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horse, hurdy-gurdy and canvas folded th eir w ith the resolution in Congress, y et it answ ered not adm itted. There a priv ate secretary walks EUROPEAN PERSONAL GOSSIP. 2,1851. From w hat I have heard on tills suifject,
WASHINGTON LETTER. wings like the A rabs, and silently passed away. one good purpose. I t called attention to th a t arm in arm w ith a m inister, and a whole host of it seems to me by no m eans certain th a t the* Jato
At another tim e, Corbin, the clerk of a Senate resolution, and now the English m erchants here petitioners is already w aiting to recommend T e n P aris papers offer as prem ium s p o rtraits
com m ittee, who had been a Bentouite,' aud had have aw akened to a realizing sense of their rights, them selves to him as soon as the g reat man of H enri Rochefort, editor of tho L an tern e. of the dethroned Im perial fam ily would >e a
l l o w e l l Cobb anti H i m C o te in p o r a r ie » . recently gone over to the anQ-Benton faction, and are organizing to bring a pressure to bear leaves him. I t is, perhaps, no very sudden tran s­ very enviable one. The E m peror, it is no sc ret,
came into SlnlUngtom’s while Colonel Benton was on the Turkish G overnm ent for the rem oval of ition if wo tu rn trom the p riv ate secretary to T h e jeu ntsse doree of P aris c a l l s a velocipede was overwhelmed w ith debts a t the tim e of tbe
C o r r e s p o n d e n c e C in c in n a ti C o m m e r c ia l.
reading a t the counter. The Colonel had his hat the imposts. So another relio of the dark ages those gentlem en who stand draw n up In a liue a “ velox,” and a velocipcdist a “ velox-m an.”
.off, and it was upon a box. He looked up when is doomed. close to the entrance. They are no common vis­ coup d'etat. Those debts bave of course been
W a s h i n g t o n , October 1 0 ,1 8 6 8 .
Corbin entered, and the la tte r touched his caP- We have had the usual com plem ent of fires itors of the lobby, and they b etray th eir charac­ H a n s C h r i s t i a n A n d e r s e n , tho D anish nov­ honored since th a t lim e, and His M ajesty h as
Howoll Cobb’s death has been received on The Colonel folded his m antle around him, and here this sum m er—but small fires of a hundred ter by the wondering glances they cast ou every­ elist, is coming to the U nited States in F eb ru ary had a very large income; but, large as his reve­
taking care th a t not a fold of the same should be or two houses each. B ut the sm allest favors in thing. Wo can not w ithhold our pity from the
Capitol H ill, among the villagers here who knew soiled by Corbin, he sw ept around the la tte r this liue are thaukfully received, for thej' abolish mem ber from L ittle Stoke Pogis, who will make next. \ nues nave been, his expenditures have been
him well, as a sad and irreparable dispensation w ith a look of Ineffable scorn, and put on his hat. a t a stroke whole streets of wooden buildings of his appearauce presently.and m ust converse w ith M ’l l e Z i e g l e r , the favorite of the Leipzig
still larger, and beside a few bouses aud villas
of Providence. I m entioned if, on F riday night, “ Colonel Benton, to-morrow being New-year s, the last century, and make w af for spacious thrrin for half an hour if he does not w ant to
I suppose you w ill keep open house ?\ stone buildings, which, little by little, are com­ lose th eir votes a t the uext-election. play-goers, has achieved a g re a t success as Ro­ w hich have been bought for him abroad, ho has
to a neighbor. “ G reat God! You don’t tell me “ Yes,” said Penton. “ Yes, sir, I shall, sir, fo r ing Into vogue. Time w ears on, but we still have a m om ent to meo and H am let in Shakspeare’s tragedies. absolutely saved nothing; and in case of an
so, sir,” he replied. “Well, sir, I was a ole line m y frie n d s /” * A fire in C onstantinople is really a curious spare for glancing a t tho dignified and exceeding­ overthrow , th e title of none of those houses,
jfu words can tell the m anner of the old mau scene. "Watchmen from the flre-towers signal­ ly well-dressed gentlem en occupying the arm ­ Q u e e n I s a b e l l a owns a large e sta te in France.
Whig, born to it, you may say; b u t ole Howell chairs on both sides of the door. They a re n o H er m other, MarlaoChristina, bought it, b u t the except th e one bought recently in London,
saying this. He was the m ost cu ttin g being in ize its comm encem ent, and big guns on the top
Cobb lived in my house byurs (years.) He of F ire H ill on tho Bosphorus, announce its dukes, but simply door-keepers. Theso meu are deed is in her dau g h ter’s name. Tho estate is in would he w orth m uch. The Empress, though r e ­
the worJd. im po rtant personages, aud display much self-
nam ed his sou a fte r me. G reat God! is he dead? When the Collins line of steam ships had been existence to the dw ellers in the suburbs. M ean­ ported very rioh a t the tim eof heif m arriage, was
Well, sir, you may talk about rebel, neighbor; subsidized bv Congress, Benton bitterly opposed tim e from tbe w atch-tow ers issue forth m essen­ consciousness. In the boxes beside th eir chairs the neighborhood of H avre, and w orth over a only m oderately w ealthy, aiid w hat, w ith her
the same. Finally F ran k Pierce vetoed the bill. gers, stripped for the race, and carrying a short lie countless letters, destined for members of million of fraaics.
