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Assignment 4

to be a success – иметь успех

to humiliate – унижать

to be jealous – завидовать

to whistle – свистеть

squint-eyed – косоглазой

disgust – отвращение

income – доход, прибыль

godmother – крёстная мать

EX. 3

- allurements

Ex. 4
made scenes, honeymoon, thriftiness, join capital, cuff links, stormy silence
wearing clothes to represent specific character, expensive, to control, cheerful and reckless
нужное время в нужном месте
Working on the text
That phrase was said by Julia to Michel. She was in anger because of Michel’s passive position in their
This phrase was said by Michel to Julia while they were discussing Mrs de Vries. An old and rich woman
who had a love interest towards Julia.
This was said by Julia in the moment when Michel discussed with her his role in the play.
They were both acting when the war began
I think it’s astonishing
She was nervous
Ex. 3

Talking on the text

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