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320 Index bstraction, 171,254 255-6 ‘codec, 61 124,282 2133, 286 a6 ‘eademie des Benot-Arts. Soe nat de France accent (personal: 5 135 188, 163, 164 169 ‘ecent ses), 229,231,237. See ao meter ‘definitions 221-2 Ackerman, Jars, 152, 286.35. ‘Adam iil igre), 201, 203, 300 9.122 ‘Adam, Alpe, 71 Sethe, 2-4, 534,57, 108,126,171 24 snd moral values 11 ofthe subline, 296-7 279 agnosticism, 173,175, 189,198, ‘Agetant, Lous 4 121, 161,185,189, 190, 238-3, 245,246 ‘Alsin-Fourier, 193.217 [Albaret, Clete, 240 ‘beni, Laura, 164 Aleatorié mai, 14 atcleiis, 198, 199 ‘igi, 190, 194, 3022-4 Semis, 292 239 ‘pollinate, Guillaume, 21 ‘Acadt, aco, 71 fecaism, 16 irivsme, 919-22, 245,28 lmsof 33-44, 13,199,209 Sd ie 23.3, 46-8, 50,163,288, 254-8 ‘mora role of. 172 ind nate, 32, 169,208-4,247 nd phosoph 39-40, 48 199 bd Fligon, 170-5, 180,199 ‘works mor of tssuthor, 12-13, 49,81 aie, 33-4, 946, 109,132,152, 188, 168, ‘seeticin, 181, 185 eis 173,175,175 193, 194,195,196 Van Leberg’, 199,218 onal, 28119, 168-9,233 ‘Albert Louis 9, 17,289,260 4 ‘rie, Georges 27,29 ‘eal 203 Bach, Jann Sebastian, 7,72, 73,182 ‘ages, Maurice, 239 Bahn, ulus, 29114 bullet, st Bala Honoré de, 153,154,155 Banvle, Théodore de, 290.4 urbarisn, 18 Bardi, Ena (de Moye, ter Mone Debussy, a 11,249, 285-6051, 259099 Bardac, le ("Dolly"), 248,308 258 Bards, Raoul 29 Baudelite, Charles, 861,76 Baugnies, Marguerite, 59 Bez Albert 37 Besuniet, André 201 beau 191 eet 1833-4 Sabime vs perfec, 189, 296-7 279 Beethoven, tdwig van, 71,83, 296-7 79 ue on, 83-490, 98, 31-2 Sindy on, 92 eval Won, 90 Belaigue, Cail, 24-8, 181 ‘on Li borne chanson, 69-70, 148-9 ‘Benoist Mechin 46 82,172 ‘Benoit, Caml, 25, 63,190 ‘Bergson, Henri 412, 38-41, etna Bevo, Luciano, 274127 Beriog, Hector, 88 133,191 Berens, Eupéne 194,317, 298100 Berlin, Albert 20 ‘Bible, OFT, 201,202 Becesites, 74 Genesis 199,203 204 Birt, Georges 293 49 Blake, Willa, 267 0.128 Blane, Lois 173 Blache, scques-Emie 90, 94 ‘Bloom, Harold, 87-8, 91 Boequt, Léon 175. Borde, Charles, 178, 180 185 Boschot, Adolphe, 3, 48-9 Boucher, Maurie 174 Boulange Nadia 74-5 ‘on Faure 17,278.70 Boule, ite, 2,4 17-24, 280.11, 286-7 ‘net Jalos 117, 120-3, 281 128, eke apprenty 17, 118-20, 121 Bourgat-Dacoudray, Louis Albert, 72 Bourget, Paul 195 Brak, Johannes, 136 Breville, Pee de, 139 Branca, alieed, 247,289 on Fare 25, 75,118 chon Maurice, 174 7,48, 50,133, a Index Budi, 174-5, 210,216 French ception of 173,174, 2640.80 Buffon, Comte de, 80 Buison, Ferdinand, 194 ‘Burnout, Bugtne, 173,174 (Cabaret Vote, 271.252 (Gazi Gio, 72 sur, 225,238 (Cage, Tohn, 11-12, 18,19 {Capt cin, 268-5 n37 (Caraud, Gaston, 32 ‘Debus, 38-41, 42-3, 14-5, 18 151 fon Fare 14615, 16,125,323 casei alte, 17 {Castra,René de 179 Gaol, 18, 190, 191,196, 206,205,217 ‘Sera tag ultamontanians Frenchy 174 175,177, 180 istry of, 170, 172, 198-9 cave Start 4 "Mast Ween What We Si? 53-5 celebrity 15,24, 55, 15,241 See abo Ces Pietro Antonio, 72 (Cabri Emmanuel 2,24, 64,78 hamiber music 489,51, 108,134 ‘han. ee planchant {Chaneurs de Suint-Gerais 178-9, 185, ‘harltanism, 2, 2253-4 Charpentier, Gatave, 207 (Charpentier Mare Antoine, 296 068, (ChauimontQuity Mame de, 18 {Chausson, Erase, 4, 78,252 Terai As, 86 (Cherbini aig, 1295-6 m8 Tnparadisum, 296.69 choie atti, 32,3, 190 {Chopin Frédetic, 2.8 121,135, 28,250 {Chitin 175. 168,191 193,205 ‘schatology, 204-5, 208,216 2 poetic, 199 church muse Soereliious asic ait, 1,61, 68,152, ‘dasa, 1, 28,6, 63, 65,73, 85,18, 296-7 Clérambaul, Lous Nicolas, 72 (Gere Marie, 153-4 (Cocteau, fan 27, 120, 137-8, 271 nS ‘on mother’s ice, 274 25, cero Andre 183-4 (Calle, Hen 193. ‘Comaarin, ls, 4, 47,48, 36-8 141, 152 ‘on mic and iterate, 171 fh music as though, 96-8, 1, 45,284 ‘Combes, Eile 198 (Concerts Lamoureus. 21 ‘consciousness 252 Conservator atonal de Pai, 17,27, 64, 7168, 178,279 290 contests and pies. 7, ‘tricalum, 71 ‘Constant, Benjamin, 192 {Cooper Matin, 268 0.22 CCoplnd, Aaron? Corneil, Piste 88 Couperin, Franeis, 71, ‘Cousin, Victor, 17,195 Covent Garden, 28 16,27, 84 5475, 242,250, 262 68 Sri echigue resting ons fit, 161-3 iro originality, 0, 81, 8, 90,110,128 ‘slitting for sel expresion, 111-13 “creation, fee" B3-4, 88 iis and rim, 9,795 131, 12,257 m4, nd? Gn tecatment of einai, 89-91,93-7, T315 273 n22,376049 cin 22 124,209 28 Dadaism, 271 252 DDahaus, Car, 77,98 Dalimie LM 176 Dallapccola, Lig, 18 Dali, en, 295 m4 dance, 221,222 Darwin, Charles, 173,299 n18 aura, Lone 0 Debussy Clade, 2 12,56 65,71 72,121,256 fom the sme of musi, 43, tei shared by Fare 138, 47 fn La bone chanson, 127, 189 Bouler on, 282 1.188, 286-7 n64 on esebiy, 1S ‘on dramatic msi, 52 fon Franck 13 ‘esmony in 64 bis imtator 15,19, 