for we all have our faults; but ho was a consist­ pike of authority. These run a t full s p e e d the House, aud which are delivered to them as sp en d th rift hab its, and the expanses connected
As his clerk announced his veto to the House,
en t mem ber of the B ap tist Church. G reat G o d ! where Benton then was, Old Bullion started up through tho crowded streets, yelling to soon as they arrive. The principal task of these O f f e n b a c h ’S late st o peretta, “ The Castle at w ith her ex alted position, has maiiaged to incur
Is he dead 1 Why, neighbor, he w arn’t no seces­ and took the form er by both hands. clear the w ay, carrying to the police- men Is to keep off intruders, and so they m ust Toto,” did not please tho Parisians. They are more debts th an she can pay, unless she curtails
sionist. He was led into it against his will, like “Tell the P resident I thank him, sir! Tell him stations and the engine-houses the engrave the faces of the mem bers on th eir mem­
every one of ’em. He m ust o’ weighed nigh on I thank him heartily! Aud. sir, tell him th a t if name of the quarter; a t each station, fresh ories. A favorite story of the people in the abont tired of his compositions. The critics who h er expenses by tw o-thirds, which she will never
to three hundred. He was m onstrous fat, and I were P resident of the U nited States, I be men take up tU e^ace, and in half an hour tho provinces is th a t a strau ger came to London, un til recently puffed everything ho wrote, now do. One of h er Spanish estates w as sold as fur
the cleverest gentlem an I ever sot eyes on. dam ned t o If I w ouldn’t keep blank vetoes m ost d istan t police station iu the city can tell and, wishing to see W estminster, hut getting, by speak of his works ra th e r disparagingly. back as 1862, and the other, w hich can not bo
G reat G o d ! Yes, sir, ho was rich, or his wife a t my side to check these infam ous corruptions you Just where the fire Is. The fire companies m istake into the House of Commous, took a seat
was. 8he had a h undred and fifty niggers. And of Congress!” come forth aud carry th eir engines—little boxes iu the m idst of the members. Such a case, how­ T h e furn iture aud w ardrobe of the famous sold under the laws of Spain, is heavily m ort­
h e ’s dead ? He lived a t Athens. I went there When Benton "had abused Foote, of Mississippi, two feet square—on th eir shoulders, the hose ou ever, is impossible; for, a fter every election, the academ ician V iennet w ere recently sold a t auc­ gaged—one of the bad debts of the Credit
once from W ashington on a erran d for him. I to the hight of his terrible invective, be ad­ th eir backs. W ith these cqnipm ents they rush door-keepers ask the new members who pass by, Mobilier. The story of h er having effected an
told you he nam ed his boy after me, didn’t 1 ? vanced tow ard him, and Foote drew a pistol, still through th e streets, yelling like demons. A r­ for their names, and continue doing so until tion for nine hiundred francs. Upon taking au
G reat k ra c k e y s! Well, sir, while lie was Secre­ on the floor of the Senate, and presented it. rived a t the fire they deposit the engine on the they kuow th eir faces. invoice of them, previous to the sale, the auc- j in su ran ce of her life w ith a London com pany,
ta ry of the T reasury, he lived on Fifteenth Senators rushed in. All was confusion. ground, w ater-carriers bring the w ater 111 g reat “ Huts off,” shouts a policeman from a corner, tloneer had declared th a ? they w ere n e t worth for a very high sum, wras a canard. The Prince
street, Ju st ab ove Rigg’s bank. He hep open “ Fire, sir! Fire, sir!” cried Benton, opening leathern bottles, and tho pum ps work lively and Immediately all heads are uncovered. Four Im perial has had a large income, of which a
house. He was a m ighty fat man. And he s his breast. and throw a very respectable stream . All the other policemen open a passage through the one hundred francs.
dead 1” Foote, after peace was restored, apologized, householders w ithin a radius of half a mile, lug throng, aud now a second voice announces the L a b o u l a y ' e has been inform ed by the M inister
very handsom e sum m ight have been savéd but
I saw Cobb come down toM echanicsville bridge th a t he drew the pistol in self-defense. th eir goods and chattels into the fire-proof m aga­ speaker, whereupon there appears a small pro- tor the continued em barrassm ents of the civil
d uriug the war, to receive Mrs. R obert E. Lee "E very assassin,” thundered Foote, “ makes zines under the houses, and all within a mile ces-imi, which accompanies the first commoner of Public In struction th a t he will 110 longer be^ list, which have swallowed up its surplus.
into the rebel lines, in 1862. He was a huge the plea of seli-dafense. T h at’s the assassin’s more stand by to be'ready. When the fire gets of E ngland to his seat. F irst comes a m aster of perm itted to leieture a t the U niversity of France
piece of flesh, looking like Dr. Johnson or John plea!—the contrivance of a coward and the so near the engines as to be uncom fortable, they ceremonies; then follows Lord Charles Russell in ou the history of the A merican Constitution. Prince Napoleon is w ealthy, and lias added every
Gilpin in uniform. The m aster of cerem onies in subterfuge of a scoundrel!” haul off a little farth er, and so steadily re tre a t his full co u rt costume, and w ith a golden mace ou y e a r hundreds of thousands of francs by d in t of
th e next world below lias a careful docket of tbe Foote, supposing as did everybody, th a t Benton before it, fighting every inch of ground. High his shoulder. Next appears the speaker himself, C ertain Senators of tho Em pire com plained, four shrew d speculations. He spends a great deal of
honors he held finder the rebel governm ent— alw ays w ent arm ed, suggested the same to ac­ officers of the array aud of G overnm ent arrive in his enormous wig aud loug robe, with years ago, of the tone of Laboulaye’s lectures.
P resid en t of the Congress, Major General, a t and take command of the forces. Often at a chaplain by his side, and a train-bearer holding [ money, b u t alw ays has a surplus. His m eans are
la st, despairing, property-shattered, thoroughly- count for his own weapon. * M a d a m e B a u d i n 4 u d , of Limoges, who stran- [
“ No, sir!” cried Benton. “ I scorn to do it. I g re a t fire yoy may see the G rand Vizier liimself, the end of 1ns robe. The procession enters the m ostly invested very safely abroad, so th a t he
w hipped m an, with tho im m ortal rebel p riv ­ scorn it. Never carried a pistol iu my life. Nev­ aud other cabinet officers on the ground. And door, which closes after it, and soon a fter one of gled her husband, ^iid, to conceal her crime, cut ¡ may look forw ard to the debacle with g reat
ilege of boasting alono unrelinquished. The er know anybody but a coward to do so.” still the fire works 011 , driving scores of fire com­ the gentlem en in the easy-chairs shouts out: the corpse Into one hundred small pieces, has e q u a n i m i t y
n e x t generation will ask In vain w hat public Benton was a R epublican when he died, and panies before it, lapping around great wooden “ The honorable speaker is at prayer !” and then
good he did, and w ith the weak or wicked people ialaces of the noblnty, and curling and ciaek- the doors are closed, and 110 one is any longer been se'ntenced to tran sp o rtatio n for life. She
who made the official and most artificial fam ily so, In reality, in 1856, when he opposed the elec­ f ing through the rich halls of the hareuis, al­ erm itted to enter until praj'er is over. A t tho has petitioned the E m peror to bo 6ont to Cay- j A l e x a n d e r D ü m a s , jr., gives in his new vól-
of B uchanan, he will be spared more than the tion of Frem ont. His statu s a t the time of his
decease sufficiently shows th a t the Republican most before the frightened beauties can be m ar­ E louse or Commons prevaiis the rule th at the ennc, wliero she has offered to m arry a convict. j ume this description of Mine.; George Sand’s
m ention aud contem pt of the national history! party of the p re le n t contains all th a t was shaled by the eunuchs to escape. The flame members who are present a t pray er already may m anner of life: «“ It is noon, the hour when every
worthily D em ocratic from antiquity. The pillar leaps all streets w ithout hesitation, now whirls secure their seats for the whole sessiou. They se­ T h e th ree m ost em inent oculists on the Euro­
cure their seats by sticking their cards iu the small pean con tinen t are Dr. Von Grnefe, of Berlin, thing is visible. Notice yon woman coming
G eneral McClellan, au am iable boy w ith gen­ of Jaokson, the apostle of Democracy, he died aloft from the taper m inaret of some domed
in the faith of the Union lie had alw ays m ain­ mosque, now stoops to lick up some dingy hov­ bronze fram es attached to the back of every seat. down the §,teps of h er porch. She has under her
tlem anly iustincts, placed in the merciless posi­ el—a poor m an’s all. Aud still the engines grad­ The governm ent bench is of course reserved for Dr. Liebreich, his pupil, who has recently set­ little straw bonnet hair which is tu rn in g gray.
