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SSt HHw – Activity 1 Making the World a Better Place

Class IV-C

Name: Muhammad Ashar Waqas

Problems in our surroundings

We are living in a congested area of Lahore, we are facing a severe problem, and that is scarcity of clean
drinking water. The water which comes, in our tabs is polluted dirty and sewerage water is mixing with
drinking water and due to that the people of our locality are facing high risk diseases. We have made
complaint so many times to administration but all in vein. No one is solving our problem.

We have agitate it many times but no one come to meet us. When we asked to WASA people they also
showed their problem they let us know that the water and sewerage lines are to old it must be changed
but they cannot do it right now as they are facing lake of funds and it needs lot of funds. I want to know
what our position is and how we can get rid of this problem.

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