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Literature “Moby Dick”

Chapter 5

Xenia Lykou



Book page 57 exercise 2:

1. Why should the captain of a whaling ship never risk his own life?

As we can also see from the text the main reason why the captain of a whaling ship should never risk his
life is because it is so dangerous for him and also for the voyage.

5. What was the weather like when the Pequod arrived at the Cape of Good Hope?

When they arrived at the “Cape of good hope” the weather was very cold and stormy.

8. What does Starbuck think about Captain Ahab at the end of the chapter?

At the end of the chapter we see Starbuck thinking about the behavour of Captain Ahab. As we also see
in the text self old man thought Starbuck how can you sleep in this storm? Can you still be dreaming of
your revenge?

Book page 57 exercise 3:

Do you think Captain Ahab is selfish or foolish? Why why not? Support your point of view with examples
from the anyone else on the Pequod selfies and / or foolish? Who? Why?

We can see that Captain Ahab’s actions and behavior are very selfish but this doesn’t make him also a
selfish person. As we already know the main reason why captain Ahab is keep traveling and hunting
whales it to catch and keel Moby Dick, which is also the reason why he act like this. His actions are from
this feeling and this anxious that he have. Actually the person that we can say selfish is Ismael. The way
that he think and act is selfish. When he wrote his will we actually see a different side of his personality.
From the binging of this voyage we saw him interesting for this new experience, anxious and afraid for
the attack of the whales and much more. However, his behavior and his whole actions are actually

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