58-9, 12-3, 107 fnfuence of 27 sbinnovatr 24, 138-9, 140, 145-6 Shd Maen 64 143,277 232 Sind musical orm, 140, 134,150, 2850.56 ‘orginal of 14 141 ‘on personality reception, pull 6, 107,126, 138-48, 150-2 ‘on repeating oes, 138, 146, and Rosle Tee, 1-2 Salé-beayal 139,144,145 rad sel renewal 138,138, 14-6, 147,152 Bra sincera 4 Al, 45-8 ‘on sincerity, 15, 33,52 Sle development 123, 188, 138, 141, 12-4 10 homogeneity or heterogeneity in, 125 and Wigner, 18,88,276.9 Works "Beau sic” 64 Danses sores et profane, 25 nt Index Debus Clade cont) Fanaty for plano snd rchetrs, 44 Images (orchestral) 138,139, 140-1, 163, 1446, 10, 148 Lemartyre de SuintStbastion 91 ame, 198, 12,143 148, 147, 148 [Necures, 140, 181,145, 107 nit does” 64 Plast Mela 138, 139-40, 141, 142, 145,146 151 rss ric, 8 Sting Quartet, 144 Debussy, Ema, Se Barc, Emma debasing 41, 12-3 ‘ecadence, 1, 22,76, 148, 49 ‘deur, 70 Delpeth, 05.8, Artoine, 180 Descartes, Rend 82 Desiardins, Paul 174 Devereaux, Mary, 11011 iviniy, 196,199,217, 218,230, and beat, 91 Ina chanson dB, 200-1, 206,210, and love 188,194 poetry a, 254-5 ogra, 126 179,192,193, 29453 Downes, On 32 roman, Gabriel 32,58 aa inert, 3-1 Dubois, Théodore. 2,39, 60,63, 28 1,268 ash 3a Aivection of Conservatie, 28, 72,269 028 musical syle, 645 songs, 4, 269 025 jardin, Bdoward, 20-1 DDoanin-Berumet, Francois, 172,269 0.28 ka Pl 12 14,36, 88,97 nd Bolen 132, 1234 382.130 ren 13,79,91,96, 276189 Sitigue of ero. 16.19 fon Debussy. 9 fon Faure 13. 15,52 Fendship with Faure, 13,7176 ‘on Masenet, 275-6 049 ‘on originality, 79-85, 87,91, 104, 123,124,125, 12 and sincerity, #12 31,32 teacher, 27,128,279 090 ‘on Wagner. 79-8091 umes Rene, 9, 36,52 Dupe, Hen, 16 19.51.64, 78 ‘sincerity. 1216.33 Dupe, Mare. 279 290 rte par, 39-40, 50,264 982 Duties Hens, 7 1516, dete, 179,292.39 zale de Musique Cssigue et Reiiuse. See ‘cole Nidermeyer BeoleNedermeyer, 2860, 71, 176,178 zoe Normal Supéceure, 176 estany, 195,210,217 ‘tronic mse ‘ocution, 25-4 Enesco, Georges 17 cts, poetic 11,114,253 ‘Sse 1,4 89,123, 126-5, 155-6 162,280.97 thi See morality Eustis, el, 16,289 299 ve (ill gue), 198-217, birth 201, 210-11 eat, 25, 205-17 Innocence 202,208, nowiedge, temptation and sin, 201-2, EN relation othe word 199-202, 205,206, sel ents, 201-2, 729-30, 304 n2 evolution, theory of 173,177, 199 ‘experimental msi, 11,112 Exposition Univeral (1900), 147 fit, 191-2 sernatives to Chinn, 172-5 os f 170,172 173,174, 177,18, 193-4, 195, 196-8, 216-18 alos Berard de, 12 falsehood, 33.3436 56 Seas artifice fama 68, 70,133,206, nin Latour Hen, 28 Sashion, 20, 24,25, 26-7, 29,3, 53,73,76, 196 Fuucho’ Rene Jowsalen did, 196 Faure, Gabe scent se of musical, 223, 226,229,233, 236,237 uration 231-2233 appreciation of nature, 168, 197,283, 145-7, 255. om arrive 20 sttempes to gain seat in sti, 15-6, 26927,n3 bali shared by Debussy, 138, 1417 Buds, contact with 173-8 chamber music, 9-104, 5,98, 248,251 ‘haem 9, 13,49, 58,238,288 7 assis, 28,63, 66,73 compared to Malame 87, 253-6 ‘omervatis, 57, 72-4 22, 23,250 ‘counterpoint nd harmony, 7. 60-5, 66-70, TO 103, 164-8, 219, 220,223,2265, 227,228, 230-3, 236-7.295 040 sites 311-12 225,236, 231,232, 233,236, 268 020,270.03 cadences, 229,236 ‘on-functional, 168-9, 233, 235,286,270, 233 voce ending, 23,236,302 24 bole-tone usages 159, 168, 220 rafsmanship 129,229,239 9-40.63, ss Index isis creative, 104-6 ‘tical wetngs, 2,21, 88, 93-7, 131,238, 251-2,273 022 dese 10,1005 ‘death atts toward, 187-90, 203,205 Medications, 14, 29-50 ‘ieton ofthe Conservatoire, 3,9,24.25, 128-9, 66, 72-3, 98 198, 2681.28, 71 nas gmat, hatred of, 179-81 182-4, 187, 294233 ramatic works, $2,108,244 and Dubois 64-5, 258-9 125, ‘yang and tension a muse of, 220, 224,228,238, 286-8 ‘ety musi knowledge of, 71-3, 176,178, 19,1824 dete, 5, 7,179,252 ‘ucation of, 71,73, 76 asvenes 67,215 oii, 237, 338-9, 241-2253, etre 247, 251-6 ‘elgons,170, 198, 217-18 yt, 7,236 fantary ad reason 69, 70,292 tai, 197 guration nd tear, 20,222,225 Forms sl, 58,6, 103,12, 238-9, 278 383 fon Franck 182, 184-5 Friendship with Dulas, 18,79, 176 friendship with Mesos, 28 and genre, 132, 247-8, 250-1, 238-5, ‘on Gounod, 182, 1845, 18.192 Ihrmony Se Fare: counterpoint and ‘mony homogeneity stylistic, 5-6. 