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Haken Audio

CONTINUUM FIRMWARE 8.85 - 2019 10 14

This is hopefully the last beta release of the upcoming version 9.00 firmware for Continuum
Fingerboards and the ContinuuMini. If you are working on any time sensitive projects that require the
use of your Haken Audio instrument you would be strongly advised not to load this firmware. If,
however, you want to experiment with this firmware and discover the new features we are including in
our next release, feel free to give it a try. As we say, it seems stable and I've been using variants of it for
some time, but hey, I gotta warn you...

Currently 8.85 runs on 1x or 2x configurations of the Continuum/ContinuuMini DSP(s). So, unlike the
previous 8.84 release it is compatible with 1x processors.

Among many new features, there are new banks, the amazing Kinetic introduced by Christophe
Duquense and the very cool Additive Bank, an expansion of the Mahling phrase that is inside the
EaganMatrix. There are also over a hundred new Presets! A detailed list of all new features and Presets
will be included in the 9.00 release. The documentation in this 8.85 version has been updated thanks
to the diligent work of Richard Kram. Also of interest is that the Continuum Editor Performance View is
screen resizable. The future plan for the Editor is to make this Performance View fully featured and have
it as the default interface for the Continuum Editor.

The Additive Bank is hit and miss with the 1x processor. But rather than totally disabling it for the 1x, we
decided to include it as it still can be useful for some Presets. Sorry, but there's only so much water to
squeeze out of that 1x onion...


Anyone in the Haken User Group who feels like experimenting and reporting back to Haken Audio
about their experiences with this firmware. You're welcome to make new music with it, but please
don't share details with others outside the group, we don't want to steal the thunder of a formal


If you do notice something weird, please email me at Include your OS and Haken
Audio device that you have. Screenshots are also quite helpful.

All the best!


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