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BDA Question Bank

1. Explain in detail about HDFS design Features and its components with neat diagram.
2. Write short note HDFS Block Replication, HDFS Safe Mode and Rack Awareness.
3. What are NameNode High Availability and NameNode Federation?
4. Write short note on HDFS checkpoint or backup nodes and snapshots.
5. Explain HDFS Commands with example.
6. Explain MapReduce Framework and Programming Model.
7. Explain Hadoop YARN with neat diagram.
8. Write short note on NoSQL Big Data Management and explain NoSQL Data store.
9. Compare SQL and NoSQL with different features with detail explanation for all features.
10. Explain in detail about NoSQL Data Architecture Patterns with the list of NoSQL
11. Explain Shared-Nothing Architecture for Big Data Tasks with neat diagrams.
12. Write short note on MongoDB Databases and compare the terminologies between
RDBMS and MongoDB.
13. Explain replication and auto-sharding concepts and data types in MongoDB.
14. What are the features of MongoDB and explain the commands for the following
operations in MongoDB.
• Create a student database
• Check the existence of the student database
• Create a collection with three fields such as USN, Name and Section in the student
• Add an array with three documents to a collection created.
• Display all the documents from the collection.
• Remove a document of “USN”:12345.
15. Explain in detail about Cassandra DB and its components.
16. List out the data types and keyspaces of Cassandra DB.
17. Write about Cassandra Query Language (CQL) commands.
18. Compare MongoDB and Cassandra database.

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