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Week Number 13:

GE ENG 1 – Purposive Communication

Name of Instructor:
Name: Danica Patricia Seguerra
Year level: 1
Course: BSHM
Date Submitted:
Title: Let’s Retrieve
Things to do:

Write down the advantages and disadvantages of using

teleprompter. Use bullet form in answering. Your answer must
contain 7 advantages and 7 disadvantages.
Advantages Disadvantages

• You will not need to look

down on a paper and then • Technical difficulties
facing the camera or will arise
audience again, allowing • The operator may be too
you to focus slow or too fast for your
• You can read your speech preferred pace
without appearing like • If you’re not used to
you’re reading it, however using teleprompters, you
long it may be may feel awkward and
• You can look at all uncomfortable
directions without getting • You may speak stiffly
off track, or losing focus because you’re too focused
• Using a teleprompter on speaking every word
improves non-verbal perfectly
language since you’re • You cannot see very far
don’t have any paper or ahead on a teleprompter
cue cards on hand screen
• You won’t forget anything • It may be distracting to
you want to say, nor what read moving words
you don’t want to say • You may risk losing
• Teleprompters are audience engagement
invisible to the audience
• The use of teleprompters
increases the precision of

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity.
Titus 2:7
Content /3 Content /3
Structure /2 Structure /2

Week Number 13:

GE ENG 1 – Purposive Communication
Name of Instructor:
Name: Danica Patricia Seguerra
Year level: 1
Course: BSHM
Date Submitted:
Title: Please Justify
Things to do:
Explain your rationale on the importance of teleprompter in speech
presentation. Also, cite what common problems might be
encountered in using a teleprompter. Limit your answer in not
more than 70 words.


Reciting a speech in front of a crowd may seem daunting to others

who are not used to it, and even experienced ones sometimes forget
what they want to say or stumble on their words. The use of a
teleprompter is used for better public speaking. Not having to
memorize a long speech, improving non-verbal language, and better
eye contact and engagement with the audience are just some of the
benefits of using a teleprompter. However, problems may also arise
such as technical difficulties, stiff and awkward speech and body
language, unfamiliarity with the topic, and risk of losing
audience engagement when one reads the teleprompter like a robot.
Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity.
Titus 2:7
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Ideas and Needs Improvement Approaching standards Good Excellent
There is no clear or You put thought into this, but What you are writing about is What you are writing about is
specific explanation in there is no real evidence of clear. You answered the question. clear and well-expressed,
answer to the question. learning. More specific Some support may be lacking, or including specific examples to
information is needed or you your sentences may be a bit demonstrate what you learned.
need to follow the directions awkward. Overall, a decent job. Well done!
more closely.
Use of terms Needs improvement Approaching standards Good Excellent

No terms from the Only one term from the lesson Your answer included several Your answer included all the
lesson are used. is used in the answer. Try for terms from the lesson, terms from the lesson that
a few more, next time. demonstrating adequate applied to the question asked.
understanding of the material. All terms are fully defined and
used in the proper context.
Sentence Needs improvement Approaching standards Good Excellent
Sentences are Some sentences are complete Sentences are complete and able Sentences are complete and
incomplete or too long. and easy to undersand. Others to be understood. they connect to one another
It makes reading them require some work. easily when they are read out
difficult. loud. Your writing 'flows.'
Conventions Needs improvement Approaching standards Good Excellent

Few end marks or Mistakes using end marks or Use of punctuation marks and No punctuation or structural
capital letters. capitals as well as spelling capitals, as well as spelling, is mistakes. No spelling errors.
Answers contain mistakes make the writing hard mostly correct. Few errors exist Your writing shows full
numerous spelling or to read. in your answer. awareness of the rules of
structural errors. English use.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity.
Titus 2:7

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