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Discovering & USING

Participant Guide
Welcome To Our Spiritual Gifts Discovery Class!
This class will explore:

⮚ The doctrine of spiritual gifts

⮚ How we can best be used by God to edify the church and affect the world
⮚ How we can “SHOW” Jesus to the world so we can “SHARE” Jesus who is The WAY,
The TRUTH, and The LIFE for all of humanity

Our prayer is that God will use our time together to encourage and motivate you to
seek out the gifts God has given you and learn how best to use them for His glory.








A. TO KNOW OUR GOD GIVEN ______________.

1. A biblical core value is connection -- “We want to connect everyone to

their God-given spiritual gifts, a ministry and the body of Christ.
2. It is our desire to assist every member to be “fruitful” and “fulfilled” in a
meaningful place of Christian ministry.

B. TO LIVE WITH ______________ BY EMBRACING THE ______________ ABOUT OUR GIFTS.

“You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your

freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in
love.” Galatians 5:13


“Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve

others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If
anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of
God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God
provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus
Christ. I Peter 4:10-11

II. Hit the “______________” by being in S.H.A.P.E.

A. All too often, in our eagerness to serve we are in constant ___________________ mode
without ______________.

B. Rather, we want to “hit the target” by living an abundant life and serving according
to our “S.H.A.P.E.”
1. S: ______________
2. H: ______________
3. A: ______________
4. P: ______________
5. E: ______________
C. When we hit our target …
1. It compels and _________________ us.
2. It makes our service meaningful and _________________.
3. It brings glory and _________________ to God.
III. What are Spiritual Gifts?


“…opportunities, divine appointments, or outcomes, produced by the Holy Spirit

to achieve God’s plan.”

“…a Spirit-given ability for Christian service.”

“A spiritual gift is a divine, supernatural ability given by God to enable a Christian

to serve and to minister. More simply put, a spiritual gift is a special tool for

“Spiritual gifts are divine abilities distributed by the Holy Spirit to believers
according to God’s purpose and grace for the edification and building up of the
body of Christ.”

“Spiritual gifts ... a God-given capability, distributed to every believer at

conversion by the Holy Spirit to show the love of God and strengthen the body of


❖ Spiritual gifts are NOT _________________

❖ Spiritual gifts are NOT only _________________

❖ Spiritual gifts are NOT _________________ (something you are born with)


❖ Every believer is given at least _____________ spiritual gift (I Cor. 12-14, I Pet

❖ The Holy Spirit _________________ which gifts to give you (I Cor. 12)

❖ Every believer needs to _________________ and _________________ each special

gift that the Spirit gives them. (II Tim 1:6; 1 Tim. 4:14)

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one
another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever
speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God; whoever
serves, let him do so as by the strength which God supplies; so that
in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom
belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” - 1 Peter
4:10-11 (NAS)

● This is done by being “good stewards‟ (administrators) and using the gifts God
has graciously given us. Gifts are used to serve and edify each other.
● “Manifold grace of God” – His grace displays itself in many different ways
through the gifts He gives us.
● This service to each other reflects God’s gracious salvation in Christ Jesus (1:10-
13; 3:7), which is showing itself in small ways through each one of us as we
faithfully administer the gift, fervently loving each other (4:8).
● As Ephesians 2:10 instructs us, there are good works which God has created in
advance for us. We need to be good stewards in using our gifts for this work,
which results in glorifying God.

“And for this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in
you through the laying on of my hands.” 2 Timothy 1:6 (NAS)

● Kindle afresh – metaphor for rekindling a dying fire. Gifts can be neglected. It
is something that God graciously gives us, but we have to be active in
exercising it, active in developing it.
● It is a “gift” = charisma, which is the result of grace (charis). Same word as in
Rom. 12:6-8. It is also most likely a reference to I Tim 4:14, where Paul
encourages Timothy not to neglect the gift (charisma) that is in him which
“was bestowed upon [him] through prophetic utterance with the laying on of
hands by the presbytery (elders/local congregation).
● The body of Christ plays a key role in helping us develop our ministry within the
body of Christ.

IV. What is the Body of Christ—and how does this metaphor define the church’s function?
[content from “Body” sermon series]
You were created and designed by God to be a ___________________-
____________________ for Him in the world. God invites you to be His eyes, hands and
feet, doing His work, living in His presence, and carrying out His will to a lost and dying

Your history, your character, your experiences, your interests, your gifts and your legacy all
merge together to make you perfectly ____________________ for doing God’s work today.

The S.H.A.P.E. inventory is a tool to help you discover how your unique makeup can be best
utilized to make a difference in your world.

