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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular Para la Educación

Colegio “Padre Diaz”
Duaca - Estado Lara

Asignatura: Inglés Trimestre: II

Docente: Edikson Mendoza
Año y sección: 5to “A-B-C”
Guía de Estudio # 01



ACTIVIDAD 01. Subraye la idea principal y la(s) idea(s) secundaria(s) de cada párrafo

contentivo al texto. Use colores diferentes para cada idea. 05 ptos.

The Tourist Industry

The tourist industry has become one of the most

important economic influences of modern times. Tourism
has been one of the fastest growing industries in
recent years. In spite of this rapid growth, it is not easy to
define tourism, and accurate statistics are not easy to
obtain. Tourism necessarily involves travel; a tourist is
usually defined as a person who is visiting some place
other than his usual residence for more than 24 hours.
The question of purpose, however, also must enter
into the definition of tourism. Many people travel entirely
for the purpose of recreation or pleasure; they are people
on holiday. Other people travel for reasons of health.
Other people travel to visit friends or relatives, a reason
that has become more important because of
increased mobility throughout the world. All of these
people are generally considered tourists since the primary
reason for their trip is recreation.
Tourism is a relatively new phenomenon in the
world. Since being away from home is a necessary
component of tourism, its development as a mass
industry depended on modern means of rapid and
inexpensive transportation. Tourism as we know it today
began with the building of the railroads in the 19th century.
In fact, the words tourism and tourist themselves were not
used for the first time until about 1800.
ACTIVIDAD 02. Elija la palabra de la lista que mejor complete cada oración del párrafo
anterior y escribalo en los espacios en blanco. Cada palabra es usada una sola vez. 05 Ptos.

residence visiting statistics

tourism industries tourist
economic been rapid

The _______ industry has become one of the most important ___________

influences of modern times. Tourism has _______ one of the fastest growing

________________ in recent years. In spite of this _____________ growth, it is not

easy to define __________, and accurate _______________ are not easy to obtain.

Tourism necessarily involves travel; a tourist is usually defined as a person who

is ____________ some place other than his usual _______________ for more

than 24 hours.

ACTIVIDAD 03. Extraer del texto los términos sugeridos y Complete el siguiente cuadro.
05 Ptos.


República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio del Poder Popular Para la Educación
Colegio “Padre Diaz”
Duaca - Estado Lara

Asignatura: Inglés Trimestre: II

Docente: Edikson Mendoza
Año y sección: 5to “A-B-C”
Guía de Estudio # 02



ACTIVIDAD 01. Traduzca al español el texto anterior dado en la guía de estudio número
01 llamado “The Tourist Industry”. 10 ptos.

ACTIVIDAD 02. Subraye en el texto llamado “ The Tourist Industry” traducido al

español anteriormente la idea principal y la(s) idea(s) secundaria(s) de cada párrafo.
Use colores diferentes para cada idea. 05 ptos.

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