tion of notoriety by a num ber of aspirants for tained, and grieved th a t ho had eVer given a
day to the service of slavery. ually fall back before It, helpless. At length the advisers of the Crown, and the first bench ou tled in Paris, and Professor K napp, of H eidel­ She is all alone. She walks quietly in tho sun.
aoeial and m ilitary aristocracy, arrived^ as you the wind dies out, tho raging elem ent stum bles the opposition side, too, is alw ays reserved for berg, who will shortly settle in New York. Ho
a re aw are, a t his home Jn Philadelphia day be­ Fqote, a snake-like, pert, and w ithal sm art lit­ She contem plates her ordina
fore yesterday. He has been the guest of a few tle fellow, came to worse th a n g n ef—to con­ a t some high wall, and, with all Its efforts, can certain members. But, beside theso seats, there
not leap it. Elsewhere, one of tho g reat g a r­ are but few th at are left to certain persons. is d is ^ s te d w ith life a t H eidelberg, and will
m oneyed imbeciles in New York, who hoped, un­ tem pt. He slipped back to W ashington In the
d er his cover, to use the G overnm ent for m ining la tte r p a rt of the war w ith four pair of trow sers dens, so num erous in Constantinople, has Among these are B right, blind Faw cett, General opefi an office in New York.
lobs and take some dizzy reputation for brains ou him, three w aistcoats, aud four coats. They checked it; and now the hook and ladder com­ Peel, S tu art Mill, Baines, Newdegate, Wetzel,
panies appear, tea r down a house or two, more and a few others. Nor m ust we forget among E n f a n t i n e C a r r i e r , a leading dem i-m ondaine
• before tbe country. Out. of their hands McClel­ took him out through the stitehes, so sm all did
la n would be a very innocent citizen. As evi­ he feel, and then Seward Bent him out of this or less rem ote from the scene, and the fire is them Mr. K avauagh. This gentlem an was born of Paris, received as a birth-day gift from her.
dence of the sort of stuff th a t made the men who hemisphere. * SWEDE. done. • And y et fire insurance companies do a w ithout arm s aud legs, and can not move w ith­ “ protector,” a rich English lord, a pearl collar W
are now upholding him as they nom inated H ora­ thriving business in such a place. As is natural, out assistance. A servant carries him iuto the w orth 160,000 francs, a pearl brooch w orth 20,000
tio Seymour, by whom I m ean Samuel J. Tilden, the people think they do all they can to p u t out House and places him 011 his seat. When a vote
LETTER FROM CONSTANTINOPLE. fires; and they do, in fact, ju st w hat our fore­ is taken he can not, of course, go into tho an te­ francs, and pearl ear-drops w orth 50,000 francs.
8. L. M. Barlow, August Belmout, and th eir kid­ fathers dicf a hundred years ago. If a steam rooms which tho members enter on those occa­ This is believed to be the m ost expensive pres­
ney, let me recall this e x tra c t from Lord Lyons’ C o r r e s p o n d e n c e C in c in n a ti C o m m e r c ia l.
fire-engine were presented to tbe Turkish Gov­ sions, the yeas to the right, the nays to tho left.
le tte r to E arl Russell, November 17, 1862, as I ernm ent of this city to-day, they would let it The two tellers m ust come to him aud lot him en t ever given to one of these rapacious
have found it in the diplom atic correspondence: T h e V id it o f F a r r n g u t . ru st out, rath er th an uso it, alone vote in his seat. women..,
“Several of the leaders of the D em ocratic C o n s t a n t i n o p l e , Septem ber 3,1868. We watch, w ith the g reatest interest, the
p a rty sought interview s w ith me, both before Wo m ust return to tho lobby and observe tho T h e eorrespondence of A ugustus William
and after the arrival of the intelligence of Gen­ Adm iral F a rra g u t has ju s t been here. Two progress of the Presidential canvass at home. stream of members poiuing through it. The
e ra l McClellan’s dismissal. The subject upper­ weeks ago a m odest little steam yijcht rounded From curiosity, I asked a suilor of tho Adm iral’s good-natured police inspt&tor, who is one of tho Schlegel, the great Germ an critic and tran slato r
m ost in their minds while they were speaking to. ship which w ay au election would go hold ou standing figures of the place, is alw ays sur­ of Shakspeare, is about to be published in Ger­
me, was foreign m ediation. Many of them tho Seraglio pGint, and gladdened our eyes with board. “ For G rant, to be sure,” was tbe reply. rounded by a crowd of Englishmen aud foreign­ many. I t is no less voluminous than valuable,
seem ed to think this m ediation m ust come At the sight of the stars and stripes from her peak, This is a straw , but it shows th a t the Boys in ers, and points out to them the celebrated mem­
la st, but they appeared very much afraid of its while a t m asthead w as the broad penuaDt of Blue abroad are with the; Boys I11 Blue at home. bers th a t pass by. We join the group to profit and em braced m any original letters by Madame
com ing too soon, because a prem ature proposal We have one D em ocrat in this city, and he is by his knowledge of all the persons. Hero comes de Stael, Benjamin Constant, Madame Eecam ier,
of foreign intervention would revive the w ar the Admiral. There was but little atten tio n paid very solemn over the Seymour and Blair ticket; Bright, the great Radical and leader of the Man­ Joseph and Lucien B onaparte, and a host ot — —
sp irit, and thus defeat tho peaceful plans of the him here ou the p a rt of the G overnm ent, and but, as a duty to liis venerable party, he would chester school, who Is alw ays one of the
C onservatives, They wished it # deferred u n til tho notice th a t was taken of him and his ship vote it w ith a wry face, if lie had a chance. first to arnv e. He has grown stouter since other celebrities.