This self-inventory is designed in 5 stages, each relating to the letters in the acrostic SHAPE:
Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experience.

Five aspects of your life and experiences have shaped you for ministry and
_________________ service:

• S____________________ G________: The spiritual abilities God has given you to do

His work

• H______________: Your emotions, passion and desires – the things that draw you
in to be closer to God

• A______________: Natural skills and talents that you have acquired

• P____________________: The unique DNA of your character

• E______________________: Your life story, including family, walk with God,

challenges, losses, and successes
How are we “Shaped”?

⮚ Spiritual Gifts
1. What is the source of Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual Gifts are ______-____________ .

“…in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.”
Romans 12:3

“It was He who gave some to be…” Ephesians 4:11

“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common
good.” I Corinthians 12:7

2. What are the purposes of Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual gifts are given to __________________ the body of Christ.

“To __________________ God’s people for works of service, so that the body
of Christ may be built up.” Ephesians 4:12

3. What types of Spiritual Gifts are there?

A. There are no __________________ or __________________ Spiritual Gifts

B. There are __________________ Spiritual Gifts listed throughout the New


C. Whatever gifts you are given, they are __________________ yours.

D. Unity is not __________________ and diversity is not division.

E. There are many different spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible. There is
a variety of ways to understand what the Bible means by “spiritual
gifts”—so there is no one commonly accepted “______________
_________” of gifts.

Spiritual Gifts (example list)

● Wisdom
● Knowledge
● Faith
● Healing
1 Corinthians 12:8-10 ● Miracles
● Prophecy
● Discernment
● Tongues
● Interpretation
✔ Apostles
✔ Teachers
1 Corinthians 12:28
✔ Helps
✔ Administration
● Encouragement
● Giving
Romans 12:6-8
● Leadership
● Mercy
✔ Evangelism
Ephesians 4:11
✔ Shepherding
1 Peter 4:9-10 ● Hospitality

1. What Spiritual Gifts Do You Have?

A. What gifts have others seen in you?

B. What areas of service have you engaged in that have produced


C. Look through the list below and highlight which gifts you think you
might have. Then we will be able to confirm this with a spiritual gifts
Description of Spiritual Gifts and Ministry Examples
❖ A__________________________: The gift that enables a believer to formulate, direct, and carry out
plans necessary to fulfill a purpose. (1 Corinthians 12:28; Acts 14:23; Acts 6:1-7 Luke 14:28-30

● Are effective organizers of people and projects toward reaching ministry goals.
● Are known for having specific plans to achieve clearly defined goals.
● Naturally delegate tasks, making it possible to accomplish more for God’s kingdom.
● Seek decision-making opportunities.
● Understand what needs to be done to become reality.

Possible Ministry Areas: Church leadership, Finance staff, Sunday school superintendent, vacation
Bible school coordinator, business manager, Awana secretary, bulletin board coordinator, Christian
education commission, and stewardship commission.

❖ D___________________________: The gift to know truth from error—to know with assurance
whether certain behavior purported to be of God is in reality divine, human, or satanic. The purpose
of this gift is to prevent confusion and false teaching from infiltrating the church. (John 16:6-15;
Romans 9:1; 1 Corinthians 2:9-16)

● Finds it effortless to “read people” and are most often on target.

● Recognizes consistencies or inconsistencies in others.
● Easily identify people’s true motives and agendas.
● Recognize the spiritual source of a message—whether it is from God, Satan, or man.
● Perceives when the truth is being twisted, manipulated, distorted, or communicated with error.

Possible Ministry Areas: Long range planning team, men’s and women’s committee, support group
facilitator, small group coordinator, stewardship commission and elder’s commission.

❖ E___________________________: The gift that empowers the believer to minister words of

encouragement, consolation, truth in love, comfort and motivation from God’s word to help others
with hardships, complete tasks, and be all that God wants them to be. (John 14:1; 2 Timothy 1:16-18;
3 John 5-8; Acts 4:32-37; Romans 12:8; Ephesians 4:11-14)

● Are driven to inspire others and impact their lives positively for Christ.
● Weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.
● Build up the faith of people in Christ to help them overcome difficult life situations.
● Seek out opportunities to help others reach their full potential in Christ.
● Are authentic encouragers, whether in words or through actions.
● Joyful in helping others grow and thrive.

