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You could be a genius, according to Dr.

Howard Garner of Harvard University- the founder of the

concept of multiple intelligences, you are possessed of at least 10 different intelligences, in any one of
which you might be a genius.

Unfortunately, only two (2) intelligences are measured and reported throughout school and university:
verbal and mathematical intelligences

But you could be genius in the areas of:

1.Entrepreneurial Intelligence -- Business

2. Visio-spatial intelligence (Art, design)

3. Physical and kinesthetics intelligence (Sports)

4. Musical intelligence (Playing musical instrument, writing musical notes)

5. Interpersonal intelligence (getting along with others)

6. Intra-personal intelligence (understanding yourself at a deep level 0

7. Intuitive intelligence (ability to sense the right thing to do)

8. Artistic intelligence (creating works of arts)

Or abstract intelligence (Physics or science)

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