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Isha bought new groceries from retail shop and to please the locals, decides to put an
adve1tisement in the local newspaper stating that she will sell boxes of luxury Belgra in
chocolate GODIVA at a discount. Price of Rs. 2,500/- instead of recommended retail price of
Rs.5,000/-. She also states that there are only 50 boxes available. The adve1tisement states
that t anyone wanting the chocolate should contact Isha in person at the shop or email her at
isba@newshop. i11.
The advert isement appears in t h e local paper 011 Saturday. Harsh saw the
advertisement at 4.30 pm on the Saturday afternoon and immediatel y sends an email to Isha
ordering 6 boxes of the Godiva choco la te. The mail is recei ved on Isha's laptop at 5.09pm 011
Sat1.1rday. On Saturday evening Isha realizes that the discount was too gcncro1.1s as she is not
maki11g profit on the chocolate. She called t he local newspaper and asked them to put notice
in the next day informing people t hat the discount price is no longer available.
The Sunday paper is pu blished at 9.00 am, on Sunday morning and it is de l i vered to
Harsh at l 0.30am. Isha opens the shop for busi ness at 1 0 . 0 0 a m on Su nday. She reads
Harsh 's email at I 0.45 am bu t refuses to sell him the chocolate. She replies stating that the
discount is no longer available. On refusal H arsh fi led a case in the Civil Court for breach of

Statement of Issues:

i) whether t here was contract between Isha and Harsh as per Indian Contact Act 1872?

ii) Whether there was breach of Contact by Isha?

Students shall prepare memorial/ argu ments for both plaintiff & defendant.

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