th e control oflfthe executive Governm ent should Your correspondent had opportunities, during tho days of the g reat struggle against the
tho “ late unpleasantness,” of observing G eneral " P a r i s M a g a z i n e ” contains the following
be in the hands of the C onservative p a rty .” the Franklin, when it did come up, was Corn Laws, aud his whiskers and hair have near­
due more to a curiosity to see Am erican w ar B lair’s rem arkable tem perance qualifications, ly turned white, but his fine «eyes have not lost item: “Madame Lincoln, widow of the late
PL A N FO R A C A BIN E T. aud has had occasion to smile loudiy, more than any thing of their old fire. T h at leau man who P resid en t of the U nited States, is traveling
Secretary of S tate—J. Lathrop Motley, Massa­ m aterial, th a n to any appreciation of the g reat­ once, over tho assertions, so rife in Dem ocratic is dressed In such an old fashioned style, and through France, iu order to h»ke up her abode at —
chusetts. ness of the m an as th e A dm iral of th e navies of Bheets, of his astonishing innocence as to the who limps slightly, is John S tu art Mill, the great
Secretary of the T reasury—A lexander T. Stew­ such a large sized country as the U nited States qualities of drinks. At all events, the quondam national economist and philosopher. lie is fol­ Nice. We do n et know if tho honors to which
a rt, New York. is getting to be. True, tbe Admiral had an au­ aristocrats of South Carolina may rejoice, alboit lowed by one of his best pupils, Henry Faw cett, she is entitled a¡s the widow of a g reat citizen,
Secretary of W ar—E lihu B. W ashburne, Illi­ dience with tho Sultan, and dined w ith the their wine-cellars are em pty, ip the fact who is led by a little boy. That man with the have been paid ‘to her in our country. Ah! if
nois. Grand Vizier, and all that, but then any third- th a t in the g reat m arch tlieir choice eye-glass, who is hastening to and fro in the
Secretary of the N avy—Adm iral D. G. Farra- rate dignitary of a six-penny principality would liquors fell to the hand of so good a man as ground, and who shakes hands w ith and ad­ Madame Lincoln only were a Japanese! But,
g u t, Virginia. have been feted with the same or g reater en th u ­ their would-be Vice President, the captor of dresses a word to every body, is Maguire, the unfortunately', every body is not a Jap an ese,”
Secretary of the In terio r—G eneral W. T. Sher­ siasm. Indeed, not two m onths ago a coupLe of Cheraw. B ut who would have dream ed of Gen­ biographer of F ather Mathew, aud th a t n ea r­
m an, Missouri. eral Blair, in those days of punishing South sighted gentlem an, w ith the closely dropped gray B i s m a r k ’s reported fall from his horse? is be­
big guns, of very snuall calibre, were treated as Carolina, to have found him after four years iu W
P ostm aster G eneral—It] • favored guests of tho G overnm ent, furnished whiskers aud m ilitary bearing, is another liter­ lieved to be simply anew p re te x t for prolonging
A ttorney General—Jam es F. Wilson, Iowa. with carriages, servants, such a fix?
by the Sultan, ary celebrity of the House, who is here fam il­ his sojourn ar Varzin and staying aw ay from Ber­
General of the Army—Philip Sheridan. simply because they had once been Lord Mayor The fact is, American ro litics are the only pol­ iarly culled Eothen Kiuglake. “Eotlien” is the
At the present m om ent I am prepared to bet and High Sheriff of Loudon. itics a t all exciting to ,the observer a t present. work describing his travels iu the Orient, and lin. I t is evident, how ever, th a t B ism ark Is di­ W
oil stock to specie th a t 1 have struck four of Let alone Turks for bungling. So when the English dis-establislim ent has gyue to re st until which is exceedingly popular in England. At recting the foreign policy of P russia as before.
th ese places w ith the men who will fill them. opportunity occurred for them to honor our after the dissolution. Germany is quiet; R us­ this moment tho editor of the Times happens to
T h e sons of prophets pay no taxes in these days, brave old Admiral, by sending a special perm it, sia has. made peace w ith the T artar she caught; pas's him. To .judge from his broad aud open The order postponing the conscription for four
o r I should not be so reckless. unasked, for him to bring his ship through the Crete lingers along in the same uncomfortable features, he m ight be taken fyr a country squire m ontjis is a clever move, and precisely like
MR. SE W A R D . Dardanelles, they d id n 't do it, and only g ra ­ dead lock, and only the suspicion th at France ra th e r than the powerful being whom the Bism ark, to forc*D the E m peror of the French to
means to kick up a bobbery this fall, offers relief great oracle of the European press obeys.
