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Environmental Justice Issue - 10 Ways I Can Help Create a Change in Water Pollution

I can use “clean and green” cleaning products and laundry detergents. There are several
economical products on the market today. I do not have to spend a lot of money to buy
fancy, earth-saving cleaning products. Common household products such as vinegar and
baking soda can be used for a variety of cleaning jobs and do not harm the environment.
I will never just pour or throw away paint or pool chemicals. I will dispose of them in the
correct manner by taking them to the appropriate facilities/drop off locations.
I will dispose of any unused medication in the correct manner-by taking it to the
appropriate medication drop off location or using the “take back” program. Flushing
medications down the toilet will eventually reach our water supply and drinking water.
I will make sure that no adult wipes or plastic tampon applicators are flushed down the
toilet. I will continue to remind others of this too.
I will conserve water whenever I can. I always turn the water off while I am brushing my
teeth and only turn it on when needed.
I use reusable sandwich bags and totes for my groceries, these can be washed and re-
washed and used multiple time before they wear out. Plastics end up in our oceans and
endanger our wildlife too.
I will never use pesticides around my home and on my lawn. I know there are several
alternatives and pesticides leach into our water supply.
I will try to add more grassy areas and mulched areas to my landscape. This will aid in
absorption of water and not encourage run-off from the concrete slabs.
I will continue to plant and upkeep my ground cover whose roots help hold the potting
soil. Elements from this can leak into the water system and cause algae and growth of
unhealthy chemicals in our streams and waterways.
I will continue to be involved with my work’s “Green Team” in discovering new ways
that we an do our part in this goal of helping to keep our waterways clean.

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