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Unit - 5

Reading Skill: Summarising Information

Reading: Chinese Cooking 

Reading: Chinese Cooking

China is one of the largest countries in the world. Over the past hundred years, Chinese culture has
spread throughout the globe. 

Today, in nearly every city around the world, you can find Chinese language classes, Chinese stores, and
Chinese restaurants.

What most people do not know is that in China, each region has a very different cuisine. "Cuisine" means
a style of cooking. While there are some foods that you can find in all regions of China, some are very
specific to certain areas because of the climate (weather) or the landscape.

Rice, noodles, soybeans, and vegetables can be found in food around China. They are staple foods. A
"staple" is something that is basic, standard or always there.

Rice is a very important part of Chinese cuisine, especially in the southern part of China where the rice
farms are. Noodles are also very important and can be found around China in soups or in dishes of their
own. Sometimes they are served hot and sometimes they are served cold.

Soybeans are also very important to Chinese cuisine. Chinese cuisine does not have any milk in it but
soybeans, tofu, and soy milk can be used in dishes where milk would be used in other cultures.

Vegetables are also found in food all over China. Many Chinese vegetables only grow in China and so
people in other countries have never tasted them.
Within China, there are eleven major different kinds of cuisine. There are only three or four of these that
are easily found outside China.

The most popular and easily found Chinese cuisine found in countries outside of China is called
Cantonese cuisine.

This cuisine comes from an area in the southeastern part of China that is called Guangdong Province.

This area is on the ocean and also has many rivers. The weather is usually wet and hot. This means that
there are specific kinds of crops (plants people grow) that can grow in the area. However, being on the
ocean and rivers means that food can come from other parts of China to the area. Both of these things
influence the kinds of food that are found in Cantonese cuisine.

People who eat Cantonese food will be able to find beef, chicken, pork, and seafood (fish) dishes. They
will also find plenty of dishes made with rice and noodles as well as lots of vegetables.

There are different kinds of cooking that are used in Cantonese cuisine, but one thing they all have in
common is that they are quick (fast). Cantonese cuisine does not have very many dishes that take hours
to cook. Usually, Cantonese food can be made in just a few minutes with fresh ingredients.

When you are eating Chinese food, it is important to remember that the food you are eating represents
(shows) just one region in China. Chinese cuisine, just like China itself, is very diverse (different) and has
many different kinds of dishes, flavours, and ingredients.

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