15, 108-8 128-9, 131 13203, 136, 156-89 itsbalance wth Beergensty, 16-52 16) om human sulferng, 204-8, 216 Thum, sense of, 6595, 176,239,240, 2830. ‘eats, 170, 172, 192-4, 196-7 eof bes, 18, 51, 188, 23-7,251, ‘on ilsion andthe ene 192-4, 196 fon nagination and at 45, 192-3, 205-7 Independence, tic 15-16, 25,27, 92 108,18, 150, 151, 173, 10-1, 2, 231,258 ss innoron £5,789, 27,5863, 66.77, 103-4 125129 130,133,158, 16, 15,22, 28,238 on instrumental music 12, 281-6 Tete music 10,7498, 10,129, 223,229, ane? Leer inies, 191 Hiberalis, 17,19, 29,57, 72-3, 182,19, 9 listening to the muse, 233,235, 251-6 Iaeica teas changs to, 188-9 mariage, 202 ‘on meaning of music 4,193 ‘eo 606567, 70,71 103, 156-61, 1-7, 168 297,277158, 278 62 contour of 233, 236-7.257 Sn plainchat, 79, 190,299 n40, 302 a4 mecca ye, 7, 222-38,224 operate in 225,237,303 20 rulalene fn, 220,223, 224-38 ‘placement f brine, 228, 227-8, 230, 232-3,257-8 and perfomance, 226-7 modality uso 7,8, 71, 20,282, 238,285 Solna modernity, 28,61, 63, 66,73, 129, 168-9, 01 modesty, 9,248, 59,239,202 musique pre, clivatin a, 247, 248-9, 25i-6, 306 n64 notational abit, 7, 222,223,226, 227-8, 229,230, 233,236, 237-8 on noely, 57-75, ‘sccsional work, 248-50 ‘optim 197,299 12 ‘organ and choirmaster, 10, 176-8 180, TBH, 12,185, 189,195,194, 198, 270122940033 ality 683, 108, 121,125,128 128 le on originality, 78, 83-4, 94,97, 105,124 Perodation, atitude toward, 131-2 nd erection 9, 1,123 performing the music of, 223,237 esis, 216-17, 299113 Phrase structure, 230, 225-8,233,235-6 pianist 910,200 Pino msc, 8, 166-7, 254, See abo ander ‘pea works low place istry. 3,78, 29,57, 589,13, Bs poetic imagery musical response to, 101-3, 208,210, 228-4, 238, 238-9, 248-7 a1 poetic oares, textual changes to, 9%, 209-11, 245-6 301 n137 poetic soures, treatment of 19, 202~ 207,217, 245-7, 235,277 06 pois tite toward, 7,219, 237-82 political opinions, 19 pre poblcton sates of his mi, 241-2 ‘a peogenr music 281-2 prosody. See under aur: songs ule, treatment of 220,223,224 251 ‘ual of motion in his muse, 234,228, eT fon Rael, 251, 30557 eats si in elation to, 7, 41-6, 165, 23 238, 27, 25-3, 254 255-6 4 Index aur, Gabriel (cont) reception of is works, 6,8, 24 45,65-8, 70, 98, 126, 138, 147-8, 193,244 See ao tnder pectic works, Below reeurence in music 126, 186-69-See ao "RUF: homogeney stylistic: Faure se quotatins his religious belies 6,170, 175-7, 180-1, 188, 190-8, 217-18 gost, 175, 196 218 hci, 176, 196-8,318| (Cth 6, 173,176, 177, 192,196, feecthought and Catholic conacass, 175-6177, 203-5, 217, pantie, 6175-6, 194-5, 216-17 nseligious musi, 173, 180-1, 182, 192, 8 “human” idea, 177, 185, 189,196 tex and rg, 189, 185-9 on elgous muse, 175 177,180 182-8, 189-90,218, fn Rennes 176-7, 270-1 142 reputation, 8-10 183, 190-1, 242,248 ecece 1-3, 11, 18,78, 195, 218-15, 40,358 hye, 219,222, 223,227 ‘nthe Scala Cantor, 73, 17-81, 293-4 pe selEawareness, 58,53, 65-6, 6, 10,22, 2st sel quotations 86-61, 12 ‘onselFrealation, 31 tnd sel renewal, 98-103, 105-6, 128-9, 138 139 17, 149,168 onselerenewal 94, 97-8, 147 fm sensation vs feng. 22 Sensuality 8, 172, 188,191,206, 245,217 fon sin and judgement, 187 89, 196, 202-5, 203.216 Since of L-12, 1,16, 2425-7, 52, 76,92 18190 om sincerity 12, 17 18, 22,28, 32,38, 34, 3-6, 105, 184,282 “se, vele"74, 180 193, 194 sociability, 173-4 Songs, 82 88 108, 223 Seas specific Twos below sroupigs of 278 n63 poetic preferences and characteris, prosody 9,226, 227,28, 29,230, 243,235-6, 03 a6, 304.22 on siraus 281-2 Stleand technique, 7, 128, 167-9, 219,220, 243,302 4 lnerdependent traits of 219-20,232-5, sys dewopment, 15, 66 106,108, 13930, 4, 14-9, 151 158,179 asteaches, 1-19.26 38,29, 6, 55-6, 7, “153,84 And ite, 7, 247-51, 254-5 tonality treatment of 65,6970, 168-8, 220,295,235,270039 ‘onieton and modulation, 7,70, 20, 232,302 4 and tration, 45,78, 269, 57,63, 65-6, 70-5, 89,92, 131,185, trancendent veo at 192 255 ice ean. Se Fart: counterpoint and harmony ‘on Wager 889 ‘on Werther 93-7 ‘work vided into periods, 104,106,108 works disavowed, 1, 104 1567, 24 Wor aps un rv", 148,287 073 “rtrd deen.” 48 “cme 287 75,309 n10 pare 223-8 29,236 ‘ve Maria (1977/1906, 198 Ballade, 58, 153-4, 165-6 reales, $9, 66 108, 163-4, 164-7, 2, "50-1 abot chan 66, 108,127,238, 156.209 “avant qe tne en ales," 66-70 “iver ces" 26,245-6 “atu blanche” 158 16, 162, 2690.30 Neste ps? 246 PuigueFabe grand 168,246 reception, 69, 148-9, 20931 oud (projec), 174-5 a chanson dB, 6,915,175, 188-218, 33699 atta deh represented in, 203, 208, 206-17 Akevitons om Van Leberg, 20-1 "7210-11, 217,301 37 slemental imagery in, 207, 209-10 tschatlogy of 208, 207,216-17, formal ad symbolic dese, 28-16 innocence in 208, vane imagey, 216,301 0.143 195-201, 208, 26,203, ao, "Comme Dieu 2yonne,"206, 210-11, 224 “ceepuscul,"206-9 “Danson purfim de roses blanche” 206, 50428 “au vivant” 252-6,270 138, “Omore,pousiere doles" 203, 206-7, 2-17 Paras" 206-7, 210-12 as Index “Roses ardntes” 206, 229-32 236-7 “eet ma sentear de soled?” 214-16 ‘chanson dpécheur9 "chant d'automne, 287 n78 ne cht en our 288-50 ing melodies, 59,60-5 "Dan ford de septembre" 289 99 oly, 208-50 "Le dom encews.” 