Possible Ministry Areas: People care, chaplaincy, peer counseling, hospital visits, home visits,
institution visitation, small group leader, discipleship leader, , and elder’s commission.
❖ E___________________________: Enthused to reach and gifted to connect with nonbelievers in
such a way that they accept Christ and are baptized and become active members of Christ’s body
and community of believers. (Matthew 28:16-20; Ephesians 4:11-16; Acts 2:36-40; 2 Timothy 2:5; Acts

● Connects and builds relational bridges with nonbelievers.

● Demonstrates the compassionate care of Christ.
● Win souls through love over logic.
● Led by the Spirit in discerning when a person is open to Christ’s message.
● Points people to faith in Jesus.
● Deeply burdened for those who don’t know Jesus.

Possible Ministry Areas: Visitation ministry, evangelism team, advertising and marketing, new member
supporter, Student or Young Adults ministries, community outreach, worship/music ministry, mission’s
team, Christian education team.

❖ F_______________: Gifted to see the Spirit at work and the ability to trust the Spirit’s leading without
indication of where it all might lead. (Genesis 12:1-4a; Mark 5:25-34; 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10; 2 Cor. 5:7;
Hebrews 11)

● Energized by variables and able to see the unseen.

● Challenged by situations or ideas that most see as impossible.
● Risk-taker for God, Christ Jesus, and His Kingdom.
● Lives and walks by faith and not by sight.
● Demonstrates great God-confidence in hard times.
● Passionate prayer life.

Possible Ministry Areas: Prayer group, planning team, Sunday school teacher, small group leader,
worship leader, worship/music commission, Christian education, financial stewardship, mission
committee and elder’s commission.

❖ G_______________: Gifted in sharing God’s abundant blessings. Gives generously and sacrificially
of one’s resources (time, talent, and treasure) without reciprocation. (2 Corinthians 9:6-15; Luke 21:1-
4; Romans 12:8; Mark 12:41-44; Galatians 6:10; Proverbs 19:17)

● Faithfully and purposely gives to see God’s kingdom advanced.

● Prefers to remain anonymous with their giving or donations.
● Sees personal resources (finances, material things, etc.) as tools for God’s use.
● Perceives God is the giver of all and owner of all.
● Loves the Giver more than any gift.
● Strategically seeks ways to increase their resources to contribute more for God’s purposes and
believers in need.

Possible Ministry Areas: Building fund coordinator, volunteer coordinator, giving personal testimony,
setup/clean up staff, kitchen staff, missions committee and stewardship commission.
❖ H___________________: The God-given gift to serve, help, and strengthen the body of Christ by
being a servant leader. Glorifies God by helping members in the body of Christ. (Mark 15:40-41; Acts
9:36; Acts 13:5; Romans 12:4-8; Romans 16:1-2; 1 Corinthians 12:28; 1 Timothy 3:13)

● Enjoys serving Christ’s body of believers behind the scenes.

● Driven by a passion for service.
● Rejoices in the success of others.
● Looks for ways to help believers who are new converts, suffering, or are facing hardships.
● Do not seek human recognition for their contributions.

Possible Ministry Areas: Children’s ministry, chaplaincy, youth ministry, teaching, building
maintenance, stewardship commission, set-up and take-down committee.

❖ H______________________: Gifted to joyfully welcome and receive guests and those in need of
care, food and lodging. (Romans 12:13; Romans 16:23a; Luke 10:38; Hebrews 13:1-2; 1 Peter 4:9)

● Are known for making people around them feel valued and loved.
● Cares for individuals who are left out or go unnoticed in a crowd.
● Wants people to feel loved and welcomed.
● See their possessions (home, car, material things, etc.) as God’s property, given to them expressly
to bless and make others feel part of God’s community.
● Promotes fellowship among believers wherever they are.

Possible Ministry Areas: Greeter, usher, new member support, small group leader,
welcome/information center, banquet server, men’s and women’s ministries.

❖ K_______________________: Gifted believer who accumulates, analyzes, discovers and clarifies

information to promote the growth and well-being of Christ’s body. (Romans 12:2; 1 Corinthians 8:1
Corinthians 12:8; 1 Corinthians 14:6; Acts 5:1-11; Colossians 2:2-3; 1 Thessalonians 5;21; 2 Timothy 3:16-

● Depends on the Holy Spirit to be their Teacher and Counselor.

● Possesses a teachable heart and loves learning.
● Devotes time to reading the Bible and is habitual in meditating on the Scriptures.
● Loves to share biblical insight.
● Realizes that knowledge puffs you up while love builds others up.
● Enjoys disciplining and helping others increase their understanding of God’s Word.
● Benefits from time spent in studying and meditating on the Holy Scriptures.
● Takes delight in answering difficult questions about God’s Word.
● Proves that what is being taught by others is Biblically based.

