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Chapter 9.

Rivers of Death
This chapter made me feel sad and angry at the same time. I wonder how
something so dangerous (DDT) that killed birds and fish was able to continue to
be sprayed.
Paragraph 9 made the biggest impression on me as it described fish swimming
erratically, gasping for air at the surface and experiencing tremors and spasms.
Fish were seen floating passively downstream weak and in moribund condition.
Blind and dying trout were seen floating downstream about a week after
spraying. This makes me feel so sad, I hate to think of anything suffering. Small,
tiny offspring not even making it, yearlings being killed off also, and of course
every other living organism that it affected.
I know that anglers fish for trout and salmon, but they are not tormented or left
to suffer and die slowly. I then worry about the livestock we eat from the streams.
I am sure there had to be people that became sick after eating contaminated
oysters or fish that had DDT in their tissues.
“Silent Spring”, Rachel Carson,, Fawcett Publications, Inc.

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