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Thesis Synopsis

Name of the Vinay Raghav – A1904018092

Class/ Section Semester – 10 , Section A Date: 28-11-22

Topic of Thesis Mixed Used Convention Centre

Typology of Thesis

1. Introduction and Brief Description of the Topic

What is convention centre?
A convention is a gathering of people who come together at a predetermined location
and time to talk about topics of interest. Professional meeting and convention
planners, typically employees of the corporation hosting the convention, frequently
plan and coordinate events.
Meetings, Incentive, Conventions, and Exhibitions, or MICE, is a word that describes
the sector that is frequently used in Asia.
2. Motivation/ Emphasis
With new developments for sizable convention facilities, India is quickly becoming
the new Centre for MICE tourism. It is necessary to reconsider the design of these
massive public structures.
3. Intended highlights of the Project
These developments can be used for events, but when not in use, the
neighborhood can take advantage of them, maintaining their presence.
4. Aim & Objectives
This thesis aims to develop a mixed-use development that will turn a sizable
convention center with a functionally driven design into a miniature public space
that encourages social contact and community involvement.

• In order to create a lively, engaged public realm
• to establish a warm and welcoming public area

Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Amity University, Noida

Thesis Synopsis

• to encourage networking and cross-learning

• Merge with urban fabric and not stand out like an alien.
5. Methodology
6. Scope & Limitations

• To study different approach made by architects of a public building of similar

• Understanding the role and scale of services in public building

(Signature of Student)

Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Amity University, Noida


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