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Nome: Revisão 3º Trimestre


Organize seu estudo com resumos e mapas mentais para fixar o conteúdo.
Realize exercícios para investigar quais pontos estão com maior dificuldade. Nestes
exercícios, marque-os para tirar dúvidas e refazê-los.

1) Fill in the sentences using EVER or NEVER

a)This is the only time the children have ____________been to the


b) She hardly _________gets up early.

c) She has _____________bought a car before.

d) I've _____________tried Malaysian food

e) Do you _________see Lucy?

f) The food was as delicious as _______________

g) If you _______________come to the UK, give me a call!

h) They don't ________________eat meat.

i) Have you ___________been to New Zealand?

j) She was feeling better than _____________

k) I don't ______________ study at the weekend.

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