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10515 & 10819 /L0120 INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES Q.P. Code :04203 (Time: Three Hours) [ Marks:100) Please check whether you have got the right question Paper. NB: 1. Questions are compulsory, 2. Figure to the right indicate full marks, 3. Give case law/reasons wherever necessary. a1) Answer in 2-3 Sentences 20 paint "Good Faith ‘As Defined in The General Clauses ‘Act 1897 Define! Father’ as defined in The General Clouse: ae 1397) Explain * Delegatus non potest delegare’ Uthat is Vessel As Defined in The General Clauses act 1897 State and explain the rule of Literal Construction What is a Codifying Statute? Riba the importance of Historical Background as an aid to Interpretation Name any three Internal Aid to Statutory interpreter What is the Purpose of interpretation of Statutes What is Sententia Legis, a2) Write Short Notes (Any Four) 20 Ejusdem Generis, Consequences of Repeal of a Statute Doctrine of Prospective Overruling Proviso (its Purpose and importance) Golden Rule Preamble aa) Gutemot the Situation Based Problems (Any Two) 12 4+ Section 27 of The General Clauses Act (1897) outines the meaning of ‘Service By Post’ p. When will the Service be deemed to have been effecreas ‘Explain the Expression "Service by Post" doa nich gave jurisdiction to that Court over “any cana ay damage done by any ship" also gave jurisdiction over claims for loss of life which world ‘otherwise come under the Fatal Accidents Act(1855) 2: Explain the Applicability of the Maxim *Generalis Specialibus Non Derogant! in this case (09889037C3"714EB1 I 9EEODASSDEBSF7 a4) Los1s & 10819 /10120: INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES Q.P. Code :04203 Section 11 of the Family Courts Act 1984 reads as Under

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