2, 59,239 “En pire 208, 225, antsy for pano apd orchesta, 59, 159-60 horizon cimcrigu,9, 98-108 lampromps, 168-9, 2702.33 Lefer cls, 278.53 Lyi 9,162, 158,291 m5 ‘eld legac of 188-9, 16 163,289 Masquese Begamasqus 2891.97 ese bse 158, 198,298 089, Mirage, 278 63, 288-9 093 motets, 17-8185 “Nall 291 5 octrnes, 18,16, 250-1 “Papillon 248 “Lepr impéisable," 159 Peale, 2,9, 83,88 199-60, 248,275 34 Tove theme 163-4 “Osea loc legacy, 159-62, 168, reception, 15,52, 69,108 Pieces for piano (op. 84) 248 "Puss do 159 age dun jou, 19 Promethe 9, 146-7 138 Pano Quartet, First in C nos, 3-10, 38 127,151, 265-6 097 Piano Quartet Second. in G minor. 9, 1-6 104,107, 108, 11, 29,263,247 Plano Quint, First ia Dine 12.25, 41, 59, 97-8 104-9, 147, 168,281 ecepio, 105-9, 139, [49-52 Piano Quintet, Second, in C minor, 26,98, 101,160 Requiem, 6,63, 104, 177, 180-1, 185-92, 196,197, 222-3 In pradisu, 186, 187,208 Kyrie 188 bers me, 186 187 (Offeror 18,189 Pie Jer 186, 188, 191,295 61,297 087 reception, 25, 10, 186-92 cuba a91 as Sonat, Fst fr cello and pan me Sonat, Fist, fr von and piano, 8 108 Sonat, Second, or violin atid pian, 150, 1590 ‘Swing Quartet in E minor, $8, 101, 103, 159-0, 242 ‘Thame er vriatons for piano 108 ‘TaninD minor 101 103 129-30, 269 28 sal-caprees 264 159-40, Faure, Marie ee Femi) 240 ‘allaborator in destruction, 242 aur’ ees to, 12,20, 41 108 108, 208-5 247,268 n92 ure, Michel 197 Fre Fremiet, Emmanuel 68, 149,239 Four Fremie Philipp, 79, 9,104,156, on Lt chanson dive, 205-6, 216-17, ‘on Faure religion, 196-7 fon Faure sy development, 131-2 as, Frangob sep 1 fetion, 172, 192, 194218, 253-8 ube, Gustave, 128-4197 Bouvard et Peach, 110 formalism, 120,121,171 forms 80,5877, 113, 131,182,252 Boulez on, 119-20 123 plc, 13, 18-417, 150,15, 153, 157-8 205-6210, 238-9, 278 6 28656 in Deny. 40, 13-4, 147,286 056 2 manietaton of originally 82,125. Foucaun,Phillpe 173, Frangabe ea, 18 Frame Ministre destruction Publique t des BeauneArte 82 ‘German clare ad ideas, 36-8, 297 0.79 ‘eligious and secular organization in, 170, md Second Empire “Third Republic, 172198 Franek, Ce, 47, 63,143, 1 145,279 90 fence of 27, 108 151,287 nt Plane Quintet in Fino, 106,150 fraudlence, Se caratanismn Frethought, 15,192,194 Fremiet, Emmanuel, 20,63, French language, 303-3 18 Fulcher, ae, 285 042,286.56 fori, 27182 157,182, Galle, Louis 20,205 wardens. 247 Grier Pal-Loi, 40-7 estou, Amede, 10 (Gaui e199 (Gaie-Vlars, Hen [pseu Wily), 285-6 ‘ast (Gedalge, André 27 genius $5,745, 80,85, 86125 127,163,252 ene, 182, 186-7, 247-8, 280-1, 254-8 ‘Germany, cultwal influence in France, 96-8 gesture 121-2, 123, 168-8, 283,287 no ide, Ande, 93,138, 26-2 062, 28537 sits inborn artistic. 2858.78, 81-283, 90.91, Bl m6 Index its (con) twos 35, 249-50, 306.62 Gigout, Eugene. 71 Giion Benne, 219 Clas Philip, 279 90 (lack, Christoph Willd 71,72 Goud, Benjamin 60 ‘Gone, Edmond and fle de, 195, ‘Gounod, Chale 58, 64 177, 79, 1B, 182, ‘Mee wenn de Saint Cie, 14-5, 295 net ‘on religious music; 181,294 287 Reyuies 298 n.61, 2960.68 consinceity 22,261 058 Gree, Tylor Ay 129,167, 168, 2701.3, 304 23 Guilmant,Aleane, 178, 180,297 290 Goya, Jean-Marie 197 ircgion de vent, 193-4 Gay Ropar Sor Ropar oseph Guy Hahn, Reyraldo 45 Hamel (publisher) 24, 248, 250-1, 254,278 nf5, 2950.64 Handa, George Frederic, 71 Har Brian, 287 nt Haran, Edvard vor 38,291 n.4 Hassemans, Marguerite, 73 ayn Franz Joseph, 71 ething, André 266 097 Homans Fl, 267 m2 Herds, 199 Hee Hen 71 heterogeneity syle 125,128,152, Seealan homogeneity sel-renewal oubis raised by. 6.13641, 1-7 Hegel (publisher), 198 Hindemith, Paul 118 Hinduism, 173,178,216 historcism, 71-2, 73,241 historiography. 8 10,75, 87,182 Sod originality, 5,765, 110-17 ‘of eens century mae 11314, Holloway. Rabi, 8 homogeneity isi, 107, 123,28, 130,87 Talnce wih heterogeneity, 129, 131-4 set, 1451467 Boulez on 121-2, 125 ened, 5,125, 18, 13,154,169 ssanpct of aye 152 Insuticient, 6126 Involuntary deliberate, 185-67 as mark of greatness. 126, 128, 3S ‘model of selt-ealation and renewal, 107 108,112,145 and novelty o inmotion, 125, 132-3, 155 nd orginal, 109,126,127, 128, 138,12, Tee} Prous on, 6,126, 127-8, 1801334, 153, 1346, 187-8 161-2, 168-7, 108 onegge, Ahi, 127 “amhion 33 ‘Semis 266.120 Hoedard, Georges Louis, 2921.37 go, Victor 153, 253,255 ‘Hysmans ore Kar, 340 eis, 26, 195-4, 259 32,281 1.125 ue’, 1901721924 196-7 (German, 297 79 Prous 241 sion, 93,193 ‘of redo, 88-9 {and religion, 93, 192-4, 196,218 of unity 183, 161-3 Imagination, 75,120, 23,286,281 1.125, See softy Imbert, Hugues, 28,78, 89,97, 268 23 imitation (artist), 122,125, 142, 147,148 Duka on 80-1, 88-8 91 Fré on 90 131-2.267 98 Gi om 93 velar. 