Mr. Sew ard’s m arriage Is fully announced. ciously perm itted tho Franklin to come up after to E uropean gossips on political affairs. So we So many members arrive now th a t it is very show w hether he w ants w ar or peace. It must
H is bride is to be Miss Olive -----, a lad*?- not an immense deal of higgling over the point all w atch and w ait for November. difficult for us to observe them individually. haveo&st Bism ark consid erab le trouble to p e r­
above twenty-five or tw enty-seven years of age. th a t it was only custom ary to allow ships of ILM I BEY B ut here is a personage whom we m ust not lea v^ suade the King to take this step,
She is noted here for her stately figure, large th a t size to enter Turkish w aters when a mem­ unnoticed. T hat tall mau with tho gray mus­
and almost m asculine in hight and fullness. H er ber of some royal fam ily was on board. tache and the m elancholy eyes is Lonj John V e r d i , the celebrated Italian composer, has
eyes are dark, and her intelligence is rem arka­ When, a t length, the Franklin did come in, she In the Lobby of the House of Commons. Manners.
ble. She will probably make the most agreeable was the center of a/ttraction. The officers fairly [T r a n s la te d fo r t h e C in c in n a ti C o m m e r c ia l fr o m th e sitlon He does not occupy a conspicuous po-- purchased the village of B ussetto, w here ho was
la d y in W ashington society th a t we have had wore them selves out by doing tho fair thing by in the cabinet, but we contem plate him born, and a largo estate in the vicinity, over
G a r te n la u b e .J w ith a great deal of interest, Inasmuch us lie
eince Mrs. Madison. She hails from Cliatauqua the crowds which flocked to see the g reat Amer­ In our constitutional tim es the autc-rooms of once was the hope of Young England. Disraeli, three leagues in ex ten t. He caused a th e a te r to
C ounty, New York, w here Seward lived a t mje ican ship. And while they only looked care­
tim e, about tw elve years before she was born, lessly at the quiet old man who fought tho b at­ the kings have found com petitors and rivals. In far who made him the hero of one of his novels, has be built at his expense in the village, and a t this
a u d a y ea r before he became Governor of the tles a t New Orleans and Mobile, they were as­ the an tero o m s of the halls w here legislative as­ old outstripped him ; but he still clings to his th eater free perjlormauces arc given to the peas­
friend with au affeetiou which we must not
Commonwealth. He la lonely In Ills g re at es­ tonished a t the trem endous batteries of her semblies m eet m ay likewise be seen crow ds of overlook, aud, therefore, Lord John Manners is ants. Verdi says th a t tho money which lie re­
tablishm ents here and a t Auburn, aud being an arm am ent.
am iable, sportive, frisky, foxy, aud in fatu atin g During the tim e the Adm iral was here, the petitioners and intriguers. In tbe U nited States at present a member of the cabinet. ceived for “Nabucco,” his first opera th a t w-as
man of fame aud place, who would not m arry Greeks undertook to grind their little axe a t his these lobbyists form a class of their own and are now A striking appearanoe presents tho m an who not hissed, was invested in the purchase of the
him th at was am bitious aud the daughter of a mill. These Greeks firmly believe th a t the arrives, glances around wijlx his keen gray
iolitician? This m arriage is indorsed by both American nation-—heretics though they be, and tre ate d w ith the same respect w ith Whjeh we eyes, surveys the whole Crowd, and quickly en­ house which had belonged to his parents.
Í amilies, aud by Mr, Sew ard’s mother-in-law, condemned beforehand to everlasting punish­ look upon the persisten t supplicants in ffce a n te ­ ters the hall. Everybody has already seen this J u a n P r i m , tho Spanish revolutionist, 13 one
who called the young bridegroom to her bedside m ent—have been providentially perm itted to a r­ rooms of \b e kings. England, too, has its regu ­ noble,furrow thoughtful faoe, in which grief has draw n
s than time. All stand aside re­ of the richest men in Spain. Ho owns ten houses
a n d bade him be happy. So says the country rive a t g reat power solely th a t they may be used lar lobbyists, but they are more in terestin g and more spectfully, aud not a few take off their hats, as in M adrid. Gonzales Bravo did not dare confis­
th a t he has served so well aud helped so as means to build up th a t weak-kneed in stitu ­ respectable th an the lobbyists of W ashington.
largely to civilize. tion, the Greek kingdom. Their sigh is for The lobby of the House of Commons Isa highly Gladstone, tlv? leader of the liberal Whigs, and cate them . Prim ; having w ritten to him th at, if
the glorious days of the lower empire, when imposing room. Its walls and celling wainscoted the coming Prim e Minister, passes by. Even his
N E W A N EC D O TES O F THOM AS H . B E N T O N . Greek instead of Turk ruled w ith a firm hand the w ith oak, its painted glass windows, its p a r­ opponents esteem him very highly owing to his he in any way molested his wife or laid hands on
The pleasantest bit of stre e t in W ashington is dependencies on Constantinople. So these en­ queted floor, its enormous bronze candelabra, honesty, and nobody denies th a t he possesses his p roperty, his: life would b e ta k e n . Prim 's
C street, or ra th e r th a t block of it which runs terprising Greeks, representing them selves as a im part to it a grave and aristocratic air. In a the em inent abilities to which he is indebted for th rea ts alw ays were carried out lo the letter.
betw een T rinity Church and the new M ethodist committee of a P anhelleuist organization, pro­ corner stands a sideboard, where the m em bers his strange and alm ost unparalleled political ca­ His famous mchace addressed to Queen Isabella
“ M etropolitan” ou Four-and-a-half street. . ceeded to the Franklin, and, while aw aiting the cool them selves in the sum mer tjipo with iced reer. He has passed by already beTore wo have
In this street, where are the residences of ermissiou to go aboard, tossed up into the p ort­ lemonade, and warm them selves in w inter seen him fairly, and as we follow him w ith our two years ago, “Change your system now, mad-
Ju d g e Casey, Jo h n G. Rives and m any other E óles printed addresses, m G reek and Euglish, tim e w ith sherry and punch. Among the eyes we overlook another rem arkable man, who ame, ot I sw ear th a t you shall fice from Spain,”
lights aud by-goues, lived Thomas H. Benton, to the Adm iral aud the w e# of the ship, setting doors one made of ; massive oak and is praised alike by Conservatives aud Liberals, terrified the Queifcn a t th a t tim e so much th at
th e g re a t Missouri Senator. His brown stone forth In glowing term s the warm aflection which covered w ith iron attra c ts our special attention: the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Lord Stanley.
bouse is still au ornam ent of the street, and ev- filled their palpitating hearts tow ard all who be­ it leads to the hall of the House of Commons, Mr. Lowe, who has served a long time in Aus­ O’Donuel was scarcely able to dissuade her
a ry day, w rapt in his great blue coat, folding It longed to America, and assuring the Admiral ft is yet early In the day, b ut tho lobby is al- tralia, and now joined the Liberals again, is the from acceding to P rim ’s request.
