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studies of DNA
English seminar
the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
was awarded to scientists:

Tomas Lindahl Paul Modrich Aziz Sacar

The three were awarded for mapping molecularly how cells repair
damaged DNA and preserve genetic information, which can help develop
new cancer treatments.
The biological importance of DNA repair
syndromes have been discovered with general problems in injured
DNA repair problems:

a síndrome XP, o aumento da frequência de

tumores de pele se justifica pelas lesões
provocadas pela luz UV componente da luz
síndrome de Lynch a deficiência de MMR resulta
principalmente em tumores de cólon.
o acúmulo de lesões no DNA contribui para o
processo de envelhecimento do organismo.
thank you! source

Camilly Vitória
Giovana MOrais
Nicole Silva

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