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her first husband's uncle, was elected in his place as Sixtus

employed in aesthetic perception and imagination and intellectual

lizards and salamanders, snakes and Caeciliae, tortoises

Abyssinia. While they failed in their efforts to convert the

of the alphabet to the Greeks by the Phoenicians at an early

so remodels his original as to produce an almost new work;

was but a fragment of their ancient native empire. It comprised

as usual, over the east walk; but, as a general rule, the arrangements

Arts. There he painted and etched in aquatint a variety of

appear that, whereas only 11% of British 520,000 agricultural

Shoa; Mansfield Parkyns, Life in Abyssinia; being notes

appears. The non-dealer then leads; the other must trump or

England. It is a tree of moderate size; the leaves are

ALEXANDER VIII. (Pietro Ottoboni), pope from 1689 to 1691,

himself. His ancestors in Spain had been content the the

pursuit of Mithradates the Great (65 B.C.), against which

according as they employ the forms of space or those of time.

Spencer, that it conceived the world as an aggregate of

points out the impossibility of proving the sensible by

term), which again combine to form sagis, of which there are

Lake Dweru, the shores of which are generally high, is fed by

in the Encyk. der Math. Wissenschaften, Band v. 13, 14;

The preceding summary shows the specialized nature which algebra

up with the troops; but a new and more mobile vehicle, to

Tacitus. Although the legation of Britain lasted as a rule

in 1768, and forty years later was appropriated as a royal

(1) in general, resemblance which falls short of absolute

are roughly three main kinds. (1) A later Biblical passage

from beginning to end. If the principal actors left the

increases in 1892 and 1893. In 1880 the total value of farm

time of the Exodus, and find a precedent for contemporary

``The Avowes of Alexander,'' and ``The Great Battel of

von Neapel,'' Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel (Naples, 1882);

must be supplied from other sources, chiefly the ammonia-soda

freak of nature is not, as is generally supposed, a sluggish

of England and Scotland. He so pleased the king (James

and by an attempt to organize a crusade against the Tatars.

But the change of temperature actually observed is much

who followed him in 1518, was enabled to complete the

ACHROMATISM (Gr. a-, privative, chroma, colour),

a number of excellent official publications on its internal

science with the history of mankind and polite literature.

Carolinas. Virginia at the moment presented a clear field

the select committee of the House of Commons in 1861, in

effects by images which have no intellectual value, and

been the responsible minister, took up his residence in

one-fourth. The state forests give about one-ninth of the

1854. Maryland incorporated her agricultural college in 1856,

m. N.W. of Butte, and at an altitude of about 5300 ft. Pop.

conferred upon Alaric the government of some part--it can

of Craterus joined them, and Nearchus came to announce

Latin verse that a comedy he wrote in his twentieth year,

pace. Another familiar figure, pointed Out by P. L. M. de

of some of his most faithful friends, who were unable any

from 15 to 20 lb of aluminium, were obtained from each run,

literature there was in the hands of its leading citizens

the supposed others are all furos or canos4 In 1864-1868

individuality among the works of contemporary painters.

year. The secretary is now charged with the supervision

various races composing the population, but that the number

regard to the date at which the profitable manufacture

in her acceptance of the office of inspector of streets and

the active materials are in a porous, spongy condition,

its picturesque old Moorish houses, which formerly rose in

not members of the Academy, in need of assistance.

period, as well as with the Latin writers since Ennius and

became acquainted with Solon, from whom he rapidly acquired

between the brothers, during which Zaman Shah, Shuja-ul-Mulk

Embargo Bill and sent it to the House. The support of a

manuscripts; they suggested new readings or new interpretations;

variety of soils encountered therein; but in part may be

Petersburg, which was repulsed with heavy loss. Grant felt

enabled feeling in Portugal to cool down, and on the 11th of

Although the soda-crystals contain the alkali combined

This, and related general questions, have been treated--besides

Schwarzenstein (Z) . . . . . . 11,057 Zsigmondyspitze. . . . . . . . . 10,122

streets. Two long piers shelter the harbour, and vessels

whom it was known as Taorert, and there is still a considerable

extended to little more than taking astute advantage of the

Linseed . . . 70 1 1.4

salts of zinc in small quantities. These are introduced by

practised. Dawson of Frogden in Roxburghshire is believed to

his labours was the defence of the orthodoxy of his former

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