ro u n d him like a Roman Senator, w ith his tall and his gallant crew th at they felt sure of a re­ readv' wejl-fllled. Groups of meu are w aiting next member th a t passes by. His florid face
b a t pulled down to a peak a t the brim , his high, ciprocal affeotion, aroused oy the heroic name for the arrival of the members of Parliam ent, and snow-white hair, im part a veiy strikiug ap- T h e wife of Bojudhon, the celeb rated ' econo­
black stock and standing collar, his large posi­ or the Greek race. Furtherm ore, they politely and all eyes re3t on the glass door by which pearanco to him. H ere la the Prim e M inister mist, has published a card In the-French papers,
tiv e feet, and his long, stately stride, /senator intim ated th a t tho only thing they wished to beg these longedrfor men m ust outer. H ere stands liimself. He walks w ith a light, quick step, forbidding the publication of* the letters which
Benton was seen descending the steps of his as a token of this reciprocated affection was, th a t a deputation of a pious society th a t willies to sw inging his arm s aud dropping his eyes, so
bouse, taking a tu rn around the first corner Into the Adm iral would run his ship down to urge the im portance of some clerical question th a t he does not notice tho greetings with which her husband has addressed to some oí Jais in lí­
Four-and-a-half street, aud thence descending a Crete, and kick out the Turks, and make the rest upon the atten tion of Mr. Nowdegate. for many he is received. How long is it since, poor and m ate friends. George Sami has likewise forbid­
bloek to Shiliington’s, a t the w est corner. of the natives consent to subm it to Greek rule, years leader of the High Church p arty jn the unknown, lie entered upon th a t wonderful ca­ den the publication of the letters which ehe
ShiUiugtou is a periodical dealer, publisher, “ and your petitioners will ever p ray ,” &c. House of Commons. The reverend gentlem en of reer th at finally led him to tho steps of the
and stationer, popular w ith those whom he Five hundred copies of this delectable docu­ whom it is composed, are loaded with peti­ throne, and gave the reins of the g rq it B ritish wrote to Michel do Bourges about her unhappy
loves, aud his pow er of recollection Is great. m ent were sent to the Admiral as a m emento of tions, and as they stand huddled together, they Em pire iuto his hands? A strongly rom antic union w ith the Baron de D udevant. Madam e Mey­
H e told a story the other aight, which he de­ his visit, and for home distribution; another flve do not lose sight for a moment of the spot where light surrounds the man. When we look a t him,
clared to be new for print, and as one of its hundred were circulated among the men of fclio th e ir victim m ust make his appearance. N ear wo involuntarily call to mind Vivian Groy— erbeer has recently declared th at if the suit Of M.
p a rtic ip a n ts is still living, and a Journalist, he Franklin, while the smiling com m ittee wepe them stands a man VvitD a close-shaven face, whose fate he relates in one «f liis novels, his H enri Blaze, the author of “ Goethe’s Y outh,n —
m ay deny it if it be untrue. I give it as Shilling- bobbing up and.down in boats alongside. w ith ascetic features and a long coat, evidently thorny youth, his struggles, his tem ptations, his which M eyerbeer has composed in p art, should
ion tells it. B ut no sooner had the Admiral waded through a Catholio pfjest. Fof1tl^e rest, he is more for­ ultim ate trium ph, and leel a strong personal
N ext door to Shillington’s, on P en nsy lv ania the affectionate pream ble, and arrived a t the tu n ate than bis Anglican rJVals; fq rh e is already sym pathy for the man who has suffered aud be decided against her, she would Irani all the
avenue, a fellow came one day, about 1850, and expreaejon of sentim ents so treasonable in T urk­ button-holing an Irish member, and explaining ucliieved so much. papers left behind by h er illustrious husband.
opened a show. He had m usic.playing a t the ish subjects, as these Greeks were, than he to him the special wishes of the Catholics of the A fter seeing Disraeli, we no longer take any
door—a hurdy-gurdy, or som ething,—and across ordered the whole ¿¿jL’tjon of printed addresses small town of Ballylioolan. Yonder a rosy- intergst in the lesser celebrities who arrive after # T r o i s s a r d , the F rench general aud tu to r of M
the pavem ent stretch ed a gorgeous tran sp aren ­ to be collected and returned to the com m ittee cheeked, epicurean country squire is w aiting him. There are plenty of meu whom it is worth tho Prince Im perial, is a foundling, and reached
c y to this effect: w ith his compliments. for a friend, tho member from his county, who while to see and study; but the stran g er’s curi­ Uis present grade m the arm y by his extraordi* W M
Then he sent word to those gentlem en th a t a 8 has prom ised him for to-night a ticket for the osity is guerally satisfied when lie has feasted
the guest of the Turkish Governm ent ho could speaker’s gallery, or, perhaps, even one of tho his eves 011 Bright, Disraeli and Gladstone. But nary t-aleuts and bravery. Ho covered liimself
C aptured by receiye no political com m ittee for purposes hos- coveted scats “ under the bell.” The pale young we linger a moment to glance at th a t gentlem an w ith glory as captain of the T hirty-seventh Reg­
.CA PTA IN JO H N C. FR E M O N T, U . 8 . A ,M,e to th a t Government* but th a t visitors to his man yonder, whose appearance contrasts so in his faultless dress who is ju st taking off one im ent of tho liue during the Juno insurrection of
On E xhibition Here. shiD alw ays welcome So the com m ittee strikingly w ith th a t of hie ’Squire, and whose of his close-fitting gloves in order to shake hands 1848, and was decorated by McMahoh after the
were o b h /* d cork up their Patriotism and dress indicates th a t he is a man of the poople, with a friend. The m an does not look very
“I t is n e ith e r ho.r .se n,o r 8taK. n° r antelope, but aboa?<1 mejre¡? yi8it’ Is by no m eans tho insignificant personage for A formidable, and seems to be tho younger son of taking of the Malakoff. But he is politically a
a m arvelous com biuation of them all; an e x tra ­ Fenianistlo d e s T ^ t ¡3 *
which he m ight be taken. We shall see him di- Lord. It is The O’Donoughue whom Tipperary .most unprincipled fellow. Ho was president of
ordinary nondescrip t the puzzle of the faculty, ore ut and common pe»! _ . .
c(^ eB rectig, holding Intercourse w ith the most em i­ land worships, and whose claims to the throne of Ire­
th e m iracle of natur*.' the adm iration of the ofBthe th a t was not all.