Possible Ministry Areas: Church resource library coordinator, nominating team, planning team,
Sunday school teacher, small group leader, and Christian education.
❖ L___________________: Gifted with humble confidence to step lead, guide, direct, and provide
inspiration to fulfill the mission or complete a task. (Romans 12:8; John 21:15-17; 2 Timothy 4:1-5; 1
Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:17)

● Exhibits a tendency of being a visionary for God’s Kingdom (naturally grasps the “big picture”).
● Inspires others to work toward accomplishing the vision and mission for the glory of God.
● Naturally drawn into leadership roles.
● Finds it easy to motivate people—both individually and in teams—to work together in achieving
goals for God’s purpose and Kingdom.
● Able to let go of responsibility and delegate it to others who are qualified.
● Works as a collaborative team member by being hungry, smart and humble.

Possible Ministry Areas: Sunday school superintendent, fellowship activity coordinator, vacation bible
school coordinator, Awana commander, pastoral staff, chairmen on all types of commissions, and
elder’s commission.

❖ M___________________: The power to forgive and the gift to feel empathy and compassion for
individuals who suffer distressing physical, mental, emotional or spiritual troubles to reflect Christ’s love
and alleviate the sufferings. ( Luke 7:12-15; Luke 10:30-37; Matthew 25:34-36; Romans 12:6-8)

● Are drawn toward opportunities to practically meet the needs of others.

● Devotes significant time in prayer for the needs of others.
● Altruistic. Tends to place the needs of others ahead of their own.
● Grieves with those who grieve and rejoices with those who rejoice.
● Most fulfilled when visiting people in need—in hospitals, home, nursing homes, prisons,
orphanages, or wherever God directs them.

Possible Ministry Areas: Home/hospital/institution visitation, transportation provider, social ministry

team, support group leader, and men’s and women’s committee.

❖ P___________________: The supernatural ability to effectively proclaim and communicate the

Word of God in love by providing insight, correction, truth, and encouragement. (1 Timothy 4:12-16; 1
Corinthians 12:28; Matthew 5:1-12; Acts 18:24-48; Romans 12:7; Ephesians 4:11-14)

● Strong knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.

● Unafraid to speak in public.
● Loves communicating God’s Word, using a variety of means.
● Finds it easy to carefront others’ motives and speaks the truth in love when believers are not
aligned to God’s Word or principles.
● Able to convey God’s Word in a way that motivates, edifies, encourages, and comforts believers.

Possible Ministry Areas: Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Sunday school teacher, conference speaker, small
group leader, evangelism, writing, author.

❖ S___________________: The gift of serving members in the church and people outside the church
to increase the effectiveness of their gifts and ministry. Serves to fulfill God’s calling. (Luke 23:50-54;
Romans 16:1-16; Philippians 2:19-23; Mark 15:40-10; Acts 9:36)

● Enjoys serving and seeks out ways to help behind the scenes.
● Ability to meet the needs of others in practical ways.
● Has the heart of a servant leader
● Passionate to help people in any way possible.

Possible Ministry Areas: Kitchen staff, set up/clean up staff, childcare, transportation provider, men’s
and women’s committee, missions committee, website designer, data entry, church newsletter,
maintenance of church building/grounds.

❖ S___________________: Gifted to provide spiritual care, oversight, and godly direction to believers
to enhance their spiritual and personal growth. Assumes both short and long-term responsibility for
the spiritual welfare of believers in the body of Christ. (1 Timothy 4:12-16; 1 Timothy 3:1-13; 2 Timothy
4:1-2; Ephesians 4:11-14; 1 Peter 5:1-3; John 10:1-18)

● Driven to help others reach their full potential for Christ.

● Enjoys serving others and having one to one interaction.
● Attentive listener who relishes being a shepherd and coach to people who feel vulnerable.
● Effective at developing personal, trust-based relationships with people.
● Passionate in meeting the needs of others.
● Willingly gives their time to help people with spiritual, emotional, or mental issues.

Possible Ministry Areas: Pastoral staff, small group leader, Sunday school teacher, discipleship leader,
new member sponsor, mission’s committee and elder’s commission.

❖ T___________________: The gift to communicate a personal understanding of the Bible and faith in
such a way that it becomes clear and understood by others. (1 Corinthians 12:28; Matthew 5:1-12;
Acts 18:24-48; Romans 12:7; Ephesians 4:11-14)

● Studies the Scripture in order to best apply its principles and truth.
● Lives out God’s word in their conduct to lead by example.
● Seeks opportunities to speak biblical insight into daily situations.
● Effective with helping others learn good study habits of the Bible.
● Uses a variety of ways to effectively communicate and teach the Word of God.

