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Slide 1 (Title)

Importance of Evaluation in Internal Change Agency.

Slide 2 (Organizational Changes)

All the important changes like employees, aims, services, equipment and operations, etc. that
have remarkable impact on the entire organization are called organizational changes.
There are 6 types of organizational changes —
(1) Strategic Changes
(2) People-centric Changes
(3) Structural Changes
(4) Technological Changes
(5) Unplanned Changes
(6) Remedial Changes
Notes :- Any major change of any aspect that is vital to the organization can be considered as an
organizational change. Mainly, these changes can be classified into 6 types, namely, strategic,
people-centric, structural, technological, unplanned and remedial. Any change in the
organizations working methods, rules and executive processes is termed as strategic changes.
Hiring new employees or changing contract policies of the employees is called people-centric
changes. Any change in teams, hierarchy of the organization, work schedule, etc. falls under
structural changes. Replacing software, systems or machines is considered under technological
changes, unplanned changes are those which occur suddenly leading to a series of events. Lastly,
remedial changes occur to find a solution on arousal of a problem

Slide 3 (Management Brief)

Managing a change, specially the internal ones, is best done through a strategic approach by
setting some basic objectives, as follows —
(1) Forming organizational goals.
(2) Defining the objectives of the employees.
(3) By constantly monitoring execution and advancement.
(4) Evaluating the performances.
(5) Giving feedback.
(6) Performance assessment.
Notes :- An internal change is something that if not executed properly can directly affect the
performance of the targeted organization. Therefore, the management of the internal agency must
work around certain parameters, which are discussed here. Firstly setting the goals is must. It is
necessary that a clear result of the change is already being evaluated before the process
commences. The next objective is quite crucial, that is, to define the goal to the employees, to
make them understand the reason behind the change. Monitoring is important in any change for
the detection of resistances, progressive trends as well as negative trends. By knowing what the
current scenario is advancing towards, the further steps of the change can be regulated
accordingly. The feedback is important in every process involving people, so as here, by
analyzing the feedback the management can make adjustments correspondingly. To know the
performance of the organization before, during and after the change can produce the vital
statistics of advancement of the change.

Slide 4 (Critical Requirements for Internal Change)

Whatever the type of change or the reason behind the change maybe but all the internal changes
require some basic components for it’s successful execution, which are —
(1) A clear model of change and goal for the change.
(2) Setting up an internal change agency.
(3) Well detailed statistics of the entire vison of the change.
(4) Validation of the change programme.
Notes :- An organizational change is huge and affects the whole organization so setting a clear
goal is must. The change requires a medium of propagation for which the internal change agency
is needed, acting as a catalyst for the change. The environment for the change is needed to be
prepared and risk analysis for the change must be performed.

Slide 5 (Organizational Culture)

Organizational culture can be broadly described as the glue that sticks the various layers of an
organization for its smooth and effective working.
The role of organizational culture in bringing an internal change is very vital, some of the
reasons being —
(1) Providing all the members a common set of beliefs, norms, rituals and customs.
(2) Produces the basis of mutual coordination and cooperation among the employees.
(3) Have influential ability towards the productivity of the organization.
(4) Serve as an effective feedback point.
Notes :- Organizational culture is a very crucial part of an organization, it serves as a core of
discussion and progression of thoughts, ideas, problems and most importantly changes. It helps
to stick various levels of the team and hierarchy, making the organization permeable and
increasing efficiency of the entire team. As it is a hub of communication and coordination it
serves as an important aspect to be considered while managing a change.

Slide 6 (Role of Organizational Culture)

There are certain important ways in which the Organizational Culture aids in bringing the change

(1) By distributing the sense of changed policies, systems or processes within the
organization community.
(2) By influencing the acceptance for change within the organization precisely.
(3) By providing guidance for the performance of subsequent actions during various steps of
the change.
(4) By collecting feedbacks and resistances from the organization community.
Note :- Organizational culture serves as an excellent base for introducing and conduction of an
effective internal change. The communication and interconnection between various layers helps
for fluent dispersal of instructions and regulations within these layers. As the organizational
culture have a high influence on the entire organization it makes the perfect point for launching
the internal change related technology, procedures, policies and thoughts.

