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A story
It all started with the computer .

Had he known what was to follow, he would have never logged on that day. But the truth was there

was no way to know what was about to happen. So Dave pressed the start button, the computer

booted up, the screen came alive, and everything Dave knew to be true no longer was.

It probably seemed trivial to most people, but it mattered to Tracey. She wasn't sure why it

mattered so much to her, but she understood deep within her being that it mattered to her. So for

the 365th day in a row, Tracey sat down to eat pancakes for breakfast.

It was a scrape that he hardly noticed. Sure, there was a bit of blood but it was minor compared to

most of the other cuts and bruises he acquired on his adventures. There was no way he could know

that the rock that produced the cut had alien genetic material on it that was now racing through his

bloodstream. He felt perfectly normal and continued his adventure with no knowledge of what was

about to happen to him.

Another option you have is choosing the number of syllables in the words you speak. You probably

have never considered this option before, but you have it every time you open your mouth and

speak. You make so many choices like this that you never even think about, but you have the choice

with each one. What are you going to do with this knowledge?

The bowl was filled with fruit. It seemed to be an overabundance of strawberries, but it also included

blueberries, raspberries, grapes, and banana slices. This was the meal Sarah had every morning to

start her day since she could remember. Why she decided to add chocolate as an option today was

still a bit of a surprise, but she had been in the process of deciding she wanted to change her

routine. This was a baby step to begin that start.

It had been a rough day. Things hadn't gone as planned and that meant Hannah got yelled at by her

boss. It didn't even matter that it wasn't her fault. When things went wrong at work, Hannah got the

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