83-4 mmol, personal, 173,19, 205, 216-17 Impersonaty 111 112, 14-15, 122,210, 2-4 204057 impressionism, 1,22, 58-9, 90,230,259 232 independence, 8,93,97,273 4. See abo sserance invent Se orginal: personaly feast Indy, Vincent 2, 25,78 179, 29453, 204 elie in syst norms 29| on etic, 292 39 Teanger 86 on Faure. 92 Feral 86,91 on Franck 185 fn inence, 88-9 fn originality ad tradition, 91-2 4nd plainchan, 179 Sincerity of 9 “on theaogil vite, 180 ‘bleacher and leader 15,1788, 14,178 ito Ine See music infil of lnuence, arise, 577,85, 96-7, 126, 181 and age 89-92 ‘nay and equanimity of 87-9,92,94-8, 08 counterbalanced by sincerity, 8, 92-3, meting challenges f 84, 90-1, 109 snd patriarchy. 274225 ‘Waldeon. 23 Innovation See novelty a7 Index Insinceiy, 19,23, 52,54, 96,138 Institut de France, 9 60, 63, 6, 65-6, 67,9 Institut Catholique de Par, 180 Slt, 36, 37,45, 15,25, 282 0.138 Seven, iti, 187,219,238, tention," 22 terior, 18, 14, 30-148, 45,52 aces trogh music 3637, 38-4, 46-8 etic alization of 83, 8,92 ‘chamber musi 49 Seniof 1-13 and inuence23 1 precondition of rina, 8,81, 84 85, 213 556,81, 17 imerregnm7.170, 173,189 invention, 745.128 (31,136 153-4 irony, 286 056 Jackson, Timothy, 222 Jacoby Max, 21 Janie, Let 113 Funke, Vadim, 0 47,247,265 279 ‘on Faure 88, 156, 103,138, 205-6, 208,217 jazz 221 Jean-Aubey, Gorges, 26 1.70 Joncitees, Vicon de, 60 Jones, Bare 177 Jourdan-Morhange, Helene, 250 Kahn, Micheline 248,249 Kaminsky, Peter. 228 Kant tmmanvel 38 id ames, 71, 28; 135, 168,237,295 40 Kewl, charles 17, 19,25. 49,56. fon Fated 14 15, 1825-6, 158. tn nowy, 234, 270039 fon ice 12, 13, 1 16, 119,24, 82, By Koll, Philp, 149 Kravis dy, 255, reds, Harald, 28-9, 303-420 Lamia, Pal 149 La Laurence, Lionel de, 172 alo, Edouard: Namouna, 244 alo, Piers 2, 108-9, 152 on Debus, 194i, 2-3, 14 fon Faure est Quintet 25,107,150, 151-2 Lalo, Lous 108, 14,152,297 179 ‘Debussy, 123, 14-6152 fn Faure 180 187-8, 190 Lambine André, 238 amoareax, Chale, 21 andor ay 16,21, 143 [angi ean, 2791.90 langage, inadequacies of 35-6, 39 [a Rochefouculd, rangois de 267 8.121 [our Gustave, 2 so, Orlando, [Vile de Mizmont, fan de, 98,277 nd Leconte de Le, Chaes Marie René, 88 174, 197,255,299 n.116 Pode atigs 173 LeDantee YG. 264 085 [Leebure Wel Louis James lied, 18 Lowi, Reng 16-17, 1, 124 Lemaire, Sete, 172 Lenepveu, Cares 65,269 03 eo XI 198 Leoncaalo, Ruggiero: Paghac: Zi, 284 Heals, 29, 723,172,269 .28 religious 192, 198-9 Lindenloa 38 ot, Fane 8 tert, 27, 171, 172,247, 252-5. See alo roy and since, 431-2, 35-6 45-8, 48-51, 2se-7 a2 Le, Ee 1 ag 198, 186-90, 191-2 (Galcan, 186, 295-6 268 Roman Caholi, 178, 180, 182-4, 186,189 tock fo. 195 Lona, Robert, 251,284 aly ean Bapise, 72 Madeleine, Elis dea, 188-9, 193, 194 198 295 ns 296.8 teaitons of 25, 181 186 ‘Magna Albee, 86-7. 8,252 ‘Borie, 867,88, 89 Mahler Gstan 8,252, Malherbe Frangois de, 253 Malipieo, Gan Francesc, 118 Malené Stephane, 97,128, 170,219,286 ‘definition of Masi, 171,288, esi antiques 206 cn misc and poetry, 17, 252-5 ‘on music as religion 29010 ‘ccasional verse 250,306 62 ‘on reality and poetry. 253-5, regis bhe, 193 fons sd yan, 250-4 on ties 25¢ Mangeot, geste, 73, 181-2 Marea Bertrand, 173, 192,193, Maris de a tour El, Ls, 27 Marve, Joseph de pseu, Sun Jean, 16, 128-9148, 210 Marmol, Jean, 245, 128, Massne, les, 17,64 13 inenced by Wages, 4-7 Sincenty of 945,276.49 Examonde 34 Bye, 203,205 Thais 393 49 Werther 97,98 ‘Mass fo the Dea (htrgy, 185-90, 295-6 "8 See aa Faure Regen. smatvaia, 112,113, 119, 118,177, 281 125, Index ‘Maus, Octave, 15-16, 108,150 memory, 5-46, 101,103,133, 157,238,208 Tavolutary, 161, 68 ‘Mendelson Bartol, eli, 8,71 Méraly Jacques, 189 Meschonni, Hen, 254 Message, And, 9, 51,71 ‘onarrivens, 38 fn sincerity, 28-9 Messin, ir, 1124 meter 221-2, 229,237 and barnes 22,226 227-8 230-1, 237-8, Snd the French anguage 302-3 08 Snd"merneldissonanes” 225-9 rtvalene of, 225-38 Meyer, eonaed By, 8, 12-13, 114-15 fons 130, 219-20 Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 7172 Michele Js, 153 ‘hau, Daria 27,29, 118 ‘mimesis 48,50, 245, 281-5 Seal eel ‘Morkel, Abert 218 ‘Moegucreau, OSB, Ande, 180 ‘modernism, I, 14,198,260 0.99 ‘modernity, 26, 28 115,117, 2400.32, 261 38 esthetic conditions of, 33-8 ‘reascsm, 11,61 incontext ofthe past, 72-3, pretenses of 16,26, 73-4 ‘Mone, laude, 128 ‘Monteverdi, Clio 71,72 Monty 45,45, 47 ‘moray, 411.1218, 26,2858, 81, 82,87, 93 and critic evltion, 142 Morse, Paul 115-16 “Morgan, Rober P13 116 117 Morland, Jacques, 264.86 orzo, Chr, 303 14 “Morar, Wolfgng Amadeo, 8,7, rkimeter 297 si So ai chamber mass oper and drama muse religions musi Symphony and symphonic music soit, 105,251 Se aio muse pure Secs interior, 86,37, 8 Ssaestheri evidence, 23,238,243 Simsof 1, 15,198. 