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Job Interview

Y: interviewer
F: interviewed
Y: Good morning, Mr. Franklin
Y: Thank you for coming to the interview
F: Good afternoon Miss.
F: Thanks for the consideration.
Y: Take a seat please.
F: Of course, thanks.
Y: My name is Yenith Salas am the administre the business “Proyect X”. Nowadays, We are
searching personal to the area of sales in marketing. We are only have one vacant.
First, thank for your interest in this business and area. I see your information and is very
interesting. But, I wan ask him more datos. I will do a questions for I listen your answer, ok.
F: Nice to me you Miss. Yenith, and with pleasure, I answer the questions.
Y: ¿What is your full name?
F: Mi name is Franklin Gómez….
Y: How old are you?
F: I have 28 years old.
Y: Ok, good , Now the questions. Have you graduated from the university?
F: Of course, I studied business Administration in the university and I graduated with honors.
Y: Perfect, is very good that information.
Y: I tell me, Why you studied that career?
F: Well, I studied the career, because my parents have a business of sales clothes. Not is very
big but, I realized than the business needed a administration than make that business will big
and have more customers. Planning new objetives and achievements in the future.
Y: Wow!! Interesting, Thanks.
Y: ¿Do you speak another lenguage?
F: Yes, I speak the English, Spanish, French.
Y: Excellent.
Y: ¿Have you some other experience apart of your parents?
F. Yes, I was working in the bank.
Y: ¿What problem have you had in your last job?
F: Well, all good, but for the pandemic. Was cutoup of personal and I haven't worked. I leave
the numbers of reference.
Y: Ok, good Mr. Franklin, it’s all we needed.
Y: One last question, Where live you now?
F: I live in the Puno City.
Y: Very good. Us we'll call you.
F: I’m glad to be interviewed. Thank Much.

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