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@ =e az 3: = L resent Indefinite. Tense ~(a)\To. express. what is actually sokiog place. at the present moment, as, le , -alhe: Woys sing song... tb). |To express a. habitual action: a babit or. custom, = She. sings while taking bath. : is getup early in the morning: 0) \o a a general truth, : 7 The earth revolves rouncl the. sun. Man.proposes , 5 God disposes... d).|To express the. Bast Tense._in nacoatng past ‘events! e_linian a8 _or.a_vivid manner, : The: plane. takes. off. Buda ya _man in. black clothes crushes ie el ) coc Be carries a revolver in Le 4@.\To. express pate -event, sshich is soloed so To quote putes, : Keats Says, “A, thing of beauty isa iey for ever.” Pope writes, "A it bones dangers thing? foe conditional. iepieqeae mic me If 1.9 to Delhi, Twill being. can you. Tf he. eee in this. match, we. will win. h).| With. Vecbs whiehuare snd usually ised othe continuous. form :like want need.preferknow Tealise.... suppose... meon.understand. believe _| pemember._ belong... fit...contoin.consist.seem__. Do you. hess in God? wal tie wns T.went. eto ys To ese an.action that is: aeng onat the time... of — = " She is 5 nitting epcks aaa seiting. a letter. As.o substitute for the immediate future, ~She_is leaving this place. tomorrow. ena My brother is coming back this Sunday. 9 |Used with, today! thia week I+his. par ete. t- Cpriods ; ..| around now),. He te. sorkng inal today. The. company. I work. for. Ron -Aeing. 50 $0. __well this. Ta talk bout. changes. happening, around. naa. aa especially. with these. verbs: « get, change, become, lincrease., rise_,fall, grow, ae, begin, start __ en: “The. world is hanging Things. never, sa the same... cost. of. 9g is. 2 Difference. ENA Present Simple. is used for things in general or things that happen repeatedly. - _-.. you. usually.doat weekends? oli always get the. afternoon... Continuous. is used for Ahings happening ot.or around the. time. of Speaking: oie ‘Tm. busy: ‘What are yoir.doi t Im getting hungry. Lets 90 and eat. Fresent Simple. is used for permanent. situations. Mu. parents live in Londen. They have ___ Nived there all. theic lives. Continuous 1s..used for temporact situations. Lim linin with some friends until 1 find. - place rd yoni. [Practical Recoralll _. resent. Rerfect. Tense. = To indicate an action which has just been over, Ihave. finished my work. _—She..has. drafted the application. To denote a past ction, the results. of which. are i Stil present, sade a Se at ee z He has opened a. new. shap..... They have. come. back. from the market: In adverbial clauses beginning with ‘when’ ‘if, ‘before, ‘after; ‘as’ or till’ and when the principal verb. is in Future Tense, : As. soon as 1 have. finished this. job, 1 will Come, te. SE YOR. 5 -Luillring up ofter Ihave talked. to her... For. talking about. a. riod. that_continues. until now Crecentlyin Ane. last. w days | so far since breakfast ‘i ave you heard anything from Lil recently? We. haven't seen each other for. along time. a = Gea SE b)| | We. have. been. living...n.this. howse for. 2 Use. of. prepositions..for! and. ‘since’. tesent.. Perfect Continuous Tense... = For_an_activity that has recently stopped. or just stopped. There isa. connection with now. ? You're. out..of. breath. Have. you been. canning! Rolie ction. thet. began in tne. past and As continuing wp to the present, £9. : thas. been faining since morning. two. years. For: ip used foro period of time,¢ __hours,,.six..months, ten minutes | oe : is used. fot. paint of time, 2.4. 9 e _eslening, December Spring... 1496.ete. _dast Indefinite. Tense tz express. a single act or event that ha ed in the past, $ - Ws peke: ahis. fable. . They awece. inthe. garden. To express. pohabikual action. afc in the past, i igus getup. ot ack ever io. Our ancestors wece honest and Wied uw working. 2. inh PRES ‘As a. substitute. for. the Past Continuous, _ While they, played, we. took tea While. we talked , they, me @ iw BE fast. Continuous. Tense This tense is_used_to. denote. an.action.that was Png on_at some time. in the past. £9: ‘ wee ._Flayiog, ask m PNAS. aoe a “ny | Past os ‘ana Past = pre_tten | used ether +o say Sher. something... - happened im the middle of. something . ae _ Mick pooned while yor were nt ; _dinnec. i Wes. sein shoes ag ate Rast Recfect Tense This tense in Weed te dencte an actien which had! been completed before another action began in the past. most often used. in a complex Sentence.,. _ She had finished her work when I feached home. Me doctor AreNen after. the porient. had died. Note sci: ‘The Pact Pecfect. conmot be used to. denote. an isclated action. in the past. For that , Past Indefinite should be used. diy Booey ae Ane Rast Perfect _is used. by itself ina simple sentence, _.. it implies another action. which 7 He had. avendy fi Baiehed bis pape. sae! @ I [Precticl Sal contig doctor (Continuous Tense. This. tense is used to denate an action that. had been. going on ot or before some point of time. in the. past.,.e-g- aoe He had been. living in this. locality for. two. yeacs. before he became my = Sriend, =a ae : . He had been. taking drugs regulacly before it came to the notice of his : parents. Goa oe eee Putte Indefinite Tense {the future 729: ae iiBiie ~They will _come ‘here tomercow. Future. Continuous. Tense. _|.en. Ihappening at some. time. in the. future,eg.. afternoon, This tense is used ieedencte a.single action in. | This tense denstes an action. that. will be. going. a oli eg ec | This. tense. denotes an action. that will have been completed at. some Point. of time. in the futace, We will hove, reached there by that time. Twill hove weitten. this ess0y4_when. you come back, - i Future. fecfect Continuous Tense. This. tense. denotes. an. action that will have been. gping .on.ator. before...some. point of time in eee Oy - = eee ceweente ihe il pave dneen tenets ee. al hours before we reach there. He. will have. been working fer. seven

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