2009,2 ‘eins of 35, 37.171, 172,255 ‘esetiaie, ‘experience of listening to 39 Storm of ftion, 172,218, Inefabity of 37,4, 47,51, 105,172,252 fd ngage 95,171 172 Iasiqe are 1441, 1, 4853, 251-6 Taurean, 247, 248-3, 251-6, 506 64 Magnard on, 86 sd poetry, 14 89-51, 171,247, 282-5 programmatic or descriptive 49,207, 20, "B12, 27-8? sd eligon, 170,172,178, sincerity of 435,36 4041, 48,49, 51 syatan of 252, 253-5 2 thought 36-7, 4,45, 170-1, 20-4252, 2079 transcendence of words, 35-6, 38 41,45, “8, 30,31, 58,282 Musorgy, Modest, 7 atten fan-aeques, 127,188, 186,219, Wo nara, 33,244, 246,247,284 ature, 217,285 and rt, 32-4, 169, 208-4 247 Ina chanson dB, 199-202, 208 and religion, 192-7 asin, 204-5 tragedy of 202, 206-7209 Neto, ae Michel, 17, 174-5, 26,259 337,289 199 ‘on Faure innovator, 57-6 70,108 ‘on Faure’ dercton of seehes, et 26 ‘on Faure eligon, 173,197 ‘on Faure religions mui, 183, 186,188 ‘on Faure’ self quotations, 1567, 158,152 ‘on Prous, 202 135 fn ties in Faure muse, 28,249 Niedermeyer, oul, 7, 16,178, 19,298 nad ietsche, ride, 38 nist, 174,197, 217,260.32 rirwana, 25,216, 30 143, 301147 ‘Nortcot, Bayn, 2897.18 Note Dame de-Cgancour, Els de 177 ‘Novalis 267.121 oval, 5, 6,108, 182,169,271 251 ‘eintions and sourees of 57,75, 111 135, 185,267 ni oubis asd by. 83, 140 false preter, 19,21,26-7,70 tn Homogeneity, 136, 32-3 138 ‘nd oeginaity, 5, 37,74, 75, 107, 108-17, 123, 126128, 136 result of sincere seiFexpresion, 23-8, 74 Sls, 5, 60,85, ‘borne to originality, 7785, 125, snd technigue 81, 110-17, 119, ives, 196,208,216 focasional woes, 248-80 (Opera Paris) 28,53 (Oper-Comigque Pais), 2, 93,181 operasand dramatie msi 81,71-2,98-7, 159,18, Sor lo theater ‘on Buddhist themes, 1745, 291 124 Ietmotif in 86 88,95, 158 and masigue pare, 8, 50-3 Snd religious music 181,289 49 ‘Wagherian, 80, 86-7, 91,945, 96,275 n3t pti, 193, 197,217 igi 6 14,87, 108,124 141-2 sho homogeneity: seletenewal oulezoa, 17121-2123 152. Se Index 2s counterweight 1 inuene, 85, 181 eins of 5, 76-81, 8, 87-8, 109-13, 123,127 ena of 112,114, 117,161 {evelopment of, 8-4, 90-3, 96-8, 108, 129-30, 1 kat on, 79-85, 87,91, 18, 15-16, 125, 124,125,182 forms of 7 ad homogendty, 108,26, 127,128,138, {alo Pere) a, 109 rhino, 37 bd novel, 557,74, 75,77, 107, 108-17, 123,125,126, 128,136 Proust on 161,282 8.195 and reception, 77, 83, 106-4 relation to sincerity S14, 18, 81,82, 88,92, Tos, 116 124 145 Schuré on, 85 Inter tenth century views of 5, 110-28 nvr of 82,122 organ mse, 178, 18,198 Orledge, Robert, 3, 158 Paderewii, gma as, 284.36 gen, 88 190, 194, 198, 199,217,291 in La hanson dB, 208 printing, 72,289 Palestina, Giovani Pierug a, 71,178, 173, 83 nents, 195 tho 170 173 175,177 {in a hana dB, 19-201, 203, 206,209, 210,217,230, definitions of 19-6, 198 Panna, Cate 99,101, 103,27 2.60 rakes, 58 Pats 25-6 ‘hrc and nurs 182 184 186 ultra elimate, 17,132 Paroisin Rene, 191,192 Pca Ble, 277.52 Pada, Si oni, 172-3, Perlection. Se besuty Periodation, 131-2 Personality, 17, 36,38 40,75, 110, 11,112, 18,219, Sori acen, personal Boulez, 121-2 123, erbodent in wots ofr, L314, 2-1 16,81, 83,85, 06, 116 130, 146 148, 185,253, 294-5 57 Fragmentation of 177 tealaton of, 1213, 16,48, 56,74, 85,112, 131 15,265 ns soiy of 82,108,156 pesmi, 197, 216-17 Peta, Raymond, 266.237 Philips, Edward, 129, 167-8 phrase structure, 221-2 Pas, Pablo. 21 Penson Rober, 120 Perot Jean 22 Prowl, Georges 157 Pius, 183, 108-9 Tree to Charles Bordes, 180 ‘mot proprio (1903), 1824, 19,294.56, Benes Painchant, 71,176 178-84, 192 ‘emus 1834 Phrase stevctat in, 221,222 oe Egat Alan: "The Philosophy of Composition." #0 pocry, 206, Ty, 8-1, 175, 245-6, 253.5 and msc 14, 49-51, 17, 27, 252-5 poles 219,238, 240-2 Polignc, Prinetse de. Soe Singe, Winaret polmeter, 231 polonaiy, 23-4, 28 Postvn,170, 174,193 postmoderiy $3, $5, 116 Pothier O18 sep 180, 183, Poulen, Francis 25-6, 64 pres the Farsan 0, 38, 147,282 Pride Rome, See Conservator national de Parl contests and pies prosody, 254, Sev lo under aur: songs Protestantism, 18 rst Mate, 12,131, 182,187,248, See so Vint Alarecherhe dtp per, 1945-8, 55-6, 127-8 168,254 082 Maree eaton, 6, 8168, ‘metaphor of haworas ad thee colors, 133135, 155-6 151,284.29 pre-publication states of 340-1, 242 {efeences to nonfiction musica, 7, 127,16 unknovs homelandy" 6,155,186 ‘on arrvisme 19-20 ‘on rand ie 46-8 163 ‘on deliberate nelintry any, 1546 158, 151-2 164 165 ‘on homogeney. 