Possible Ministry Areas: Small group leader, Sunday school teacher, Awana director, vacation Bible
school teacher, conference/seminar leader, discipleship leader, Christian education commission,
and elder’s commission.
❖ W___________________: The supernatural gift of the Spirit to apply knowledge that helps sort
through facts, options, opinions, problems, or counsel in order to decide what solution would be best
for the individual believer or the body of believers. (1 Corinthians 2:6-13; James 3:13-18; 2 Chronicles

● Enjoy speaking biblical insights into life situations.

● Take pleasure in counseling others.
● Known for making wise decisions and executes good judgments.
● Fears the Lord and recognizes that the primary source of wisdom and direction comes from God.
● Relies on the Holy Spirit and corporate prayer for decision making

Possible Ministry Areas: Long range planning team, peer counselor, discipleship leader, support
group leader, stewardship commission, and elder’s commission.

Important Note: Every Christian is commanded to use their gift(s) to help edify the body of Christ
(believers in the church). Believers who are ___________________ to the Holy Spirit will see the needs that
other Christians do not perceive.

There are two behaviors that we must avoid displaying in order to be Christ like when exercising our
spiritual gifts.

1. First, we must never be __________________ because we have been given Spiritual gifts.
(Proverbs 21:4; 1 John 2:16)

2. Second, we must not be _____________________ of other Christians because they do not see the
same needs we see. You see needs because you have been given spiritual gifts to meet those
needs. The fact that you see those needs gives you the opportunity to exercise your spiritual
gift(s) without being critical of others. (Ephesians 4:29; Titus 2:7-8; Matthew 15:11; James 1:19)

After reviewing the gifts above and after taking the Spiritual Gifts Inventory, enter a summary of your
results in the Personal Shape Inventory on p.24.
⮚ Heart
We all have unique passions for particular activities, subjects, and circumstances.

The Bible uses the term "heart" to represent the center of your motivation, desires,
interests, and inclinations. Your heart determines why you say the things you do
(Matt. 12:34), why you feel the way you do (Ps. 34:7), and why you act the way
you do (Pr. 4:23). Another word for heart is passion. There are certain subjects
that you feel passionate about.

1. Passion is something that is God-given that He has placed in our hearts.

2. Passion is can also be interpreted as dreams, vision, burden or calling.

3. Passion has a variety of classifications:

A. Passion for ________________: children, elderly, youth, homeless,

abused, etc.

B. Passion for _________________ / _______________: politics, law/justice,

education, reconciliation, etc.

C. Passion for _____________________: sports, music, cooking, arts/theater,

media, journalism, etc.
The key to understanding your heartbeat for ministry is to look at where your heart has
been throughout your life.

Think back and highlight (list) some of the things you did well and enjoyed throughout
your life from grade school to the present:






(The more items you can list the better. Use another sheet of paper if needed)

Examine these achievements for a common thread. Then simply ask yourself: “What do I love to do?”


Take a look at the list of activities and interests on the next page. Circle the items in which you
have the greatest interest.

Prayerfully consider these areas and consider what ministries might best implement them.

DESIGN/DEVELOP – I love to make something out of nothing. I enjoy getting something started
from scratch.

PIONEER – I love to test and try out new concepts. I am not afraid to risk failure.

OPERATE/MAINTAIN – I love to efficiently maintain something that is already organized.

SERVE/HELP – I love to assist others in their responsibility. I enjoy helping others succeed.

ACQUIRE/POSSESS – I love to shop, collect, or obtain things. I enjoy getting the highest quality
for the best price.

EXCEL – I love to be the best and make my team the best. I enjoy setting and attaining the
highest standard.

INFLUENCE – I love to convert people to my way of thinking. I enjoy shaping the attitudes and
behavior of others.

PERFORM – I love to be on stage and receive the attention of others. I enjoy being in the

IMPROVE – I love to make things better. I enjoy taking something that someone else has
designed or started and improve it.

REPAIR – I love to fix what is broken or change what is out of date.

LEAD/BE IN CHARGE – I love to lead the way, oversee and supervise. I enjoy determining how
things will be done.

PERSEVERE – I love to see things to completion. I enjoy persisting at something until it is finished.

FOLLOW THE RULES – I love to operate by policies and procedures. I enjoy meeting the
expectations of an organization or boss.

PREVAIL – I love to fight for what is right and oppose what is wrong. I enjoy overcoming injustice.

