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Opportunity/ Source of our Plan

1.1 Problem Pinpoint and Proposed Solutions

Our service largely revolves around a particular demographic as our main merchants of the
business. The transgender people in our community are underrepresented, excluded and
even to some extent, grossly neglected to an inhumane point. They often lead a life below
poverty line, and sometimes they do not live a life at all. The source of the problem stems
from their negligence sharply in the employment sector. There are not proper policies to set
these people up for a suitable employment solution, specially in our country. Although a
few non-profit organizations work towards the development of these people, most of the
time, this endeavor do not reflect or culminate into an actual result. There are many factors
and barriers that prevent them from joining the workforce. This unemployment issue not
only put these people under a poor living standard, it is also a catalyst for increase in
crimes and disorder in our society. Many of these transgender people often create
bothersome and incumbent situation for passersby in the city of Dhaka and around different
parts of our country. They tend to lean towards coerced solicitation of money from people,
violence, harassment etc. The constitution Bangladesh prevents gender discrimination in
the job process and guarantees equal rights for people from every walk of life. (Abedin,,2022). Due to lack of policies, ignorance, and lack of foresight, the educational
standing of transgender peoples is extremely low. This does not increase their
employability rather causes them to move into professions that often creates discord. They
lead a miserable life and people generally in our society do not even consider them as
normal human beings. Through our services and revolutionary business idea, this is one of
the key problems that we intend to solve – that is, solving the employability issue for
transgender people, and brining a massive societal shift in our mindset and values towards
transgender people. There are around at least 4500 transgender people only in the city of
Dhaka as of the latest sources.

Our Solution from the Business model

We plan to tackle to core problems through our ventures. Firstly, we plan to reduce the
employment problem for our transgender community and secondly, we will address the lack of
quality delivery services in our city. We will create a website and mobile based application with
a seamless navigation system for the end-user. We will employ specifically the transgender
people from Dhaka and provide them an opportunity. Our system will bring these people in, train
them to be professionals and also partner up with other government and non-government
organizations to deal with this problem. We will provide food delivery service for the myriad
number of restaurants in Dhaka and also provide B2B and B2C product delivery services. As our
business motto: "Get your delivery, Get them rights” will uncover many opportunities for these

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