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Significance of the study

The researchers want to get a deeper insight about the economic status of

the senior high school students of New Sinai School and Colleges Inc. and its effect

on the academic performance. They want to explore the demographic profiles of

students, the perception of the respondents about the effects of socioeconomic

status to their academic performance, as well as the differences on the effects of

their economic status in their academic performance.

Researchers also want to improve academic performance despite of their

economic status by giving strategies and information about the importance of

academic performance. Researchers want to conduct this study to open the minds of

students about the effects of the economic status to their academic performance.

The significant of this study is the children/students, teacher, parents, and


STUDENTS. The significance of this study to the children is to know how important

academic performance to their student life. It can also help the parents to be

available and approachable to guide student learning. The results may serve as

knowledge and to help them improve their academic performance.

PARENTS. The significance of this study is to help the parents to the problem to

his/her student’s academic performance. And to tell them to what they can do. The

parent becomes aware of their role as a parent who should guide, to support and to

monitor their performances of their child. Through this study, parents could have

recommended suggest materials that will suit the learning styles of their children.

The results may help them about the proper supporting of their children must have.
TEACHERS. The significance of this study is to easily identify the students does not

excel in academic performance. To support and having whole school collaborative

goals that are supported by teachers, students, and parents.

Future Researcher. To help the important of malnutrition of the children in one

community and to know how important to study the SES in our society.

Government. The results may guide them on what they should do to help the

families with low SES.

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