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Now we next to a new part: HOW TO WRITE A NARRATIVE PARAGRAPH.

Like a descriptive paragraph. We have 3 parts for a narrative paragraph.

+ Topic sentence- introduce your story
+ Supporting sentences- Give details for your story
+ Concluding sentence- Restate topic
Now. Let's get to the heart of today's presentation
Part 1: Introduction about your story
Plan to tell your narrative from the first or third person perspective You could
relate something that happened to someone else, even a fictional person.
Present any major characters involved in the story. Introduce any people who
will play an important role in the story so the reader understands who is a part
of the narrative
Set the scene of the story. Provide a setting for your story and orient your
reader to the time your story happens.
We move to a special part: Providing Narrative Details
Present the story chronologically from its beginning. Start the story by
describing the problem or idea that kicks off the action. This start to the story
should be 1-4 sentences.
Relate the central conflict of the story. Add narrative detail to explain what
happens next in the story.
Provide resolution to the story. Detail for the reader how the story ends. In a
good story, often this ending will be a surprise twist or simply a happy moment.
Concluding Your Story and Proofing Your Paragraph
End the story with a conclusion that reflects on the event. Use your conclusion
to give an opinion regarding the story.
Proofread your paragraph for spelling and grammar issues. Look over your
paragraph to make sure it is readable and doesn’t have typos or grammar
Reread your paragraph to make sure the story stands on its own. Give your
paragraph a final read to make sure the story makes sense.

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