ORGANIZE - I love to bring order out of chaos. I enjoy handling, managing and delegating all of
the details to make things happen.

START UP – I love to start new works (ministries) or projects, get them running well and train
others to take it over so that I can begin another necessary work.


After reviewing the items above, you will have a good idea what your areas of interest are. Feel free
to enter any additional categories that come to mind. Enter a summary of your results on your
Personal Shape Inventory, page 24.
⮚ Abilities
These are ______________________ abilities given to us before we accepted Christ.

These are the ____________________ ___________________ that you were born with. Some
people have a natural ability with words. They came out of the womb talking! Others
are super athletic or naturally good with numbers. They think mathematically and they
can't understand why you don't understand calculus. Everyone's natural abilities and
talents are different. Look over your list of accomplishments again. Circle all the verbs
that denote actions performed while you were doing each achievement. Now
compare those verbs to the list below and check those abilities you feel you have.

Artistic to conceptualize, draw, paint, photograph, or make renderings
to systematize and file books, data, records and materials so they can be
retrieved easily
Composing to write music or lyrics
Counseling to listen, to encourage and guide with sensitivity
Counting to work with numbers, data or money
Decorating to beautify a setting for a special event
Editing to proofread or rewrite
Entertaining to perform, act, sing, speak
Evaluating to analyze data and draw conclusions
Graphics to lay out, design, create visual displays or banners
Helping to create meals for large or small groups
Interviewing to discover what others are really like
Landscaping to do gardening and work with plants
to supervise people to accomplish a task or event and organize the
details involved
Mechanical operating to operate equipment, tools or machinery
Planning to strategize, design and organize programs and events
Promoting to advertise or promote events and activities
Public Relations to handle complaints and unhappy customers with care and courtesy
Recall to remember or recall names and faces
Recruiting to enlist and motivate people to get involved
Repairing to fix, restore, and maintain
Researching to read, collect information, collect data
Resourceful to search out and find inexpensive materials or resources needed
Teaching to explain, train, demonstrate, and tutor
Welcoming to convey warmth making others feel comfortable
Writing to write articles, letters, books

WHAT ARE YOUR ABILITIES? After reviewing the items above, you will have a good idea what
many of your abilities are. If other abilities come to mind, be sure to add them to the list. Enter a
summary of your results on your Personal Shape Inventory on page 24.
⮚ Personality
1. Where did I get my personality?

A. Personality is ________-________________.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I
praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are
wonderful; I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-16

B. Personality is shaped by our ____________________ &


C. The four pairs of personality:

⮚ Extravert vs. _________________
⮚ Sensation vs. _________________
⮚ Thinking vs. _________________
⮚ Perceiving vs. _________________
*It is important to note that a person is not necessarily “either/or” but rather to a
greater degree than the other.

2. What role does personality play in my _________________?

Personality helps us move from what we can do to what we do best. Your
personality will affect how and where you use your spiritual gifts and abilities. For
instance, two people may have the same gift of evangelism, but - if one is
introverted and the other is extroverted – that gift will be expressed in different

When you minister in a manner that is consistent with the personality God gave
you, you experience freedom, fulfillment, and fruitfulness. It feels satisfying when
you do what God created you to be.

3. What is my personality type?

Take a few minutes when you get home to take this free sample personality
profile, found at:
When finished, click on the box on the results page below your 4-letter personality
description (the box marked “You”) to learn about the specifics of your
personality type.


After reviewing the items above and taking the Humanmetrics personality test, you will have a
good idea what your personality type is. Enter your learnings on your Personal Shape Inventory
on page 24. Please note that these are tools and that, like a mirror, they reflect where you are at
a given point in time. Your own results are likely to reflect what is going on in your life when the
test is taken and the natural changes that occur as you grow in life.
⮚ Experience
What is your life story? There is not a moment of your life that has escaped God’s view.
God knows how your family experience has molded you. God has seen the friends and
people of influence who have shaped your life. Your education, your career, your
pastimes, all are part of the work of art that is your life today.

He has seen the achievements and the losses, the highs and the lows, the challenges
and blessings. You know this is true: they have had much to do with making you who you
are. God wants you to be open to ministering to people who are going through what
you’ve already been through. Paul writes:

“(God) wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why
does He do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and
encouragement, we can pass on to them the same help and comfort God has given
us!” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

There are six areas of experience that will influence the kind of ministry you are best
shaped for:

o _________________ EXPERIENCES: Who have been the biggest influences in your


o _________________ EXPERIENCES: What have been the meaningful or decisive times

with God in your life?

o _________________ EXPERIENCES: What are the problems, hurts, and trials that
you've learned from?

o _________________ EXPERIENCES: What were your favorite subjects in school?

o _________________ EXPERIENCES: What jobs have you enjoyed and achieved results
while doing?

o _________________ EXPERIENCES: How have you served God in the past?

