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I. Read the text then answer questions !

I have a friend. Her name is Nadia. She is beautiful. She has long black hair. She has pointed nose. She
also has thin lips. She is healthy. Every morning, she always goes jogging. She also drinks milk twice a
day. That's why, she has a healthy body.

1. How is Nadia ?
Answer : ...............................................................

2. How is Nadia's hair ?

Answer : ...............................................................

3. Is Nadia's nose flat ?

Answer : ...............................................................

4. What does she do in the morning ?

Answer : ...............................................................

5. Does Nadia drink milk ?

Answer : ...............................................................

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d !

1. We use eyes for ....

a. seeing
b. speaking
c. eating
d. walking

2. Boby has short black ....

a. lips
b. hair
c. hand
d. nose

3. We use .... for walking.

a. nose
b. legs
c. hands
d. head

4. We hang our bag on our ....

a. shoulder
b. stomach
c. neck
d. chess

5. Nino wears a hat on his ....

a. nose
b. elbow
c. ear
d. head
6. Nando .... to music with his ears.
a. watches
b. listens
c. looks
d. touches

7. There is a car in the ....

a. verandah
b. kitchen
c. living room
d. garage

8. We should meet our guest in the ....

a. bedroom
b. dining room
c. living room
d. warehouse

9. Mother cooks in the ....

a. bathroom
b. bedroom
c. living room
d. kitchen

10. Nikita is .... in the bedroom.

a. taking a bath
b. cooking
c. sleeping
d. playing

11. Is this a fence ?

a. Yes, it does
b. No, it does not
c. Yes, it is
d. No, it is not

12. It is very hot. Turn on the .... please !

a. television
b. radio
c. fan
d. stove

13. My sister is sweeping the ....

a. floor
b. window
c. door
d. roof

14. My mother is going to cook. She needs ....

a. vase
b. ashtray
c. stove
d. sofa
15. Father is .... on the chair.
a. standing
b. sitting
c. walking
d. running

16. A : " Does Budi study at ten PM?

B  : ....
a. Yes, he does
b. No, he does not
c. Yes, he is
d. No, he is not

17. Reno .... television in the livingroom.

a. reads
b. listens
c. watches
d. plays

18. Yolanda .... at six a.m in the morning.

a. has lunch
b. has dinner
c. has breakfast
d. has brunch

19. The students can read and borrow book in the ....
a. canteen
b. library
c. laboratorium
d. warehouse

20. What does Mr. Hasan do ?

a. He reads book
b. He brings an eraser
c. He draws a picture
d. He teaches a lesson

21. Andy goes to .... at 9 p.m

a. school
b. bed
c. library
d. class

22. The students usually have a flag ceremony on ....

a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Wednesday
d. Saturday

23. Juna wants to .... orange juice.

a. eat
b. cook
c. read
d. drink
24. The students are .... Indonesia Raya song.
a. reading
b. watching
c. singing
d. seeing

25. Niko .... the blackboard because it is very dirty.

a. cleans
b. buys
c. borrows
d. brings

26. We get a ship in the ....

a. highway
b. station
c. harbour
d. airport

27. We can see many animals in the ....

a. zoo
b. market
c. field
d. park

28. We can mail a letter in the ....

a. cinema
b. post office
c. bank
d. market

29. The moslems pray in the ....

a. mosque
b. church
c. temple
d. pagoda

30. Mr. Danang is a seller. He works in the ....

a. market
b. school
c. hospital
d. office

III. Fill the blank with suitable word !

1. We bring something with our ...............................

2. The children are playing football in the ............................................
3. A cow has .............................................. legs
4. Andra takes a bath in the ..............................................
5. The students are studying the lesson in the ......................................................
6. We must ......................................... the hand before answering.
7. Nanda is ......................................... noodle in the canteen
8. Mother goes shopping in the ...............................................................
9. The doctor works in the .......................................................................
10. We can save our money in the .............................................................................

IV. Choose the right answers!

1. He is ... years old. (45)
A. Forty Three
B. Forty Four
C. Forty Two
D. Forty Five

2. Mrs. Sally works as a dentist in the hospital. The meaning of the underline word is...
A. Dokter
B. Perawat
C. Dokter gigi
D. Apoteker

3. She is a beautiful girl. The meaning of the sentences is...

A. Dia seorang gadis pandai
B. Dia seorang gadis cantik
C. Dia seorang gadis lucu
D. Dia seorang gadis manis

4. A: What ... your hobby?

B: My hobby is dancing.
A. Are
B. Am
C. Is
D. Do

5. My hobby is C-N-D-I-G-A-N. The world in bold is...

A. Acting
B. Coloring
C. Dancing
D. Dance

6. A: ...
B: Rina likes watching movie.
A. What Rina is your hobby?
B. What is your Rina hobby?
C. What is Rina's hobby?
D. What is you hobby Rina?

7. Ayu and friends always play piano and drum at school every monday. The underline word means...
A. Menyanyi
B. Bermain piano
C. Menari
D. Bermusik

8. Ratih likes ... the movie.

A. Listening
B. Painting
C. Watching
D. Reading
9. Dinda and friends dance at school every Monday. Their hobby is...
A. Dance
B. Dancing
C. Singing
D. Painting

10. Mrs. Ratna is an English teacher. The meaning of the underline words is...
A. Penari
B. Guru
C. Penyanyi
D. Penulis

11. Mrs. Nisa buys shirts in the market. The meaning of the underline words is...
A. Kemeja
B. Rok
C. Celana
D. Celana pendek

12. 51, ... , 53, 54. The missing number is...

