workers and view workers as
valuable tools for achieving objectives. Management who takes a special interest in workers
makes them feel part of a specific group. It is the theory that relies in the notion that
managers will be better understand the human aspect to workers and treat employees as
important assets to achieve goals. Management taking a special interest in workers makes
them feel like part of a special group. Iba parin kasi kapag you feel welcome and belong to
a one group. You feel at peace and everything is purely fine. Kumbaga, kahit anong dagok
at problema pa iyang dumating sa inyo you are sure enough na malalagpasan niyo ito
because of the solidarity. Now, behavioral management theory is important because it
addresses human interactions at work. It is commonly called the human relations
movement. As a result, the more understanding you have of human actions, such as
conflict, expectations and motivations, the more your workers or employees will improve
and become more productivite. As a boss you have the responsibility t o keep your four
corners of room free from chaos. If may isang nagkamali, please do hear the both side of
the story, be a mediator and make an action accordingly.
A Shift in Theories
Long before theorist started writing about employee happiness and good working
conditions, management found classical leadership to be the most important to the success of an
organization, with its primary interest in high productivity and performance. Later concern for
job satisfaction and fair working conditions established the basis for the theory of behavioral
To establish a relation, theorist such as Elton Mayo and others analyzed efficiency of
workers under various conditions. Mayo’s work with Hawthorne offers a clear example of this.
A group of telephone line workers were divided in the Hawthorne experiment, and observed
working in a private room. Different privileges were granted to the community members during
their working days, such as the right to live their workstations, improvements in pay levels and
even company-sponsored lunch. What they found was that the management group had generated
more than the other workers. The reason for the increased output was that the community
believed that their well-being was concern to management.
It launched the campaign for management of human relations. When all management
were to invest time, show concern in the personal well-being of employees and reward them for
a job well done, staff would be inspired to work harder. This would potentially be a constructive
action towards jobs.
Management by Example
The concept of leading others by dictation or order may seem like a fairly daunting task
to many managers. Most managers don’t want to feel they’re babysitting or bossing their staff
members around, but they also find it best to show their workers how they want to behave and
how they’d prefer their daily tasks to be done. That all comes down to the often-challenging task
of leading by example.
Lead by example not only holds managers to strict expectations, but also requires many
interpersonal communication skills. Those who lead by example must be capable of establishing
good human relationships with those they need. This can be a challenge for any boss, particularly
those who are not exactly born leaders of natural origin.
Effective Strategies of Managing by Example
Avoid Criticizing
Complaining or judging others can not only discourage team members from receiving the
inspiration they need, but it can also show this team member that criticisms and complaining is
appropriate on the job. Those who lead by example must do their utmost to eliminate negativity
from their lives and their approach to leadership altogether. Negativity can only generate more
negativity, so it is imperative that it be eliminated early. The more optimistic a person will be,
the more optimistic their work environment can be each and every day. Iwasang pumuna.
Haan nga amin ket madillaw mu, marites! There are things na hindi dapat pinupuna lalo
na kung hindi ito makakabuti sa sitwasyon o sa trabaho, instead let him of her realize and
reflect in its own. Criticism won’t change behavior. Instead it creates anger and
defensiveness on the part of the person being criticized.
Give Honest Praise
It is necessary to truly improve positive behavior, so that others can continue to behave
positively. Criticisms is just half the fight when it comes to promoting positivity when leading by
example. Dedicated managers who want to lead by example know when to laud and how
necessary it is to offer truthful praise. Giving false or coerced compliments to workers only for
the sake of spreading attention does not cut it off. People can sense and hear honesty so if leaders
want it to really work, praise needs to be sincere and truthful.
Individuals usually want to do the right thing, and positive motivation keeps them on
track to do good things rather than threats or punishments.
According to Proverbs Chapter 24 Verse 26, it says here that “An Honest Answer is
a sign of true friendship” so whatever it takes, sabihin mo kung ano yung katotohanan, but
always do it in a nice way.
Develop Real Relationship
It’s so important for managers to take the time to develop genuine relationships with their
workers so they can gain that respect. It involves getting to know them and becoming interested
in other people and what they have to say and focusing on maintaining and developing the
relationship so the two parties have a sense of confidence. When managers do not take the time
to build meaningful relationships with their workers then the idea of example management will
never work. So get workers so imitate their bosses, they need to admire them and take care of
Good listening skills and good communication skills are important to establishing the
basic trust between all parties. When a core partnership exists, workers are much more likely to
look at their boss as someone to respect, and would be much more inclined to imitate the actions
of their boss.
Not only does this involve listening to the words that the workers need to use, but it also
means picking up on their thoughts and paying attention to what they are trying to communicate.
And please remove that sarcastic attitude, yung tsaka lang kayo nakikitungo ng maayos
kapag nakaharap yung tao, tapos kapag nakatalikod na bina back stab niyo. So wag
ganon! Instead develop a real and genuine relationship to all, para iwas stress.
