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Name:Rose Mary Albutra

Grade and Section:11 STEM DIAMOND



Let me share a story that is based on a true life experience of a

girl who’s excited to become an adult . Back then there was a
little girl who eagerly wants to grow up because she thinks that it
would be fun, but little did she know that she would regret it and
wish that time would not pass by so fast. her mother probihit her
in all the things that she wants to do which lead her on thinking
that she must become an adult so that no one would stand in her
way. Now that she is a teenager and nearly becoming an adult
she realizes that it is hard and tiring. And for be able for her to
come with the flow she must relate with others, but how will she
do that? Of course she must now herself well because there is no
onw who will do that for her, now if you know the right fro wrong
that is whem maturity hits you and think that it is noteasy to pass
without anyone helping you. That is the importanc of realting
youself to others

To anyone that is struggling and confused about herself you got

this! Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from socializing with
others, make friend and be there for each other in the midst of
problems and obstacles in life. If you think that they are not good
for you then leave without any hesitation for you are the only one
who knows what is best and good for you.

Live withot second thoughts, life is short make the best things
out of it, learn to make decisions for youself and make sure that
you will gain on it.

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