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Public Speaking about SOCIAL MEDIA

Good morning to my teacher and my friends. I'm Harshini Vairakanan from 3 Kurshiah.
Today my public speaking is about social media. Social media is an internet-based
form of communication. Social media platforms allow users to have conversations,
share information, and create web content. There are advantages and disadvantages
to social media. The advantages of social media are building relationships with
friends and family members, educating yourself to attend your online classes, and
connecting anytime, anywhere at diners, malls, and other public places. The
disadvantages of social media are that ''friends'' on social media may not be
friends, and may even be strangers. More time spent on social media can lead to
cyberbullying, social anxiety, depression, and exposure to content that is not age-
appropriate. The ways to prevent strangers from hacking your account are not
sharing your details, keeping your account private, not sharing where you live,
and more because they might be waiting to collect your data to track you where you
are and rob your household when you are not at home. I hope my speech spreads
awareness to all social media influencers who are probably older or younger than
me. Thank you.

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