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I’ve read the text under the title «Computer Hacking – High-Tech Crime»

from Focus on Proficiency by Sue O’Connell. This text is about what hacking is
and who the hackers are. The text can be logically divided into * parts.
The first part is an introduction where the author gives a brief information
about what hacking is and who can become a hacker.
In the second part the author talks about the difficulties that the hacker can
face and also benefits of being a hacker. The author highlights the idea that hackers
can earn a huge amount of money.
In the third part the author talks about true hacker’s goals. He says that true
hacker doesn’t do its crime for money but for idea of improvement itself.
In the fourth and the last part the author describes the life on several hackers
and their achievements in their craftsmanship. He underlines the fact that a lot of
true hackers started their career in childhood.
In the last part the author tells about how companies protect themselves from
hackers by hiring another hackers. This is known as bounty-hunting.
This text was really interesting for me. I’ve learnt a lot of new information
about hacking

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