Get in on the Action
It’s much easier for an employee to follow the lead of a superior who sits in their office
all day and doesn’t know how everyday operations work. Getting involved and being very
interested in how the company works will only benefit managers who are trying to appeal to their
workers and who are trying to set a precedent on how their workers want to work.
To any manager, so to speak, getting their hands dirty is one of the best ways to start
cultivating a better relationship with their employees and really start managing by example. Once
team members see their supervisors do the job and get into the action, they are much more likely
to look for direction at these supervisors and emulate their behavior. Kasi yang mga bagong
salta pa lamang sa trabaho are very eager to learn, so sila yung pinakamadaling turuan.
Humility is the Key
Taking leadership approach needs great sense of modesty. Not only does this mean trying
to relate to workers and to foster a sense of harmony between team members with a positive
Managers ought to treat others the way they would like to be treated, never take anything
for granted and give the benefit of the doubt to individuals. Even if a member of a team, does not
perform to the expectations of the manager, this does not mean they have not tried. Most people
don’t go into preparing their workday to do a terrible job. Having insight and modesty will also
help managers see the broader picture and see where their workers come from as they lead others
by their own example. Humility or humbleness, pagpapakumbaba. Being humble at work is
important because it can help you become a better teammate with your co-workers. When
you’re humble at work, it can be easier to build genuine relationship with your colleagues
and improving workplace morale.
Engagement and Empowerment
If you want engagement and empowerment, consider the following behaviors:
a. Act like an owner – make choices that are based on the highest company and priorities
nice. Managers and team members who think and act like an owners are fully
accountable for commitments, responsibilities and relationships. They are also
responsible in achieving results, regardless of the obstacles and challenges that may
get in their way.
b. Be constructive in asking what you can do to improve or make a situation easier. So
kapag may hindi alam, o kapag may tatanungin, pag iisipan ng mabuti kung ano
yong itatanong ng sa ganon hindi na makadagdag pa sa hustle or sitwasyon,
syempre kapag hindi clear yung thought mo, siya pa yung uunawain ng
pagtatanungan mo tsaka pwede niyo pang pagtalunan yan. Kasi maaring hindi
maganda yung pagkakatanggap niya sa sinabi mo kasi magkakaiba tayo ng level of
understanding at magkakaiba ng pananaw sa buhay.
c. Be responsible by recognizing that there is still an aspect of the project or a consequence
that will have a positive effect. Kapag kasi consequence alam na natin na negative
ang effect nito, it can be problems and etc. so through this, wag nating I consider
kaagad na negative kapag consequence, instea let us look on its brighter side para
maging positive consequence ito. Gawa tayo ng paraan para ma transpose itong
negative consequence na ito into positive one.
d. Seek items that much the ultimate purpose. So if you make a mistake, then you will own
it and learn from it.
People are influenced by our actions. Our life as a leader would
be easier if we could say all the right things and know that those words would
significantly influence our team. While would that be easier, it is also unrealistic. Although
our words matter, what we do matters far more.
If we want our influence to be positive and productive, we must be clear on what we want
from others, and then make sure our actions (as well as our words) support that. When we do
this, we are already leading by example in an international and productive way.
Values Formation in Management
Formation of values is the influence of our personal experiences and the particular
society in which we are entwined. In the childhood values are placed by our families and
reinforced by community and life experiences. For example, my parents placed on me the
importance of kindness, and reinforced it during early childhood.
The value system is first considered for understanding every society. The value system
implies the culture’s purposes and goals, which their wisest people have identified and treated as
absolute and primary. In the context of its value system, therefore, the values and knowledge of
every society happen to be preserved.
A value system is a collection of coherent ethical principles and procedures used for
ethical or moral honesty purposes. A well-defined set of values is code of morale. Mainly there
are 4 sources of values formation. There are 4 major institutions which provide the basic
sources of values, the FAMILY, SCHOOL, STATE AND RELIGION. These institutions
teach the individuals what is good or bad for them. So napaka basic po nito, kasi bata
palang tayo pinamulat na satin ito. Pero sadyang merong mga taong hindi nila taglay ito,
sorry to say but this is true. Minsan mga propesyunal pang naturingan. So dapat habang
bata pa, let us inculcate good values or code of morale to our siblings or to our children.
Para kapag lumabas ng bahay, hindi nakakahiyang iharap sila sa maraming tao kasi alam
na natin from the very start kung ano o sino sila.
1. Development of Employees
Managers should use the value system to grow their workers in all-round way. Values help
with vision. Those help in the creation of employee or worker’s awareness and moral growth.
Values play an important role in development of employees, as a result your employees are
more likely to make the right decisions – the decisions that help them achieve the mission
and vision of the company or institution.
