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In a recent TV interview, the prime minister further said that Pakistan had an ‘elite capture’, where a

small minority has access to facilities and were taking advantage of the system. But the question is how
to end the elite capture. Certain policies and measures are needed to break this elite capture. National
reconstruction and democratization of the colonial state, and economic and social structure is necessary
to break the power of the elite. The PTI government does not seem interested in carrying out such
measures and reforms to decolonize and democratize the state apparatus, and the economic and
political structure. This government is not the government of workers, peasants and poor sections of the
population, the real victims of this elite capture of power and economy. The government is dominated
by the powerful elite. They continue to make almost all the most important decisions and policies and
their trusted representatives are sitting in the cabinet and other important positions. The increased
participation of more politically conscious layers of the working class and the middle class in the political
system and decision-making at different levels is necessary. Breaking this capture will require a radical
restructuring of political and economic institutions. There is no doubt that the tiny but powerful elite
resists every effort to bring change and meaningful reform in the state and economic structure. The elite
consider the radical ideas of reforms against its class interests.

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