“address” were left aw J office, nent members pf the House on a footing of p er­ cated.have been more than once publicly advo­ a Republican Officers’ Club in 1849, but was one
w orld 1” fect equality; áud ip ¡s doubtful if there arc A greater contrast than th a t between ot the first officers to offer his services to Louis
and the Cfcusor of the press had/*** *
The day a fte r this spectaCu" opened, Dr. Wal­ saw aatt once th aatt he h« had
hnr! a rich rinh prize. «a j Rjany names <of members of parliam en t so gen- his appearance and reputation can scarcely be Napoleon in 1850. The Em press dislikes him, and M
lace, now of the New York Hef*¿“ » a favorite of Turks are somewhat ou the order of ou. *-• I g fa tiy kn ow n from one c u d of England to the im aginen. When he entered the House of Com­ his pupil, the Prince Im perial, is more atraid of
B enton, was looking over the p a p e r8 in 8hiiling- late fellow-cltizens of the Confederate States tp ap th a t of this pale young man in lus mons, all wore beyond m easure astonished to
to n ’s, when Colonel Benton, in his ponderous arm y about c lic k in g the spread of distastefully _ lo. , f t is Q p yg o Potfer, the loader of the see this elegant young gentlem an instead of the him than of his father. . M
and stately way, tu rn ed the corner, coming radical opinions, so th at, as the self-elected com­ w orkinffm e"'* !e# * u,es‘; T!)e elderly man, With wild, red-haired rebel th a t had been looked for. A t the divorce trial of the fam ous cantatrice, M
down Four-and-a-half street. He heard th e iL'u- m ittee came to shore agaiu, they found a half th iJ iS S S S ifn rr During the whole of the evening the lobby pre­
£flce- behind a very anim ated appearance. Gentlemen Madame Gueym ard, to whom the G rand Opera
sic of the hurdy-gurdy, and seeing tho great dozen of gentlem en in blue aw attiug them , who him, and talks with a ary bpar 1ng, sents
arrive all the time and send for mem bers who of P aris paid n inety thousand francs a y e a r, the
p ainted canvas over the pavem ent, he folded politely took charge of the whole p arty , who is likewise a popular leader- •¿
opprally appear ra th e r reluotautly. Friends, law yer of her husband stated th a t she had been
bis oloak around him and proceeded to read the paid the penalty of th eir splurge by being con­ panion is his faithful ’Squiro, Die- on^w nom the
Inscription. As he did so his eaglish nose began signed to th a t unclean locality, the Zabtleh’s w orkingm en have nom inated in one o. Í lectors, petitioners, secret advisers—all sorts of M
to expand; his whiskers, brushed forw ard like prison. They will probably be banished don d istricts for the approaohing elections. - °u persons—a-8vjnble here. Hero, too, are hatched m arried four tim es before, and th a t none of h er
;un-swabs, began to c u r l; his g ray eyes looked for causing to be printed incendiary documents. will rarely fail to m eet one of those gentlemen fboijo w onderiiil rum ors which, iu tim es of great husbands had been able to live with her. He ad^
f amine. Such is life. Meantime cannon roared, flags In the lobbv. excitelboijt. are oarrled on tfoc ^ ln g s of the press m itted th a t his cldent had repeatedly horse­ M
Wallace, inoffensively reading the p apers, was waved, and F arrag u t sailed away. through tho world, H ere wó heár'.-jüOBtl.y from
Yon slender, fine looking man, wijth a camella
suddenly disturbed by the Colonel laying violent The visit of tho Franklin a t this tim e was re­ in his button-hole, who is so exceedingly well the Bps of Irish menlberfl—th a t there Is a split w hipped her, but he claim ed th a t there was ab­
hands upon him: garded by all suspicious diplom ats as intim ately in the cabinet, or th a t DisGjeUjiad the dissolu­ solutely no other w ay of m anaging her. The
“ Here, sir! You! I w ant you, sir 1” Said in connected with, or the resu lt of, a resolution dressed, and evidently well pleased w ith him ­
self, w ith the group of listeners surrounding tion Of the p arlia m e n t iu liis poekpt. The M
bis deepest and most dreadful tones. which passed the House of R epresentatives a habitues of tho lobby khpw a great deal more of husband, it w as proved in court, one evening
He p u t his talons into W allaoe’s shoulder, lift­ short time before its adjournm ent. W hether it him, and w ith the world in general, is not one of the
the Ministers. Most Englishm en are ignorant of th au secrets of tho two great political p arties locked the door oí her dressing-room and
ing him almost off his feet, shoved him ahead, got through the Senate ur not I don’t know. In his the leaders of those parties tbeiqsoives; and whipped her for flve m inutes. She did not u tte r M
and poked him along into the stree t and up the It thq P resident is directed to politely request newname, spapers.
which is never td be m et w ith in the the London
B ut on every stage, on tho politi­ coiTcspondent, who passes here a scream , b ut w ent im m ediately after on the
pavem ent. At the door of the show he took Wal­ the Sultan to remove all restrictions upon the some of his tim e eyepy day, never fails to take
lace by the nape of the coat collar and gave him passage of the D ardanelles by war-ships and cal one, too, are to be found men behind the
scenes who are a t least no less im p ortant th an away l rom here a whole budget of startlin g
stage and sung her p a rt as if nothing hap­
a chuck up stairs. merchantm en. Now, although American in te r­ the public actors. A general oleotiou could not news which he may serve up to id8 readers in pened. **
“ Stop,” said the showm an, "you have not paid ests here in the trading liue extend to not half a be
y o ur admission!” carried out w ithout this m an’s assistance, and the country. Beside these comic featu res of the C o u n t W a le v v s k i, who died recently, used to
dozen ships a year, still the D ardanelles Impost a Cabinet crisis w ith which he has nothing to do lobby ne repulsive feature is very conspicuous.
