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Memories of a number.


Sisters olsen :


Sister2:(older) viridiana








Dayana :Diana


Scene 1..

Memories of a murderer.

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to kill a person? It’s the same thing I ask myself every
day. Seeing all those young people, with a simple, without caring about Life. All of this was
going through my mind as I walked on the street on the outskirts of Jicolapa, in sight of a
normal town in quotes, a town with appearances that according to them were so transparent,
but I did not know that dark desire that was born within me, imagining them dead. I remember
that day when I felt the blood on my hands, that satisfaction of killing.

At the moment I was distracted from my thoughts when I heard a sweet voice of a young
woman, singular unique, without worries, that gave me an idea…

I approached to try to talk to her:

Jason: Hello, how are you? Excuse me, I know you.

Sophie: No, I don’t think so, I’m new in town, I’m Sophie.

Jason: Nice to meet you, I’m Jason, you know you remind me of some young women I met a
long time ago.

Sophie: Nice to meet you too, actually you’re the third person I have met counting the Olsen

Jason: who are they?

Sophie: They’re my neighbors. You give me the impression of being someone unique, for that
reason and because you are one of the first people I meet, I invite you to my birthday

Scene 2…

A very particular and beautiful day, to be honest a beautiful day to make a murder. I couldn’t
get out of my head that sweet voice of the young woman, who sent me a message of her home
address and the exact time of the celebration.

Arriving at Sophie’s house,i saw that there are people in her house, realized that her neighbors
were there, two girls in particular who, from what she told me, are the Olsen sisters, very
distracted and innocent girls for their age. It’s your lucky day.

But a shadow moved between the curtains, that strange and strange boy Adam.

It was time to enter the house, knock on the door and a lady something happy for her life.

Jason: good afternoon is found sophie .

Mom: who are you?

Jason: I'm a new friend of your daughter.

(Jason narrates)Upon entering the house I found Sophie, in good spirits.

(sophie begins to narrate)

In the blink of an eye, the hours and minutes passed so quickly, my new neighbors a little weird
to tell the truth and that young man I met Jason. Something strange and macabre, were
coexisting inside the room.

My thoughts were interrupted by my mother's annoying voice appearing.

Mom: daughter you can go to the kitchen for dishes

Sophie: yes, mom,

(Sophie narrates) At the moment when I went to the kitchen everything happened so fast, in
the reflection of the refrigerator a shadow was seen and my vision darkened.

My senses were activated, it seemed that I was in a humid place, it smelled rotten, some
footsteps were heard in the distance, at the moment he began to speak, it was like a
conversation between two, it was Jason and I came to perceive that lady so honest that she did
not hold back your comments Mrs. Dayana.

Jason: Mrs. Dayana, good afternoon, what are you doing here so late?

Dayana: I saw that you were carrying a black bag and out of curiosity, what did it contain?

Jason: Nothing that matters to him.

(Sophie narrates)It was only heard as he walked away. I heard those footsteps so close on the
stairs. He took off my blindfold, stood in front of me and I saw that he had a knife in his hands. I
only felt the knife stuck in my stomach then he started to pull the knife out and bury it all over
my body. (closes her eyes and falls dead)

Scene 3…

(Jason narrates) there is a lot of blood on my hands, I remembered the other two girls. My first
victim Samantha, as I remember her, her last day with her boyfriend, so deluded. I remember
their last conversation when they were in the park.

Oliver: How was your day Sam?

Sam: Well, I was remembering the day I met you, in that movie theater. fell in love with you at
first sight.

I was so disgusted by that memory that she made, that she will remember the second victim,
Alison, such an innocent young woman, I have been incredulous, I only remember her with one
of her friends, although I did not remember her last words.

Emily: How was your college alison?

Alison: Well though, I need time to settle.

(Jason narrates)Those words full of hope, giving repulsion.

But the most curious thing I remember about Sam and Alison are those cries for help, with the
same technique the knife in the stomach, legs and head. Just like it happened with sophie.

Some noises interrupted me from my beautiful memories, there in front is the elder sister of
the olsen, with a beautiful knife in her hands.

Older Sister Olsen: I saw everything you did.

Jason: and what are you going to do kill me

Older Sister Olsen: Just that.

(Jason narrates) When I least expected it I felt a rope around my neck, suffocating me, I
couldn’t breathe anymore and I felt a knife buried in my stomach. (complains silently and dies)

Older Sister Olsen: Today a mediocre psychopath dies and a better sociopath is born who will
not fail.

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