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Pre-fill Efficiently file OPM OF-306 using a

pre-built Flow template fields from a CRM,

Spreadsheet or database records

Pre-fill from Airtable BotPre-fill documents with data from Airtable

Pre-fill dropdown from Airtable BotPre-fill dropdown fields with data from Airtable

Pre-fill from CSV file BotPre-fill documents with data from a CSV file

Pre-fill from CSV File dropdown options BotPre-fill dropdown fields with data from a CSV file
Extract data from Efficiently file OPM OF-306
using a pre-built Flow template to a CRM,
Spreadsheet or database

Export to Excel 365 BotExport data from a document to a Microsoft 365 Excel spreadsheet

Export to NetSuite BotExport completed Slate to NetSuite record

Export to Google Sheets BotExport data from a document to Google Sheets

Export to Salesforce BotExport documents to a Salesforce record

Archive Efficiently file OPM OF-306 using a

pre-built Flow template to Google Drive,
Dropbox, OneDrive and other cloud storage

Box BotArchive completed documents to Box

Dropbox BotArchive completed documents to Dropbox

Save to Google Drive BotArchive completed documents to Google Drive

Save to OneDrive BotArchive completed documents to OneDrive

Assign recipients to fields and route the

document automatically

Create Salesforce RecordsCreate Salesforce records using data from completed documents

Pre-fill with Custom Data BotPre-fill documents with custom values

Pre-fill from Doc to Doc BotPre-fill a document with data from another document or within the
same document

Pre-fill from Excel Spreadsheet BotPre-fill documents with data from a XLS/XLSX file

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