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social networks nowadays

In the past, internet access was very difficult, people had the means because it was very expensive.
Today, this is something very common, and it is increasing every day, with this we have social
networks, which have their positive and negative points and which we cannot live without. The
biggest problem with social networks is that it is an abyss of manipulations, and depending on your
age and maturity this makes it dangerous, because in it you will see many things that can be affected
with your psychological and your self-esteem.

Surveys made by Websitehostingrating say that Instagram has more than 1 billion downloads, and
many have more than 100,000 followers and with these numbers at least 10% are people who hate,
many of them because they think they have complete freedom to express their opinions even if it
hurts, because the internet seems to give a lot of freedom, which ends up making these digital
influencers psychologically shaken, making them want to change, doing plastic surgery, dieting, gym
etc, their followers who are inspired end up thinking that that's beautiful and even if they don't
really want it, they end up doing it because it's in “fashion”

I agree that the internet is a place for everyone, but from my point of view, to have access to these
networks, the person has to be of a certain age and maturity, because if they are very young they
will have not very pleasant experiences, and they may stay with a lot of trauma and psychological
problems, they will see a lot of unpleasant things that need the maturity of a young adult, and even
be charged with a lot of unnecessary things at their age.

In my opinion people have to stop thinking that because they are behind a screen they can talk or do
whatever they want, as if social media were a lawless land, but it isn't. These networks can be very
dangerous in the hands of the wrong people. To use the internet / social networks we have to be
psychologically well and have a good maturity level, so that everything works out, and not hurt
someone with words, or even get hurt.

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