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Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-57925-5 — Personalized Anaesthesia

Edited by Pedro L. Gambús , Jan F. A. Hendrickx
Table of Contents
More Information

List of Contributors vi
Foreword ix
Introduction xii

Section 1: Basic Principles 10. Respiratory Depression 146

Malin Jonsson Fagerlund
1. Principles of Quantitative Clinical
Pharmacology 1 11. Immobility 157
Pedro L. Gambús and Sebastián Jaramillo Klaus T. Olkkola and Douglas J. Eleveld

2. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic 12. Efects on Brain Function 175

Modelling in Anaesthesia 14 Neus Fabregas and Adrian W. Gelb
María J. Garrido and Iñaki F. Trocóniz 13. Targeted and Individualized Perioperative
3. Drug Interactions: Additivity and Synergy Medicine for Cognitive Dysfunction 197
among Anaesthetic Drugs 29 Pauline Glasman, Alice Jacquens and Vincent
Jacqueline A. Hannam and Timothy G. Short Degos

4. Covariate Analysis in Clinical Anaesthesia 40 14. Cardiac and Haemodynamic Function 206
Luis I. Cortinez and Brian J. Anderson Kai Kuck, Natalie Silverton and Michael K.
5. Signal Analysis and Response
Measurement 63 15. Efects of Anaesthesia on
Umberto Melia, Erik W. Jensen and José F. Thermoregulation 222
Valencia Oliver Kimberger

6. Application of Pharmacokinetics and 16. Efects of Perioperative Management on

Pharmacodynamics and Signal Analysis to Kidney Function 238
Drug Administration in Anaesthesia 82 Xavier Borrat and Jordi Mercadal
R. Ross Kennedy 17. Efects on Liver Function 245
Andre M. De Wolf and Jan F. A. Hendrickx
Section 2: Targeting Efects 18. Efects on Fluid Balance 257
Robert G. Hahn
7. Hypnotic Efect: Inducing Unconsciousness
and Emergence from Anaesthesia 103 19. Ventilation during General Anaesthesia 271
Sergio Vide, Catarina Nunes and Pedro Amorim Lluís Gallart
8. Analgesia: Efects on Response to Nociceptive 20. Epilogue: Artiicial Intelligence Methods 285
Stimulation 117 Sebastián Jaramillo, José F. Valencia and Pedro
Emmanuel Boselli and Mathieu Jeanne L. Gambús
9. Personalized Sedation and Analgesia 128
Michael M. Beck, Jefrey B. Horn and Ken B.
Index 291

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