6,12, 127-8, 130.1334 153.1546, 157-8 161-3, 165-7, 169 Importance of music in his fe and work, "5, 46,47, 48, 172 Ukened vo Faure 172, 261-2 love of Faure’ usc, 127, 149,157 sms thinker, 127, 149,197, 165-7 on originality, b6}, 282135 fon personal tye 27, 130, 188, 161 ‘and posi, 240-2 ‘om efractonof the indivi ou, 135, 136,156 om selene, 13, 169 publicity. Seely sl promodion pute nasi Serenity pre Prat. al 170 330 Index (Qustuor Poulet, 2661097 Racine, ean, 8,253 Rane, ean Pili, 71,72 Raury, Jeanne, 30120 Rave Nir, 26,123, 128, 26,256,270 239 ‘onartand nature 33-4263 atthe Conservatoire 17,269 228 “cal writings, 2,238 nL ritczed by Fare 281,508 n57 Knowledge of Wide. 263 poston in istry 113-14 Feaing of Poe, 279 n12 nsinceity 32-5 117,262-3 068, rei 38, 170, 248-7, 259 32, realy 71 ad at 50,172, 192-3, 243-7, 253-5, presented in musi 41-6, 50 season 61.89,70,95, Reber, Hear, 261 2.58 sedemption, 205, ‘eligion, 192,205 See ao faiths ames of Speiic ults and systems of Bele! and ant, 170-5, 180,199 ‘usin, 93, 192-4 196,218 tara 170, and nate, 192-7 psi, 204-5 Social aspect of, 193-4 aa spiral, 172,191 religion, Easter 195, Seale Buddhism india “rags emotion 189-90, 192, 194 religous musi 77, 180-92 authentic of 191-2 inaividuayi, 180-1, 187 welturicl muse, 183-4, 294-5 Rernsat Abel 173 Renaissance polyphony, 178,19, 182-3, 302 m7 Renan, Emest, 173-4, 195,210 Requiem man Ser Mats for the Dead resurrection, 207,208,217 reverie 45, 189,283,285, 265, ‘rae 192 Ree gree, 21 shyt, 222. See ao meter hard, Franols (arcishop of Pais), io Richardson, Susan, 180-1 188, 188 Rive, Jacques, 4, 199,201,261 n60 Rogt-Ducase Jean 17,71, 106,281 Roland-Manuel, 129 Roman Catholic Church, See Catholic romance, 81 oman, 2,110, 11, 18, 170,192,267 ‘R121, 296-7 079 Ropat, ose Guy, 171 Rosirucian cl, 173-3 Rossin, Giacchino, 1,72 “Guilin Tel 71 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 267 m121 Roussel Abert, 12 ouvir, Mame Maurice, 29,28 Rabin, 33 rules of composition, 28, 110-11 asin music 7 sacred muse. Se religions sic Sheree Congrégtion des Rites, 189 Sunt Gevaie Saint Prota, Elis, 178 Sint Jan, Jean See Marlave, Joseph de Sint Louis Anti, Elise, 176 Sint Stes, Caml, 28, 97, 173, 179,248, wa nse bei in stylistic norms. 29 and church musi, 81, 186 ‘on Faure 10, 88, 60 68, 127, 148-9, 269 al sas mentor and teacher 59,63 66, 71,248, fn sincerity, 2,261 58 Saint Sauveu, Else Rennes), 176,271 n42 Ssinte-Beave, Cares Angstn, 170 Seinte Hsabet, Ese, 176 Sslinas Peo, 207 salons, 173,20, 269.28 Sahayre, Gaston, 60 Suma, Albert: La tention de Bowdaha, Wes Samazeih, Gustave, 49 sameness of sl. Sec homogeneity. ylisic Sand, George, 173-4 Santayana, Georg 205, Sartre Jean-Paul, 267 n121 Satie rk 26 Sauget, lent, 26 Smt Floren, 17-18 Schoenberg Arma, 18, 118-19, 136,27, 242,281, 281 113,282 2.133 Scola Canora Pai) 15, 14,181,185, 192,282 133 curvcun, 17 180 Sand early mus 178-9 Founding principles of, 178 and histori. 73 Sand masa forms, 13-4, 150, 286-7 54 ‘iced by Debus, 13 fd Solem, 180 Sd lteameontanisen, 180-1, 183, 189 Schopenhauer Arthur 34, 36-8,291 2.14 Schubert, Fran, 2,72 ‘Schumann, Robert 847,191, 228-9 Schure Edouard, 8 Science, 70,172,173, seupre 172 ‘Second Viennese School 117 sa Decay, 136, 139, 15,154 Self-consclousnss, 154,42, 261.62, 304 na? sel notledge, 85, 86-7, 93,122,261 2.58 Sel promotion, 20-1245, 27,29, 33 Se abo a1 Index sel elation, 23, 4,96 108,128, 131, 141 ‘Boules on, 122 self zeliance, 15, 107, 108-See ao independence selene 856,77, 108,111, 122-3, and Deby 138,139,146, 147 152 id Faure 94972108, 105-8, 128-3, 138, 159,147, 19,168 and homogeneity, 107, 109,133, and originality. (9 exption of, 88, 104, 16-9, 196 sof, IBA, 148-52 simtined rom within 4, 104 155 Sena Emile, 73,74 sensation, 46,50, 64 252 “tiving” 8 88,91 sabsttated for sensibility, 22, 140-1 senility, 37,117,118 152 persona 13,24 53 fr f 50,252 Boule on, 119,123 ‘efined 13 Fue 0, 19,2229, 70,73, 74,90, 92,18 10) and homogeneity, 128,182 transfguring clement rom without, 15, 81, 3h 88, 288 Iimelectuaie through music, 36 37,45 ‘rein, 30-1 ‘mentioned 7,38, 87, M0 sensual, 195. Sensuality, 47, 61,63, 143, 172, 185, 191,201 245,287 In clgious muse, 184 185 seca 111, 112,116, 117 118 119 Servite, Georges, 105,149, 150-1 Stra, Déoat de, 279 81 Shakespeare, Willa, 87,266 m115 Sieste Artand, 88, 223-4, 226,245, simulans, 271 32 Sin 193,202 rg, 196, 203-5,209 sincerity, 5, 6,28, 38, 45,57, 91, 123, 128,131, avon S-3 Incolaboraive works, 3-15 counterweight nunce 89, 92-3, 98, Debusy on, 15,52 Aefintions of I, 12, 34,98 indramatic music, 52 romard on 30-1 ceuetiining of (4 Fated on 2.17, 18,22, 28, 52,38, 34, 98-6, 105,184,282 Gourd on, 32,261 38 Fistral conditions of 4 16 Inthehisory of music 1-12.28, 30, 53-5 and homogeneity, 26, 36-7, 48 Inlteature 4, 31-2,38-6, 46-8, 9-51, %66-7 nti 105,113,121, 17, nmi 11, 16,36 of mane 435,35, 4,4 que pure and 8-9 urkine of 87 ely to se 4 16, 18, 28-9 ind originality, 514,15, 81, 82, 85,92, 108, 1,124 145 paradoxes of, 23, 30-2, 187-8 138, 261-2 ne philosophers discussing 30-1 space andes, 