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Somali Regional state Physical

Rehabilitation Centre

Staff capacity building and Equipment of Physical Rehabilitation


Prepared By:

Abdirahman Ali Rafle

Date: //2014

1. The background information

In Ethiopia, there are an estimated 15 million people with disabilities, representing some 17
percent of the population. Women with disabilities constitute nearly (46 Percent) of the total
number of persons with disabilities, according Central Statistical Authority in 2007, among
disability people living In country most neglected people with Disability are living in Somali
region due to the security problem and political unrest during last 30 years.
The most common disabilities are associated with chronic condition such as cardiovascular
and chronic respiratory diseases, cancer and diabetes; Polio, injuries, such as those due to
road traffic crashes, falls, landmines and violence; mental illness, malnutrition and other
infectious diseases. The number of people with disabilities is growing as a result of factors
such as population growth, ageing and medical advances that preserve and prolong life.
These factors are creating considerable demands for health and rehabilitation services.
Furthermore, the lives of people with disabilities are made more difficult by the way society
interprets and reacts to disability which require environmental and attitudinal change.

Disability is both a cause and a consequence of poverty about 80% of the world's
population of people with disabilities live in low-income condition and experience social and
economic disadvantages and denial of rights. Poverty limits access to health and
rehabilitation services. Health policies, programmes and practices impact on the rights of
people with disabilities. Most of the developmental initiatives ignore the need of people with
disabilities. The UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities emphasizes the
importance of mainstreaming disability issues for sustainable development. Attention to
health and social determinants is essential to promote and protect the health of people with
disabilities and for greater fulfilment of human rights.

Need for strong and evidence based information: Despite the magnitude of the issue,
awareness of and scientific information on disability issues are lacking. There is no
agreement on definitions and little internationally comparable information on the incidence,
distribution and trends of disability or impairments. Despite the significant changes over the
past three decades in the field of disability and rehabilitation, there is no comprehensive
evidence Data base.

developed policies and the responses to address the needs of people with "Disability,
including prevention, management , disability and rehabilitation based on the best available
scientific evidence will increase access and promote the utilization of evidence-based
research, of knowledge will play an important role in shaping policy and enhancing the lives
of people with disabilities.
Augmented advocacy and media attention enabled the Region to develop Regional
plans of action, generated resolutions by other organizations, the catalyst for numerous
prevention programmes (Government and Nongovernmental) and new legislation and
ultimately contributed to saving and protecting human lives.
International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics, Partnerships an underlying the
principal of the building of partnerships for disability and rehabilitation efforts. The
partners involved in this initiative bring in enormous technical and political weight
ensuring the best quality of information and the widest possible dissemination.
Disability and rehabilitation and mainstreaming initiatives are strong interdisciplinary and
that be reflected in the drawing knowledge and experience.
1.1Statement of the Problem

Lack of adherence to exercise the limit the practice dosage required for functions

2. Objective
2.1 General Objective
 To provide the individual with opportunities for full and effective
participation and inclusion in society, including studying, working and
access to all services on the same basis as other citizens

 To help regain and restore the pain-free and comfortable movement

that a experienced prior to an injury, illness, or disability in Somali
Regional State,
2.2 Specific Objectives
 To reduce lost Follow-up clients
3. Methodolgy

 Providing physiotherapy assessment, treatment, prosthetic and

Orthotic for clients within two weeks.
4. Budget Breakdown

Activities/plans UOM Qty Unit Price Total
To Purchase Beds for client’s on rehabilitation
1. # No 32 384.000
Service 12000
To Purchase for bed sheet client’s on rehabilitation 550
2. # No 105 57,750
To Purchase maters for client’s on rehabilitation 1500
3. # No 65 97,500
To Purchase blanket and for client’s on rehabilitation
4. # No 105
To Purchase pillows for client’s on rehabilitation
5. # No 64
To prepare Food and Essential Supplies for client’s
6. #item
on rehabilitation
purchasing of Materials and Equipment Needed for
7. #No 2
Construction of Kitchen& Food Store

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