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Nama : Muhammad Ulinnuha

NIM : 6301421037

Class : PKO

I always wake up at 05.00  o’clock in the morning. i get up at 05.15 a.m . and then i
immediately pray subuh and then eat breakfast. Then i exercise for about 30 minutes so that i
am always healthy and don’t easily get sick. , I usually do work out at home, by watching
youtube, such as push ups, back ups, plank, running in place, playing skipping,plank, squot,
and much more. At 06.00 i tidy up my bed.

After that, i get ready for daring class. My online class starts at 07.00 in the
morning. my online class learning through the zoom app. my class at 11 pm is my online
class break. I use that time for lunch and also pray dhuhur. then continue to study my online
class from 1 pm. on certain days, my online classes finish at 2pm and sometimes also finish
at 4pm.
After my online class was over, I went out to practice soccer with my 1 club friends.
Before starting training, I warm up first to avoid injury. After warming up, we started soccer
practice until 5.50pm. I went home, I sat for a while to relieve my fatigue and then went to
take a shower at 06.00 in the afternoon. After bathing, I prayed maghrib and recited the Al-
Qur’an until 07.00 at night followed by the Isha prayer. After that, I went to the dining room
to have dinner with my family. After dinner I went back to my room to play on my cellphone
and learned to repeat the lessons this morning so I wouldn't forget. after that at 10 pm I rest
and sleep. that's my daily life. Thank you for watching.

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