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1. Read about one of David’s family traditions and disagree with the statements that follow.

Summer is my favourite season for its long sunny days and exciting vacations. Also I like summer
for weekends with barbecue. It is a family tradition which holds us together. My parents, my aunt and
uncle, my cousins, and my grandparents get together almost every weekend. We enjoy beautiful
weather and organize all sorts of competitions. I especially like the water balloon race. When we get
tired and hungry, we sit on the grass to rest and eat barbecue and other delicious food. We talk about
lots of interesting things. In fact, I like to listen more, especially when grandpa and grandma tell us
about their life.
I think that family traditions create good feelings and special moments to remember. The traditions in
my family helped us learn more about each other and value more the family support and care.
1) David’s family is not very large.
2) David loves the weekend because of the barbecue.
3) David doesn’t like active games.
4) David is talkative.
5) David thinks family traditions are useless.

2. Complete John’s message with many/few or much/little.

Hi dad,
What about going shopping today? We need to buy so __________ things for the party and we
don’t have very __________ time. We have a __________ bottles of fizzy drinks in the fridge,
but not very __________. We also have to get cheese and ham for sandwiches, so we shouldn’t
get __________ cheese. There’s isn’t __________ bread, so we need to buy some.
So you think we can meet at 5 o’clock?

3. Say what kind of people you like/dislike. Say what your best friend is like.

4. Write short answer to the questions.

1) What would you like to be when you grow up?
2) Why do you want to do this job?
3) Do you think it is an easy job?
4) Do you know anyone who does this job?
5) What do you need to study to get this job?
5. Find the mistakes and correct them.
1) It were my sister’s birthday last week.
2) We have a great birthday party.
3) All her friends will come.
4) They bridged presents.
5) We sings Happy Birthday.
6. Whrite about one of your family members. Use the words careful, helpful, to be good at,

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