2. Motivation
Values will work inside you to awaken your secret talents. With bravery and confidence, you
have it in you to go ahead and realize your full potential. Inspiring one’s self and inspiring others
in organizations to campaign. For ethical and right values. Values offer the best encouragement
to remain motivated all the time, irrespective of how de-motivating and overwhelming things
are. Values are things that motivates us, reflecting our sense of “right” and “wrong” and
our preferences concerning appropriate courses of actions or outcomes. Understanding
someone’s values (including your own) and what drives them to be a powerful tool to help
motivate them. Diba mas na chachallenge tayong mas pagbutihin pa lalo ang trabaho natin
if someone is doubting and not believing in us? that values became our motivation in our
3. Underlie Managerial Behavior
The study of values is central to the interpretation of management and organizational
behavior, which underlies managerial behavior’s value orientations. Or what we call
managerial values, this are abstract ideals that acts as guiding principle for managing.
4. Determine Behavior
Values are fundamental, and define actions within the organization to a large extent.
Therefore, through employee behavior, the manager will introduce improvement in the way
5. Helps in Bringing Change
Organizations bind through principles. Values are enabled cultural improvement when re-
evaluated and matched with the goals of the organizational structure. This practice has already
transformed several individuals and organizations.
6. Determine Attitudes
Values from the foundation for understanding behaviors, motivations and beliefs.
7. Promote Leadership
Managers are people who exercise their leadership by values. They can be effective leaders
by practicing the spiritual values in their managing jobs.
8. Being Creativity
Managers will remain innovative by examination of many ethical principles in unpredictable
and ever-changing times. Some traditional ideals tend to improve the cognitive capacity resulting
in a different way of understanding those challenges and circumstances.
9. Managing in Borderless
Management is no longer limited to a national entity, but is completely without boundaries.
Specific international governments do not oversee the management activities and decisions. For
many “lawless territories” administrators have a greater responsibility than ever before.
Consequently, value-based management has become a key requirement. Owing to the need for
social and ethical standards, administrators must follow not just rules.
10. Involve in Managerial Goals
Values are universal since they include task, goal, and adjective selection. The role of
planning, coordinating and managing people’s action should also be consistent with the
principles of the managers.
11. Guide to Life, Profession, and Character
Moral, ethical and professional values determine the character of employees and managers. They
guide their profession and life. They should guide the real character of our lives as we serve our
nations. Value can become the basis for the behavior of its members.
Some examples of this are Dependability and responsibility, honesty and integrity,
adaptability, self-motivated, strong self-confidence and many more.
12. Personality Development
Managers tend to be involved in cultivating their staff and fellow leaders’ personalities.
Personality is the total amount of a number of factors. However, the selection of moral and
fundamental values is an essential consideration as values include the right way of thinking, the
right motivation and the passion for improvement.
13. Work Ethic
Knowledge, effort, behaviors, attitude, manners of work, interpersonal vision, a commitment
to change and the standard of work generated are important elements of every worker’s mentality
today. Ethical and eternal importance places in major role in doing good work. Values may
establish a perception that work has its won intrinsic worth.
The Importance of Workplace Values
The ideals in the workplace are the guiding principles that are most important to you
about the way you work. You use these deeply held values to distinguishes between right and
wrong ways of working and they help you make crucial career choices and decisions.
Some examples of workplace values include:
a. Being accountable
b. Making a difference
c. Focusing on detail
d. Delivering quality
e. Being completely honest
f. Keeping promises
g. Being reliable
h. Being positive
i. Meeting deadlines
j. Helping others
k. Being a great team member
l. Respecting company policy and rules, and respecting others
m. Showing tolerance
The ideals of the workplace of your company set the tone for the atmosphere of your
organization and they define what your organization cares about as a whole. It is critical that the
beliefs of your people match with those. When this happens, people understand each other, for
the right reasons, everybody does the right things and this shared intention and understanding
allows people to develop a better working relationship. Alignment of principles supports the
organization’s main mission as a whole. If beliefs are out of alignment, individuals are working
for different ends, with different motives and different results. It can help relationships with jobs,
productivity, job satisfaction and creative ability.
The most important thing to do when interviewing someone is to consider the ideals of
his or her workplace. You should teach people to fill the holes in knowledge, after all, and you
can help people gain experience. But getting people to change their beliefs is very hard; and once
they do, they’ll be “problem workers”.

Answer the Following:

1. Define correctly what management is:
a. As a process
b. As a discipline
c. As an art
d. As a group
e. As a science
f. As a profession
2. Describe the different managerial levels below.
a. The first line managers
b. The middle level managers
c. The top managers
3. Enumerate and discuss the different managerial functions and skills.
4. Name three (3) essentials skills or competencies of the manager.
5. What is a vision statement?
6. What is a mission statement?
7. Define briefly what behavioral management is and its importance in an organization.
8. What is values formation and its essentials in management.

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