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My Company objectives:

1. Deliver safe, effective, and quality medicines that meet regulatory requirements
- Equipment malfunction due to damage brought by typhoon and other disasters
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 6 (high)
Final Score- 6(high)

Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score 6 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)
- Possible contamination of raw materials upon delivery due to eruption of taal
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 6 (high)
Final Score- 6(high)

Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score 1 (high)
Final Score- 2(medium)

- Power/ electricity interruption due to disasters ( It may affect =overall production an

quality of product)
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6(high)

Context B- India
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 6 (high)
Final Score- 4 (medium)
- Damaged products/ raw materials brought by the typhoon and other disasters
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6(high)

Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 6 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)
- Risk due to lack of quality control brought by lack of employees due to pandemic
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6(high)
Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6(high)
2. Timely delivery of products in adequate quantities as required by clients
- Delays of the delivery of raw materials for production
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6(high)
Context B- India
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6 (high)
- Less delivery schedule to pandemic and other disasters
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-3 (high)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 9(high)
Context B- India
Probability score-3 (high)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 9(high)
- Eruption of Taal volcano which can hinder delivery of products and raw materials
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6(high)

- Inadequate production of products which has a great implication to delivery

Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- c
Final Score- 6(high)

Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)

- Typhoon made deliveries postponed of have the date of delivery itself

Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- c
Final Score- 6(high)

Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)

3. Achieve sufficient financial growth through gained revenues

- Product returns due to damage
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6(high)

Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)
- Product rejects can cause a lot of wastes and increase in manufacturing cost
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6(high)

Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)

- In adequate supply of raw materials can hinder the over- all production of the product
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-3 (high)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 9 (high)

Context B- India
Probability score-3 (high)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 9 (high)

- Decreased patient foot traffic means less demand to the product, affecting the financial
growth of the company
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-3 (high)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 9 (high)

Context B- India
Probability score-3 (high)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 9 (high)

- Patient/ Client nonpayment may lessen the total profit count daily, weekly or monthly.
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)

Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)
4. Achieve optimal and predictable manufacturing operations
- Risk due to lack of Man Power because of the disasters mentioned may affect the
over- all production of the products

Context A- Philippines
Probability score-3 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 9 (high)
Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)
- Less production of products may affect the manufacturing operations
Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6 (high)

Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)
- Un expected distasters like the eruption of volcano which is un predictable

Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6 (high)

Context B- India
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6 (high)

- Lack of man power due to the pandemic affects how fast is the production of the

Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6 (high)

Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)

- Delays in the delivery of raw materials may affect the production rate of products
and the whole manufacturing operations as well

Context A- Philippines
Probability score-2 (medium)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 6 (high)

Context B- India
Probability score-1 (low)
Impact score- 9 (high)
Final Score- 3 (medium)

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