Record your story on the next page. Feel free to use additional pages to note your thoughts.
The more the better!
Relational Experiences: Who in your life, including family, friends and mentors, have influenced
you most? How?

Spiritual Experiences: How have meaningful spiritual decisions, as well as day-to-day spiritual
disciplines – made you who you are?

Painful Experiences: What have problems, crises and hurts taught you about yourself?

Educational Experiences: How have your educational experiences shaped you?


Occupational Experiences: How have significant experiences from your career equipped you?

Ministry Experiences: In what ways have you served as a volunteer or church worker in the

Enter a brief summary of your results on your Personal Shape Inventory on page 24.

Summarize your SHAPE results below. Review your responses from each of the 5 SHAPE areas
and enter key items on the lines provided below.

Spiritual Gifts


• To what age or people group do you feel drawn?

• To which are you more attracted: working with people or working with projects?
• How would you like to grow personally as a result of your ministry involvement?
• What new skills would you like to acquire?
• How would you say the Lord is leading you right now in terms of serving in His church?
• If you knew you could not fail, in what area of ministry would you most like to serve?

Now review your results. Prayerfully consider what ministry areas these responses might prepare
you for. Then think about the various ministries available at Commission.

It is important to understand that we might have the same passions, but different gifts—or the
same gifts but different passions. God has gifted us in unique and different ways…but all to
work together to the same end and for His glory.
Example 1
Bob Nancy Frank
Children with
Same Passion Children with Need Children with Need

Different Gifts Administration Giving Teaching

Organizing events
to serve children
Funding a program
Possible Areas of Coordinating or event Teaching children
Service (based upon classes and
experience, training Providing Training volunteers and
personality and scholarship for a teachers
abilities) Identifying child to attend an
resources to meet event
the needs of the

Example 2
Curt Bonnie Lynne
Different Passions Senior Citizens Homeless Discipleship

Same Gift Teaching Teaching Teaching

Leading Bible Leading Small group leader

Possible Areas of study in retirement devotionals at
Service (based upon homes shelters Mentor
personality and Teaching Sunday Teaching members Train other disciple-makers
abilities) school for older how to minister and
members serve the homeless
How To Put Your Spiritual Gifts Into Action

1. P_____________: Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance while evaluating your gifts.

2. S_____________: Become familiar with the scripture references, definitions,

and how each gift functions within the Body of Christ. This will provide you
with a solid foundation from which to further evaluate your gifts.

3. A________________: Self-assess and explore your feelings about each of the

spiritual gifts in your list. Examples of how each gift may be utilized in the
church are provided. As you re-read these examples, ask yourself how you
feel about the types of ministry activity identified for the gifts you identified
with. You may expect to feel fulfilled through the use of your gifts.

4. T________________ R________________: When using your spiritual gifts, pay close

attention to the results produced through the Spirit's efforts. You can expect to
experience positive results and supernatural outcomes from the use of your gifts.

5. L_____________ for A_______________________: As you use your spiritual gifts,

listen for affirmation from other Christians. They will recognize and confirm your
spiritual gifts, through genuine expressions of approval and thankfulness for a job
well done!

6. P______ Y_________G______T________U____: More than anything else, you must

DO something. Choose an area of service and see what God does through you.
Try, experiment, and seek out opportunities to serve. Not everything you try will
be a fit. But as you seek God’s guidance, He will lead you toward your area of
the vineyard. All Christians are to work together, supporting one another.
However, our gifts make us better prepared and equipped to perform in some
areas of ministry over others. A person who is working within a ministry area they
are gifted for, will be more effective in that ministry than one they are not gifted
Directions: Read each statement and write the number that represents you for that statement on the
scorecard. If it’s easier, remove the scorecard and have it next to this sheet as you answer. Answer
according to who you are, not who you would like to be or think you should be. How true are these
statements of who you are? What has been your experience? To what degree do these statements
reflect your tendencies?