“ How much, sir, is It!” said Benton, terribly; is an outrage, and the House spent its tim e more is impossible. W hat would become of tho g reat You may stand there the whole evening w ithout say, in pointing to hie wife, “ Our union combines
“ w hat is your fare, sir!” profitably over th a t resolution, than it could Conservative p arty if he should retire into pri­ seeing anything im proper nor hearing any of two races of historical gran d eu r,” He referred
“ Q uarter of a dollar!” have done ic concocting any new bills for Andy vate life? Mr. Spofforth Is the agent of the Con­ the disgraceful flatteries an a th re a ts not uu- M
Benton produced the q u a rte r and handed It to veto. to the descent of his wife from the G erm an Em ­
servatives, and strange stories are told about his known elsewhero. B ut look, tbe sitting is over.
over graciously. Then he chucked Wallace fu r­ The facts abont tho D ardanelles are these. oiitical influence. The man with the som ew hat It was interesting, b u t short. The members peror Frederick the Second, aud to his own rela­
th e r up stairs.
“Go on, sir; I w ant you for a witness!”
By the D ardanelles and the Bosphorus S ewish features, who is listening
—two long, narrow stra its guarding the tentively, is not a Tory, b ut the proprietor and through the Houses, and now the doorkeeper
to him at­ hasten to their suppers; the electrio bells ring tion to the B onapartes. Walewski was considered M
“ Stop!” cried the showm an • below to Benton, city of Constantinople—the m erchant ships of m anager of a g rea t Liberal new spaper. He shouts aloud: “ Who goes home?” This custom ary a liberal B onaPartl8t»^ u t*a t bottom , a m an of
who had pushed by him, “ I m ust have your fare, E urope reach the Black Sea and i t s ’immense probably expects th a t the agent of his oppo­ question is a queer one; for, as a m atter of very sm all caliber. The Em peror, who liked him
too!” grain trade. No w ar ship of a larger size than a nents will drop some rem arks from which he course, all go home when the play is a t au end. personally, intim ated very often th a t Walewski
“ I don’t recognize you, sir,” cried Benton; “ go sloop of w ar may pass the D ardanelles w ithout may draw inferences as to the course which
on” to Wallace. a perm it from the Turkish G overnm ent, espe­ they intend to pursue a t the approaching elec­ A Card. had never perform ed to his satisfaction any of,
Wallace, in g re a t consternation to know w hat cially granted by the Sultan. E very vessel th a t tions. Beside him, there are present journ alists L i b e r t y , O., October 12,1868. tfoa tasks wtáfe^ he had in tru ste d to him. Of all
this m eant, was propelled into the show-room, passes the D ardanelles m ust pay a tax for right of all classes, publishers, editors, reporters and tbe conspirafffr8 who aided Louis Napoleon In M
while the door-keeper followed h ard a fte r to of way, beside light dues. The light dues are London correspondents. Some of them stay To tlie Editor of the C o m m e r c ia l:
recover his money. excessive; and add to this th e heavy rig h t of half the night In the lobby, chatting w ith mem­ We noticed In the E nquirer of to-day a «om- the coup d'etat of the 8d of D ecem ber, 1851, Per-
There stood the woolly horse, eccentric, Indeed, way tax , and tbte fact th at, although cUL vessels ber after member, while m any are w aiting for a m unication dating from this place, all unsigned, signy is alone alive; and he has lost m ost of his
a t his rum inations, divided from the people by a pay for the light-hauses, none b a t m ail steam ers certain mem ber, as soon as he makes his ap-
rope. Across this rope the Colonel vaulted. He are allowed to sail on the Bosphorus or the D ar­ pearanoe, they pounoe upon him, p u t a single statin g th a t a t a D em ocratic parade of the 10th influence over the Em peror, Walewski w as a
fixed his talons in the nondescript’s woAt, w ith danelles in the night, it becomes oppressive. And question to him, and hasten away w ith a well inst., a W hite Boy in Blue was stabbed by Mari­ b itte r enemy of the Em press, in eousequenoe of
an o th e r grip upon his crupper,«and, a t a Jerk, then to oomplete the grievances of shipm asters, satisfied faoe. on Hill. We desire to say th a t the communica­ a scene which bis wife bad w ith her in 1863.
to re away hidp, horns, aud the whole outriggery a fte r a vessel, small or great, has cleared at No less numerous th an the journalists are the
of the quadruped. Constantinople, she m ust haul up a t the D arda­ private secretaries. Some of them are only a tion is.a base, libelous, copperhead lie. A W hite A P aris correspondent of the Milan Puugolo
“ There,” said the Colonel, in a scream , stan d ­ nelles, seventy w iles out on her voyage, and step above the ran k Of a valet de chambre, while Boy in Blue was stabbed, b ut by one of his own com m unicates to th a t pap er some Interesting
ing upon this hide lik.e an eagle upon a aheep, send a boat ashore to satisfy a petty Governor others are th e sons of cabinet m inisters, and party . Marion Hill was not w ith in forty feet of
“ You are au imposter, sir! You slander, in this of a rickety oastle th a t hor papers are all rifcht. will one day hold exalted positions. W hat a help the White Boy w hen he was stabbed. We were facts concerning the p riv ate fortune of £he im ­
Im position, an officer of the arm y. I give you And yet, while thousands of tttfi? under E n g lish / is a good p rivate secretary to a statesman^ The eye-witnesses of tbe m atter. D. S. Pierson, Sher­ perial fam ily of France. “L a tte rly ,” ho says, M
tw enty-four hours to leave this city. D epart!” F rench and German flags pass tbo straits every letters which he w rites, the commissions which i s Union County; C. O. Crist, farm er; C. Creg- “ a g re at m any persons here have asked w hat
He slung Wallace aside, paying no m ore a tte n ­ week, not one of tjb< so governm ents has ever he carries «out, are not very im portant; but, if riiih-, cUrk- T, W. Connaway, lawyer; J. N. would be th e pecuniary condition of the Bona­
tion to him, aud stalked up tow ard the oapitol. stirre d a peg to abate the nuisance, wTtb ail he understands his business and is a man of ta c t, Walter; W.' H. li&oy, carpenter; C. W. Stivers;
Shlllington says th a t in ten m inutes there th eir influence at the Turkish “P o rte.” Al­ he k n o ^ s how to keep irksome persons from the Drs. Chet wood and Bell, iiyb0 attended the case p arte fam ily in case a popular coup d’etat
Wasn’t a vestige of the show m an left. Dray- though the Franklin's visit had no oonnection minister's cabinet, and to satisfy those who are but did not see the row.) ■ <‘h .. should overthrow the coup d'etat of Deoember

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