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Shining Mountain – Laura Knežević & Luka Taslak

We choose to find solution to a problem in story Shining mountain

because it’s common problem between children and their parents.
The problem are too high expectations of parents that put too much
pressure onto the child. Parents expect from their child to behave
certain way, or dress into specific type of clothes, or be on top of
their class, they expect that they never make any mistakes or show
any weaknesses. By setting this expectations they think that they are
doing a favor to their child, that that’s what’s going to make them
grow into successful person they want them to be but all they’re
doing is total opposite, they can make a child feel ashamed of itself,
and their self-esteem could become very low, they become scarred
of making a mistake and disappointing their parents. If child doesn’t
meet those expectations they can feel like a failure, some of them
even think that their parents won’t love them anymore but even if
they do meet those expectations it can still damage the child and
leave them with sever depression and anxiety and this story is a
great example of how parental expectations can effect a child. The
dad named his daughter after the mountain because mountain is a
strong and its stand tall and proud just like he wanted Pongma-La to
be. All throughout her childhood he was teaching her to be strong
and show no emotions so she thought that all she needed to do is to
make her dad proud. She never showed any emotions, any
weaknesses only because she thought that she will disappoint her
father. That is the reason why she never told him that is hard for her
to climb that mountain with that heavy backpack and why she asked
for help from mountain goddess. That’s the reason why she almost
died. Her dad only realised that when he thought she was dead. All
of that could be easily avoided if her father showed her a little bit of
love, that he love her no matter who she was. He was supposed to
taught her how to balance all her emotions and set how to set
expectations of his ideals onto her.

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