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copy had been bound the previous year, and that Cburton's 'Early English Church,' at p. 87, of
" some leaves had probably been lost" ! A perfect 'England at the time of the Saxon Kingdoms,
copy was forwarded to me, and the Secretary (not howing the number of Royal Cities and Bishops'
Mr. King-Harman) was good enough farther to Sees, with the early Monasteries, from Augustine
inform me that it had been made at very great to the time of Alfred and Edward the Elder."

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trouble from the original will, which was " falling ED. MARSHALL.
to pieces." The will was proved in 1828. In Consult the ' Atlas Classica,' published in 1808
what state are "records datiDg from the earlier by Robert Wilkinson, 58, Cornhill, which contains
part of the seventeenth century" likely to be ? a map of "The DioceBes of England, with their
The will I refer to was, of coarse, certified by the alterations to the [then] present time," together
Colonial Secretary, and yet as it reached me at with a chart of the succession of bishop?.
first it was simply nonsense, and the cost was W. D. PINK.
twenty-seven shillings. VERNON.
" T H E MANCHESTER SCHOOL" (716 S. xii. 28).
THE WHITE HARVEST (7tb S. xii. 49).—Surely —Speaking on the income tax in the House of
- this expression must have been derived from Commons on March 10,1848, Mr. Disraeli said:—
John iv. 35, " They are white already to harvest"; 1
The great leaders of the school of Manchester never
and we are told that "the whiteness of the ripening pretended for a moment that they advocated the prin-
oorn in the East has often been remarked by tra- ciples of regulated competition or reciprocal intercourse;
vellers." It turns more yellow with UP, bat this is on the contrary, they brought forward new principles,
'far nearer white than the green colour which it expressed in peculiar language."
loses. ALFRED GATTT, D.D. Again, in the same year, summarizing on August 30
the work of the session, he observed :—
What is a summer of distant date ? Is not the ' One of the moat popular causes which is assigned for
white harvest that cap of snow that frosts the poll this unsatisfactory state of affairs, and for the existence
of Christmas ? Hoary winter, like the noon of of this great evil, is that there is too much discussion in
night, is that elderly sort of summer that stands as the House of Commons, too many speeches, too much
far away from itself as is its own opposite. talk I think it was urged as an obstacle to the con-
C. A. WARD. duct of public business by the members of the Manchester
"CLOTHES MADE OUT OF WAX": "TUTTIES" These are the earliest instances of the Disraelian
(7 th S. x. 408, 456 ; xi. 33, 98).—To what MR. use of the phrase I have yet found; and it may be
BULLEN wrote at the second reference may be noted, in addition, that CobdeD, "their distin-
added the following quotation from Ben Jonson's guished leader," as Disraeli had called him in the
'The Gipsies Metamorphosed':— speech last quoted, accepted the designation. Dis-
Nor need you be once ashamed of it, madam. cussing, on April 28, 1853, Mr. Gladstone's first
He 'a as handsome a man as ever was Adam. Budget, Cobden said:—
A man out of wax, "The hon. member for North Warwickshire (Mr.
As a lady would aks. Newdegate) said that the Manchester school were going
Tutty=nosegay is used in the Isle of Wight. to ruin the aristocracy Do not let the lion, member
Mr. W. H. Long, in his ' Glossary,' quotes— blame the Manchester school for the increased taxa-
And Primula, she takea the tutly there.
But speaking at Manchester itself four years later
• Caltha Poetarum,' 1559. (March 18, 1857), and a fortnight after Lord
Cf. also " Tyte, lust, or tusmose offlowrysor other Palmerston had been defeated on the China ques-
herbys (tytetuste or tussemose, s.), olfaclorium " tion, Cobden did not accept the term so com-
(' Promp. Parv.'). F. C. BIEKBKCK TERRY. placently. " Well, now," he asked, " what is it,
The late Rev. William Barnes ("the Dorset after all, that the so-much-abused Manchester
poet") supports MR. BULLED'S rendering of this school wants 1" And later, " I am told that this
word. In his 'Grammar and Glossary of the Manchester school, as it is called, do not pay
' Dorset Dialect,' published for the Philologies sufficient attention to the interests of Manchester."
Society (Berlin, 1863), he gives "tutty, a nosegayv Malmesbury, in his 'Memoirs,' describing the
a bunch of flowers," and quotes from Curturde's scene in the House of Commons on the occasion
' Caltha Poetarum,' 1559 :— of Lord Palmerston's defeat on February 19, 1858,
And Primula, she takes the tutly there. upon the Conspiracy to Murder Bill, remarked
MR. BOUCHIEK will see that the word may that the noble lord " actually shook his fist at the
considered, perhaps, both "an archaism and a Manchester clique." But this variant does not
provincialism." J. S. UDAL.
seem to have been elsewhere used, and the
original phrase had almost dropped out of
Fiji. political memory, when—and, curiously enough,
OLD ENGLISH BISHOPRICS (la S. xii. 48).—There a few days after you published the query as to its
is a convenient little map for common use in earliest employment—Lord Salisbury revived it

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