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LONGER TEXTS @ HOME UNCLE RUSTY ' they thought they'd never see - an unexpected visitor Sn. Would he find them boring afterall those years in 4 her. She felt that the rest of her id of her older brotl "she he boys so much about Uncle Rusty, Coming down the path was the uncl The boys stared at the tall, suntanne ‘Africa? Their mother was extremely prot family was so ordinary, so uninteresting. She had told t floods and storms. He had suffered snakebites and a mauling by a lion, He had crossed a blazing desert alone after his companion had died 7 {hist and starvation, He had staggered into a remote village where he was taken care of and could only continue his journey after a three-month recuperation period. He was a real hero. He had survived rt alo1 At the dinner table, the boys plied him with questions. He tried to answer but their mother talked more than usual and kept interrupting him. : Uncle Rusty was silent. He seemed to be thinking as he slowly chewed his food. his diamond mine. Their mother relaxed as he told the Then he started telling them about three days, with no food and story of the time he had got lost deep down inside the earth for having to drink from dirty puddles. ‘Afterwards, as the boys were ‘hunting lions' in the back yard, they could hear voices through the open window. They crept cautiously through the 'long sun-dried African grass’ to get closer. "Why didn't you write for so long? The boys asked so many questions." "You should hear what she's told them!" said their father, laughing. T think I know, but it took me a while to work it out," replied Uncle Rusty. a. Why would the boys think Uncle Rusty might find them boring? b. What did Uncle Rusty work out? ‘ iid their mother relax when Uncle Rusty told them about his diamond mine? d. Why did the boys' mother tell the stories? REACTION QUESTION e. Do you think Uncle Ri is ir Bee le Rusty was right to respond in the way he did? Why do you say LONGER TEXTS @ HOME ___ BEACHCOMBING sanlonely pat ofthe coast was wild and windswept and hada long history’ of maritime calamities. Ta neould vividly recall, sa five-year-old, the time when a fishing trawler’ engine filed during Nate storm, The next morning, when he and Roger had gone with their father to comb the beach, afer messed the battered vessel foundering in he shallows, Two men perished that day. Each : ‘sinter the low, soft, sandy cliffs were subjected to severe erosion. They were extremely unstable. As vt, large sections crumbled and dropped away. They were a potential death trap. The boys had set helped thei father, the local ranger, to erect several warning signs along the beach. ne morning, after a particularly violent storm, Roger went beachcombing. When he didn't retum for junch, Nathan, who by this time was twelve, was dispatched to find him. Looking along the length of the shore, Nathan couldn't see him anywhere. However, a single set of footprints gave him the direction he needed. They followed the high tide mark; the best place to find ‘whatever may have been washed ashore. Nathan kept his eyes down: on the tangle of driftwood and seaweed, on the shells, the small hopping insects and the footprints. ‘They tumed inland and headed directly to a large chunk of newly collapsed cliff. As Nathan reached it he felt a prickly chill flood over him. There on the sand was Roger's bag, He instantly dropped to hs knees and started frantically clawing at the pile of sand, calling his brother's name as he did so. His one thought was that Roger could still be all right under there, ifonly he could break through to him in time, "What are you doing?" It was Roger's voice. From behind. Nathan spun round and sank to the ground in elief, He pointed to the landslip and then to the bag. He couldn't speak. "Oh, right. Sorry,” said Roger. "No, Ijust went to look at something over there.” He pointed and only then did Nathan see the footprints had continued beyond the collapsed sand, a. Do you think Nathan understood how dangerous the cliffs were? b. Were his parents worried when Roger didn't return for lunch? Why do you say that? ¢. Why did Nathan feel a ‘prickly chill’ flood over him? 4. Had the slip happened before or after Roger got there? Why do you say that? REACTION QUESTION ¢. you were Roger's parent would you have let him go o the beach alone? Why do you say that? LONGER TEXTS @ HOME COUNCIL WATER RESTRICTIONS This summer has been exceptionally long, hot and dry. To ensure there is no needless water wastage, the council last month applied a restriction on householders watering their gardens, A number of residents have not adhered to this. As there is no sign of a change in weather conditions, the council is compelled to enforce further restrictions. All non-essential water use is prohibited - effective immediately. This means that Hanley, Debney and Midhurst residents are no longer able to use hoses or sprinklers. The council has stated that unfortunately the Debney swimming pool will be closed until the conditions ease, even if it means it will not reopen until next summer. Residents with private swimming pools must not refill or top up their pools until further notice. The council advises that water patrols will be increased. The Water Ways program is part of the council's conservation push. Businesses and residents are asked to follow the recommendations on water use as outlined in the recently distributed booklet entitled: Water - Too Precious to Waste. While they expect everyone to act ina manner beneficial to all, gardeners in particular are being asked to be understanding. The council is aware that the majority of visitors are attracted by the many beautiful gardens in the towns, but point out that an hour of sprinkling can use as much water as a family of four does ina day. Residents can contact the council for further information. These details can also be obtained by going to the council's website -www.waterways.orgjk a. Why will the water patrols be increased? b. Why do you think the council said it was unfortunate that the swimming pool will be closed? c. Do you think the council is treating the situation seriously? Why do you say that? d. Why are gardeners being singled out in this council notice? REACTION QUESTION ? e. Do you think it is fair for the council to target gardeners? Why do you say that

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