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Jean Baudrillard

Simulacra and Simulation

Saifullah Sohail – 1915123

Bsms 6A
Simulation is something that exists in reality and an imitation or similar working of that thing is
created in the present time. Jean Baudrillard tells us how people are disconnected from the real-
time in which they are living and working in. To the point where people get the confusion about
telling this apart from that what is real and correct. For example, if someone is told to hurt or
injured or ill the person would turn that into reality thus confusing himself in what is a
simulation or being actually needing help. As Jean Baudrillard told us at the start of his writing
that this present world is too much dependent on the maps and previously created things that we
might be lost or away from reality with is somewhat remaining part of maps of our world.

According to him, the world is very artificial to what it really was but somewhat a depiction of
reality because even something fake or artificial requires an extent of reality. In short, we face
difficulty in what is real and what is not.

Defining the image of the present world he said that the simulacra he is relating to the world are
a copy of the past-modern world or an illusion. Then he’s telling that now in this post-modern
world we are experiencing the simulacra which are in representation real, now there is no
difference between what is real and what is representation or fake.

Jean Baudrillard describes and gives us the example of Disneyland that it is imagination and
what is reality. It would be fair to say that Baudrillard think that reality is somewhat reflected in
representation and ways of American base of history, thinking and past. But the effort to
differentiate in reality and fantasy, the desperate attempt to hide the difference between them,
and that all America is Disneyland as he said that “surrounding it are no longer real but order of
hyper real of simulation.”

Reality is not some twisted theory but a culture code that is establishing way of life in America
through Disneyland.

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