A. Fifty
B. Fifty two
C. Fifty three
D. Fifty One

13. I ... a student of elementary school at Kedensari 2.

A. Am
B. Live
C. Do
D. Life

14. 15 + 15 = ...
A. Thirteen
B. Thirty two
C. Thirty
D. Thirty five

15. She is playing basketball in the yard. The yard in Indonesian is...
A. Aula
B. Lapangan
C. Halaman
D. Kebun

16. 17 + 11 = ...
A. Twenty two
B. Twenty eight
C. Eighty two
D. Eigthteen two

17. is – this  – fingers – my

The correct order is ….
a. Is this my fingers
b. This is fingers my
c. This is my fingers
d. Fingers my is this

18. What part of the body is it ?

a. Leg
b. Head
c. Hand
d. Stomach

19. Nose, eye and ear are part of our ….

a. Body
b. Leg
c. Stomach
d. Head

20. We have two ears

The Indonesian sentence is ….
a. Kita punya dua jari
b. Kita punya dua tangan
c. Kita punya dua mata
d. Kita punya dua telinga

21. Tooth in Indonesian is ….

a. Gigi
b. Bibir
c. Lidah
d. Gigi

22. Itu adalah sebuah penggaris

The English sentence is ….
a. That is a ruler
b. That is a table
c. That is a flag
d. That is a book

23. Rudi  : “Is that a table?”

Rina : “No, that is not.”
Rudi  : “What is that?”
Rina : “….”
a. That is chair
b. That is whiteboard
c. That is bag
d. That is Clock

24. Whiteboard in Indonesian is ….

a. Kayu putih
b. Papan tulis hitam
c. Papan tulis putih
d. Penghapus

25. is – pencil – your – this – ?

The correct order is ….
a. Is this pencil your?
b. This is your pencil?
c. Is this your pencil?
d. Pencil your is this?

26. This is a bag

The indonesian sentece is ….
a. Ini adalah sebuah keranjang
b. Itu adalah sebuah bola
c. Ini adalah sebuah bendera
d. Ini adalah sebuah tas

27. Bayu sedang belajar

The English sentence is ….
a. Bayu is reading
b. Bayu is swimming
c. Bayu is singing   
d. Bayu is studying

28. Apakah ini seekor kuda?

The English sentence is ….
a. Is this a dog?
b. Is this a Giraffe
c. Is this a horse?
d. Is this a cat?

29. a – that – tiger – is

The correct order is ….
a. That is a tiger
b. That is tiger a
c. A tiger that is
d. Is that a tiger

30. Animal in Indonesian is ….

a. Buas
b. Peliharaan
c. Binatang
d. Tumbuhan

31. Panji : “What animal is that?”

Rino : “ That is a …. “
a. Elephant
b. Wolf
c. Bear
d. Deer

32. t – e – n – o – w – t – y – e – n
The correct word is ….
a. Twenty two
b. Thirty one
c. Twenty one
d. Thirty nine

33. Forty nine in Indonesian is

a. Empat sembiilan
b. Empat puluh delapan
c. Sembilan belas
d. Empat puluh sembilan

34. What number is it after forty six ?

a. Forty nine
b. Forty eight
c. Forty seven
d. Forty five

35. Ini adalah angka dua puluh tujuh

The english sentence is ….
a. This is number seventeen
d. This is number seventy
c. This is number twenty six
d. This is number twenty seven

36. What is the number after the number in the picture?

a. Twenty eight
b. Eighty two
c. Two Eight
d. Twenty nine

37. Grandmother in Indonesian is ….

a. Ibu
b. Tante
c. Nenek
d. Kakak perempuan

38. Kakak laki-laki in English is ….

a. Older sister
b. Little sister
c. Little brother
d. Older brother

39. Mr. Budi has a son. His name is Muhammad Laksana

A : “Who Mr. Budi for Muhammad Laksana?”
B : “Mr. Budi is Muhammad Laksana’s ….”
a. Mother
b. Brother
c. Father
d. Sister

40. Sinta is my little sister

The Indonesian sentence is ….
a. Sinta adalah ibuku
b. Sinta adalah bibiku
c. Sinta adalah kakak perempuanku
d. Sinta adalah adik perempuanku

41. Bu Ayu adalah bibiku

The english sentence is ….
a. Mrs. Ayu is my uncle
b. Mrs. Ayu is my aunt
c. Mrs. Ayu is my grandmother
d. Mrs. Ayu is my nephew


Isilah titik-titik yang ada dengan jawaban yang benar!

1. What part of the body is it ? ….............

2. We chew using our …..............

3. book – this – my – is
The correct order is …..................................

4. Tina : “What time is it?”

Sonia : “It is …................................................................................”

5. 05.10 AM. The time is ….................................................................................................. in the .........................

6. p – h – e – l – e – t – n – a
It is wild animal. The corret word is …...........................................................................

7. The number before twenty is …..................................................................................

8. Tiga puluh lima in English is ......................................................................................….

9. 07.15 AM. The time is ….................................................................................................. in the .........................

10. Mr. Handoko is Yusuf’s grandfather

Yusuf is Mr. Handoko’s.......................................

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