Slide 7 (Role of Senior Management Team)

The Senior Management Team of an internal change agency consists of the middle and lower
level managers who finds and analyze is a change is needed and upper level managers formulates
the internal change agency and induces the change needed through it by —
(1) Confirming the need of change.
(2) Establishing a transparent aim for change.
(3) Forming and engaging the internal change agency.
(4) Assigning financial and labour resources for implementing change.
(5) Observing and regulating the internal change agency.
Note :- It is discussed where an internal change should be initiated, now it is important to
understand how it is initiated. The managers from different lower hierarchy searches the need of
change and the upper management forms the required change and implements it through the
formation and regulation of the internal change agency. The Senior Management Team also
provides all the monetary resources and work power for the implementation of the change to the
internal change agency.

Slide 8 (Finding Internal Change Agents)

The formation of the internal change agency is primarily of the HRs, managers and the
supervisors from various hierarchy of the organization. There can be influential members, if any,
of various teams of the organization in the internal change agency. There are certain parameters
that a member of the Internal Change Agency should have in order to conduct an effective
change, which are —
(1) Identifying and diagnosing skills.
(2) Must have smart etiquette and good behavior.
(3) Should possess attitude for acceptance.
(4) Must be good listener and give emotional support.
(5) Excellent communication skills and reassuring capabilities.
Notes :- Generally, the Senior Management Team and some internal influential members, with
professionals in the field on which the change is to be made are taken to form the internal change
agency. It is also necessary that these members excels in recognizing resistances and issues
during the process of change, have good communication and behavior for effective influence on
the entire organization and have problem solving skills & acceptance.

Slide 9 (Training Internal Change Agents)

The main goal of any internal change agent is to make the members of the organization accept
the change and implementing the change smoothly and quickly by solving the resistances and
eliminating the issues. The key points that the training must induce in these agents are —
(1) They accept the change produced by the organization themselves.
(2) To manage issues and make minor and major regulations in the process of change.
(3) Educating the members of the organization about the change in a simplified manner.
(4) Sustain the direction of change towards the required goad.
(5) Being able to positively manipulate the cultural environment for the change.
Notes :- The internal change agents must be trained to smoothly conduct the change skillfully.
The agents must be trained for accepting the change and performing directive manipulations to
make the change fluently. The agents must at all point navigate the change towards the goal
along with avoiding arises issues and cancelling resistances formed.

Slide 10 (Validation of the Change)

Validating a change means to observe and state if the change that is being made is accurate and
serves the goal, that is, whether the change which is being conducted solves the issue for which it
was required or not. This can be understood by analyzing the feedbacks and results through the
following parameters —
(1) Risk analyzing the before and after conditions of the organization structure.
(2) Comparing the productivity statistics of the change prior and later results.
(3) Surveying employees' feedback and issues.
(4) Percentage of solution actually resolved by the change which is being coordinated.
Notes :- Validation of the change is crucial for understanding the progress and effectiveness of
the induced change. It defines the rationality and accuracy of the change. There are certain
parametric methods through which this maybe achieved, like analyzing the risk factors,
performing comparison of the production stats, scrutinizing the employees’ responds and
examining current coordination of the organization.

Slide 11 (Evaluation of the Change Programme)

Evaluation of the change is needed to understand how effectively the internal change agency
brought the change and what it is required to sustain the change in the organization. The
following are the main points in evaluating a change —
(1) Clarifying the objectives.
(2) Evaluating L.M.S. Metrics.
(3) Pre-assessing the pin point apertures.
(4) Remodeling the alternative solutions for analysis.
Notes :- As the change is conducted for checking it’s successfulness it is evaluated with various
statistics collected through the on-going change induction and feedbacks of various steps of
change from varying layers of the hierarchy in the organization. The results are achieved through
L.M.S. Metrics, pin point apertures and remodeling alternative solutions.

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