5 = Consistently 4 = Most of the time 3 = Regularly 2 = Sometimes 1 = Once in a while 0 = Not at all

1. I am careful, thorough, and skilled at managing details.

2. I enjoy reassuring and strengthening those who are discouraged.
3. I have confidence that God not only can, but He will.
4. I give liberally and joyfully to people in financial need or to projects requiring support.
5. I enjoy working behind the scenes to support the work of others.
6. For me, one of the greatest times of joy in the church are times of social interaction and fellowship.
7. I am motivated to set goals and influence others to achieve a vision in order to advance God’s
work on earth.
8. I empathize with hurting people and desire to help in their healing process.
9. I have spoken the Word of God effectively and publicly so the hearers felt challenged and
10. I am eager to communicate the Gospel with clarity and conviction so people can be saved.
11. I can faithfully provide emotional and spiritual support for others.
12. I simply and practically explain and clarify the Word for those who are confused or just do not
13. I can readily distinguish between spiritual truth and error, good and evil.
14. I research and am persistent in my pursuit of knowing biblical truth.
15. I can often offer simple, practical biblical solutions in the midst of conflict or confusion.
16. I am attracted to the idea of serving others to meet a need.
17. I can clarify goals and understand plans and am able to accomplish them.
18. I find joy in affirming the value and worth of others.
19. I have confidence in God’s continuing provision and help, even in difficult times.
20. I manage my money well in order to free more of it for giving.
21. I enjoy doing routine tasks that support the needs of ministry.
22. I view my home as a safe and caring place to minister to people and am open to use my house for
23. I set goals and direct and inspire people to effectively accomplish them.
24. I am drawn to help people who are sometimes regarded as undeserving or beyond help.
Spiritual Gifts Assessment (p. 2)
Directions: Read each statement and write the number that represents you for that statement on the
scorecard. If it’s easier, remove the scorecard and have it next to this sheet as you answer. Answer
according to who you are, not who you would like to be or think you should be. How true are these
statements of who you are? What has been your experience? To what degree do these statements
reflect your tendencies?

5 = Consistently 4 = Most of the time 3 = Regularly 2 = Sometimes 1 = Once in a while 0 = Not at all

25. I speak biblical truth to God’s people in a timely and culturally sensitive way in order to strengthen,
encourage, and comfort.
26. I speak about salvation through Jesus Christ and see a positive response in those who are listening.
27. I enjoy giving practical support, nurture, and spiritual guidance to a group of people.
28. When I teach, people respond to my teaching with not only understanding but with practical
29. I can see through phoniness or deceit before it is evident to others.
30. When reading or studying Scripture, I see important biblical truths and themes that benefit others in
the body of Christ.
31. I give practical biblical advice to help others through complicated situations.
32. I am good at working with my hands and enjoy doing so.
33. I like to help groups become more efficient and organized.
34. I like motivating others to take steps for spiritual growth.
35. I am strong in my belief that God will work in circumstances in which success cannot be guaranteed
by human effort alone.
36. For special projects and capital campaigns, I like to give in a way that encourages and inspires
others to give generously.
37. I like to find things that need to be done and often do them without being asked.
38. I enjoy meeting new people and helping them feel welcomed. I enjoy providing meals for those in
39. I am able to cast a vision for ministry that others want to follow and be a part of.
40. I have great compassion for hurting people.
41. I feel a compulsion to speak the words God gives me to a group of people to strengthen,
encourage, and comfort others.
42. I openly tell people that I am a Christian and want them to ask me about my faith.
43. There are a number of people in my life that I am personally guiding with truth, encouragement,
caring, and wisdom.
44. I communicate Scripture in ways that cause others to learn and become motivated toward greater
45. I receive affirmation from others concerning the reliability of my insights about them and of
perceptions I have others.
46. I love learning and understanding God’s word and share with those who want to learn.
47. When faced with how to apply biblical truths practically in a difficult or complex situation, God
reveals to me a solution.
48. I am willing to take an active part in helping with a project or practical need.
Spiritual Gifts Assessment SCORECARD
5 = Consistently true 3 = Majority of the time true 1 = Once in a while 0 = Not at all

Read each question then write your answer (5, 3, 1, or 0) in the chart below--making sure your answer to
that question corresponds to that question’s number. Move left to right THEN move down to the next row.
Once you have completed the test add your totals for each vertical column (A, B, C, etc.) in the bottom
row below to find out your spiritual gifts. Then transfer the totals to the next chart.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48


Letter Spiritual Gift YOUR TOTAL What Are Your Top 3-5 Spiritual Gifts?
A Administration
B Encouragement
1) _________________________
C Faith
D Giving 2) _________________________
E Helps
F Hospitality 3) _________________________
G Leadership
H Mercy 4) _________________________
I Preaching
J Evangelism 5) _________________________
K Shepherding
L Teaching
M Discernment
N Knowledge
O Wisdom
P Service

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