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TEST Name:

16  Some non-metals and their compounds

Core curriculum
1 True or false? Underline your choice.
A Ammonia contains nitrogen, an inert gas found in air. true / false
B Ammonia is soluble in water, and forms an acidic solution. true / false
C Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are all essential for healthy crops. true / false
D Synthetic fertilisers are used to ensure that soil is not too acidic. true / false
E Greenhouse gases prevent the atmosphere from getting too warm. true / false

2 When methane burns in oxygen, carbon monoxide may be produced.

a Complete the sentence:  Methane is also known as gas. [1]

b What is the formula for carbon monoxide?  [1]

c Under what conditions will methane produce carbon monoxide?

d Balance this equation for the reaction:

….CH4 (  g)  1  ….O2 (  g)    ….CO (  g)  1  ….H2O (l) [1]

e Carbon monoxide is dangerous. Why?


3 Limestone is a natural mineral used in the manufacture of lime (quicklime).

a i The chemical name for lime is and its formula is

ii Lime is produced by the thermal decomposition of limestone. Explain the term in italics.

iii The reaction described in ii is important in the manufacture of iron. Explain why.


b Water is added to lime. Complete these sentences.

The chemical name for the compound that forms is

Its common name is and its formula is  [3]

c What property do the calcium compounds in a and b have, that makes them useful on farms?


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TEST Name:

Extended curriculum
4 This is a simplified carbon dioxide
in atmosphere
outline of the
carbon cycle. combustion
and respiration
photosynthesis dissolving

fossil fuels oceans

limestone sediments

a i Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Explain how.

ii Which other process removes this gas from the atmosphere?


b Some carbon dioxide is converted to limestone. The chemical name for this compound is

and its formula is  [2]

c Explain what respiration is.


d The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased over the years. Suggest a reason.


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TEST Name:

5 Sulfuric acid is made by the Contact Process. The key reaction in the process is:

2SO2 (g)  1  O2 (g)    2SO3 (g)

a The sulfur dioxide is obtained from sulfur.

i Name one natural source of sulfur.

ii How is the sulfur dioxide made? [2]

b In the key reaction, high pressure favours the production of sulfur trioxide. Why?


c Name the catalyst used in the key reaction:  [1]

d This graph shows how

yield of sulfur trioxide

the yield of sulfur trioxide

varies with temperature.

i How does the yield change as the temperature rises?

ii Is the reaction to produce sulfur trioxide exothermic, or endothermic?

iii Give the reasoning behind your answer for ii.

iv What other factor must be considered, when choosing the temperature for the reaction?


e The sulfur trioxide is then dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid, to form oleum (H2S2O7).

Give the equation for this reaction. [1]

f The oleum is then turned back to sulfuric acid by adding water.

i Give the equation for this reaction.  [1]

ii Why is the sulfur trioxide not dissolved directly in water?



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