34,55, 84,90, Rave on 32-5, 117, 262-368 and eeeption, 54 137-8 ‘nd eligon, 164 Riviereon 34,261 96 Symons on, 27-8 Valery on 14 31-2, 35, 36, 38,267 21 Verane and, 261 82 iavalue to musicians 23,29, 56,147 Singer Winnett, 9,60, 17,177 Sin" Les 20-7 hayabin, Alcsande, 8 Smalma Bas, 268 290 Sovitéde Musique Rligeuse. Se Schola Cantoram Socit Notional de Musique, 10, 106,107, 108,151 Soleames, Benedictine abbey of, 180 so 135, 10-1, 163 172, 172,192, 285, Fa sarin source, 16,5685, 125,154,282 universal, 173,198,264 280 spetuaisn, 170 spontaneity, 33,34,37, 140, 144, 164 Stain, 173 Stendhal, 31-2,38,267 2121 ‘Strcln, aul de, 30. Stross, Richard 27-8 Helderlben, 351-2 Ssravinsy oe 18,128 stl, 24, 109,125,138, 169, 253-4. Ser abo homogeneity: novelty; personality ss basis orale fagment 118 tests, 23 conventions of 28185, ‘efaion and theories of, 180,182 ‘lvesy and apd changes in, 1621-228 23,504 182,260 031 ‘voaton of 83, 88,90, 91-2, 17,122, 12 1 French, 220-1, 502-38 interdependent ats, 219-20 tnconstiousnes of 153 Selig, Noetan, 187, 259.106, Symbols, 19 Shmoas, Arhus,27-8 spony and symphonic mas, 48-9, 50, 138.2512 sta, 251 252, 253-4 332 Index “hit Robin 157, 222,228,283, 289108, talent 8,92 “Tansey les 176-7 “arava, Jeane, 12 taste, techie, 14,16, 131, 150,221. Ser abo ‘aft Bouleroa, 1182, 123,281 m.125 fuation om 113, 118, 117, 108,280 297 ‘moti and thematic, 156, 57-67, 168, 89 “exer, Rosai (Mme. Debussy), 141-2 theater 51-3, 83 1945, 177 fad religous usc 177, 18,185,187, 293 nae thei. 173,175,194, 195,201, ‘Thereof Avis Sant, 182-3 ‘Thomas, Ambroise 60,63, 68,72 Thomson, Vig 297 "French Ryton” 220-3, 235 ‘Tinan Helene de. Ser Bard, Helene tiles, 7153, 287-51, 255 ‘Touremie, Chae, 279.90 waitin, 428-8, 54, 57,705, 86,92 110, "87 nk Boulez on, 122123 Varese on, 271 m1 transcendence (esthetic and religious), 192-3, 194,196, 243-7255. translation (aesthetic) 4 52 75,125, 14, Se ‘a personality tranation of in erature, 4, 46,205 Fs 1315 18,24, 304047, 70,92 128, 137,190 and the unrandtale 4, 43,45, 48 ‘Tribune de ain Gervas La, 180 ‘Tugene, van, 74 ulamontanism 177, 180-1, 184 189 Unconscious, 34,38, 185, 15,264 80 tunity, 264.80, Selo personality: unity of “dn, 196 ft, 18, 153, 165 Involutaryfunconsioas, 153, To, 165 luck 136-7 of fe work, 109,156 pantheisti, 196, 198, 210,217,230 eospetv, 153-4 155 Stylist. Sec homogeneity. syisic technica, 156 ‘ities of, 137,182, 156 54157, ‘Valey, Pl 32,38, 38,36 27312 “amphion 33 ecmere marin 50 La jee Png 49-50 modes parse" 50,252 cop music a model or poetry. 8-81 ‘Sinai, 260 0-120 ad sincerity 1, 3-2, 35,38, 50,267 nial ‘an Lerberghe, Chars, 199,248, chanson Ee 6, 198, 198-208, 206-11, ange and death in, 202-3 “Une aube ple," 207 Comme Die rayon” 201 "Comme wes simple et claie” Eau rane"), 235 ‘owledge temptation, and sin in, S013 Ness ous” 200 sO mort, poustre does" 208-11 ‘La poussee ma dit"202 “Rost arentes"200, 229-30, tragedy of nature in, 202 religious 173,199,218 Taieet es ensigemens de Boul, 291 nas ‘orese ard, 1 118,136,271 5 ‘atc, 180, 198-9 ‘Counc 177,297 287 Edin, new, 80, 186. Verhelst Fangs 189 serimo, 244 Verne Pol, 149,261 262 Ta bone charsan 67, 248-6, 249-50, 305 nas “A cayméne” 6-1 Green 613,245 "pleure dans mon cur" (*Speen) 248, “Lew da cor ffi” 246 iardot, Paling, 73, Victor, Toms Lis de, 71 idl Pa, 25 iene, Loui, 16,107, 108,13, 150,187 Willer de Phie-Ainen, Comte de, 243 intel (tional composer), 4647, 48,13, 1s associated with aur, 4,127,152, 2650.97 Asie toinnovate, 135,15, 169 tnd the hawthorn, 133 homogeneity. sisi, 6127-8, 154-6, 161, 162-3, 109 Quartet See Vint Septet selereneal Spe, 6,47, 130, 188-5, 154 186, 161 12,265.97 sincerity of 47 Sonata 133-5, 153,184 162 Virgil 8 wostion artistic 64647, 48, 56,60, 90,10, 131163190 Four 74,78, 96,95, 96-7 ual, Fea, 196 ollrmor. fe, 17, 26-7,56,73,75, 196, ‘on sineiy 12,49 vulgaiy 244 206 Wognes, Richard, 247, 71, 72,83, 84, 153,19. Debussy and 18,89, 276 48 ramargy. 36 333 Index Inuenc of 2, 60,64, 78 79, 80-1, 85, 186-7, 88,91, 94108, 31,273 213, Ear ety smote ecigue 57,161 Popularity ia Pars, 78,97 Sipe, musical 85, 219-20 Die Metering, 276.49 asf 91 Waldeck- Rousseau, Pete Marie René Ernest, 198 Weber, Cat Maria von, 8 Webern, Aton, 118 Whites Loyd 274125 Wir, Canes Mare, 6,278 081 Wide, Osear33 critique sincerity, ens? 22-3, 30,31,87, Inertia, 3,288 0.70 The Pte of Dorian Gray. 28,52 vl Gndividal, 186 el (univers), 37-8 Willams, Christopher A280 297 Wily. So Gauthier Vil Hen Withowall, Gerge, 5 old, Gall Hilson, 269 .28 Wolf Christian, 299 198 World Wa 1.9, 21-2.99, 16 Wyaea, Teodor de 90,94 Yoshikawa, Karuyosch, 190 ‘Yeap, Eugene 104,105, 105,251 Ze of He, 38 BLANK PAGE

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