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Name: Ira Chriselle Ga Section:S72 SS2



Femininity Masculine
1. How would you describe your experience in answering the genderbread?
- While answering the genderbread, it made me think and realize things. It made me know who I really am.
2. Are there any challenges you encountered while answering the genderbread? Elaborate your answer.

- While I was answering the genderbread, I did not encounter any problems. I am sure and know what
I want and who I really am; therefore, it made it easy to answer it.

3. Are there any new discoveries you found about yourself while answering the genderbread? Elaborate
your answer.

- It came to my mind that before, I thought I was attracted to both genders, but this activity made me
realize that I was only attracted to one gender. Now, I am sure what and who I really want.

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